• Gede Sedana Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Dwijendra, Denpasar
Keywords: Poverty, agriculture, agribusiness, development, sustainability


The poverty alleviation program must be carried out by the government as one of the objectives of the millennium development goals. The agricultural sector in Indonesia is identified with poverty, so a pro-agriculture development approach is needed through the sustainable agriculture development which consists of three main components, namely social, economic and environmental aspects. One alternative that needs to be applied is the agribusiness approach to realize the improvement of the welfare of farm families. An agribusiness approach in the form of agriculture that is modern, resilient and professional by integrating all subsystems in agribusiness. The government should create a conducive economic climate to encourage each sector to play a role in advancing agriculture, and not to bring about ego-sectoral. The agricultural sector must be seen as a locomotive of development to improve the welfare and purchasing power of farm families. Therefore, the development of sustainable agriculture can reduce poverty in rural areas.


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