• Aceng Kosasih Departemen Pendidikan Umum FPIPS Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Mokh. Iman Firmansyah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Variants, Religion, Nationality, Radical Extreme, Students


Almost every day we read and watch news about terrorism in print and electronic media.Religion is a strong motive sticking out of the case with these extreme and radical indicators.The distribution of networks and recruitment has also spread to various groups of people, even now it has spread to the campus world.Students as agents of change are certainly very dangerous if they are exposed to an extreme radical understanding in the name of religion for the future of the Republic of Indonesia.This article is the result of research aimed at describing and analyzing variants of students' understanding of religion (Islam) and about nationality.By using a qualitative descriptive method of 119 respondents showedorganizational activities and literacy have colored the variant of respondents' perceptions about Islamic teachings and about nationality.Their perceptions are grouped in two variants namely most are moderate and conservative in a small part.Most respondents disagreed with the radical and even extreme movements of Muslim groups in Indonesia in the name of jihad.They consider NKRI is a form of the state and Pancasila as the right base in the midst of Indonesia's diversity which is implemented in the form of obedience and obedience to the legitimate government chosen through a state-agreed system (elections), upholding human rights values ​​and religious tolerance.As for a small proportion of respondents with conservative variants agree to the implementation of the khilafah in Indonesia with two perceptions.Khilafah in the first perception is to uphold Islamic law (cut off hands when stealing, stoning when committing adultery and drunkenness) and replace the democratic system in the second perception.Thus, the organizational activity and religious literacy of the respondents color their perceptions toward moderate variants with characteristics of contextual, tolerant, inclusive understanding and towards conservative variants with characteristics of textual, fanatical, and exclusive understanding.


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