• Putri Ariadne Prajnaparamytha Linguistik, Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Functional Systemic Linguistics, Interpersonal, Gender


This study attempts to examine the interpersonal meaning between teachers and students in a senior high school (SMAN) in Bandung in a discipline strategy. The Data analysis uses systemic functional linguistic studies (SFL) to identify interpersonal meanings of teachers and students through a sign system that can be analyzed based on language structure and language usage. In addition, researcher want to reveal how language is used and organized, deals with the grammar used as a basic for speakers to produce more functional meaning. This research uses descriptive method through a qualitative approach. The data source is in the form of field observation technique because the data used are in the form of conversations between teachers and students that are transcribed through a text. The results of this study will show about the extent of speech functions influence heard by speakers and hearers in disciplinary strategies at school and gender issues influence of speakers and hearers in disciplinary strategies at school. The conclusion of this paper will prove that there are various influences from disciplinary strategies at school based on the style of language used by speakers which are also influenced by the gender differences between speakers and hearers.


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