• Fikri Manalani Kurniasari Prodi (KPI) Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, UMY
  • Uswatun Khasanah Prodi Ekonomi Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, UMY
  • Siti Kalimah Prodi Ekonomi Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, UMY
Keywords: Literature Study, Street Children, Self Concept, Sexual Addiction


A teenegers, finding their identity and personality is a concept of self, which is the reason in every behavior decision that is produced, for example is the sexual behavior that some street children do. Based on data taken from the DKK Semarang in 2014, there were 9 cases of infectious diseases and 104 cases of premarital pregnancy in adolescents. While the results of researchers from PPH said that the results of field observations of 43 vulnerable street children aged 15 to 18 years in Jakarta, 80% of them claimed to have experience of having sex with the opposite sex or their girlfriend. Therefore researchers interested in conducting research on self-concepts that are formed in street children so that they conduct sexual behavior and to cause sexual addiction. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques using in-depth study of literature and analysis so as to get the conclusions that the researchers want to find and disseminate to the public. Studies reveal the concept of self comes from several factors, including the role of parents, peers, the environment, society, and the learning process.It affects the establishment of the concept of self sexual behavior, namely morals, self-esteem and passion. As a result of study analysis, street childern are living in a space with no rules, causing them to have negative self-concepts. Such negative self concept that becomes the basis of sexual behavior that causes sexual addiction.


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