Character education is an effort to develop human’s personality based on nation’s views of life which is reflected through culture values and character which grows in a nation. The development of technology gives big impacts to many aspects of life mainly in education. The technology development must be followed by character education because it is very important to be taught since the early age in kindergarten level, because it is started from this age we can des ign the nation’s
future generation to grow. Since the level of kindergarten we can make the paradigm and characteristic so that we can be an advance in nation life supported by a good moral. If we refer to the purpose of national education, so the character education itself has 18 values, they are : religious, honest, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, nationalism, love the motherland, appreciation for the achievement, communicative, love peace, reading in habits, care for
the environment, socialism, and responsibility. In the implementation of the character education, the local genius should be noted in daily life. The local genius will support the proses of character education implementation itself. In Bali, there is some a value which can be used to grow a good character education for children. The value has grown in the society and it is really appropriate to be used as a guidance to create a good character generation which is implemented through Tri Hita
Karana. The implementation of Tri Hita Karana in early age should be done because the brain of early age children still in growth phase quickly. The brain will use each experience or information that happens continuously and it will waste something which happens at once or for something that has no high emotional context. To understand the implementation of character education based on Tri Hita Karana, the writer will describe the implementation of character education and Tri Hita Karana in
kindergarten level.
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