• Ni Made Ariani Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa Asing, Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
Keywords: introduction strategy, local cultural values, Indonesian Language for Foreigners


Language and culture are intricately interwoven to each other. The interwoven can be observed in the foreign language learning process. A language is able to reflect cultural values, while a culture simultaneously contributes toward the language development, which is very dynamic. This article aims to investigate the challenges in introducing local cultural values in the Indonesian Language for Foreigners learning process and the strategies, which can be implemented in solving the challenges. The data source of this research utilizes the case study of Darmasiswa Republic of Indonesia (DRI) Program at Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mahasaraswati University Denpasar academic year of 2019 / 2020. The goal of this Darmasiswa program is to increase the interest among the international students from countries who have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia toward Indonesian language and culture. Observation method is utilized in identifying the challenges in the learning process at the classroom. 3 out of the total 13 students prefer to study culture; meanwhile the other 10 students prefer to study grammar. The process of balancing the delivery portions of teaching material appears to be the challenge in the learning process. The strategies that can be applied are by providing cultural classes frequently with varied topics and cultural activities. In addition, using teaching materials with culture related topics can also be applied in order to support 4 skill sets in language learning, which are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.


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