Students are the future of the nation that must be well educated in order to have integrity and have good character to be able to compete in the international world. Various attempts were made to improve the quality of Indonesian education. The teacher's example must be the main grip, so that the mirror of the future of successful students is a mirror of the fruit of the teacher's professional and good character. This study aims to determine the implementation of communication ethics of students to teachers and the implementation of communication ethics of teachers to students in learning activities at SMA Dwijendra Denpasar. Data collection methods used were questionnaires and interviews. The analysis technique was descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of research that students' communication ethics in learning activities are students dressed neatly according to the rules, greeting, not harassing the teacher, speaking politely and politely, not interrupting the conversation, knocking on the door and asking permission when they want to enter and exit the class during the learning activities , able to control the volume and intonation of the voice, orderly and pay attention when learning activities and put forward discussions when there are policies that are not approved by students. Whereas based on research on students about the ethics of teacher communication are: always greeting, looking clean and neat, using clear language, polite and friendly in speaking, not easily provoked emotions, good non-verbal communication, able to speak clearly and good intonation when teaching, respecting students, and using learning media. Suggestions that need to be considered should teachers and students hold normatively about the ethics of communication in learning activities in schools
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