This study aimed to 1) analyze and describe 21st century skills, and 2) analyze and describe the potential of local culture-based activities for elementary school children. The design of this study was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were several prominent figures of Balinese culture. Data collections were done through literature review, interview guidelines, and document recording. The data obtained were analyzed and presented by descriptive qualitative. The findings in this study indicated that, 21st century skills in elementary school students were 4C (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, and creativity and innovation). The potential local culture-based activities supporting the development of communication skills were greeting, mesatua and gending bali; the development of collaboration skills supported by traditional Balinese games activities such as megoak-goakan and other; the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills supported by the activity of mesatua bali; and the development of creativity and innovation skills supported by the activities of creating Balinese traditional worship craft tools such as canang, gebogan and klakat.
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