• Zahra Annisha Harahap Prodi Linguistik Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: conversation analysis, interaction influence, repair mechanism


This study investigates the interaction between front office (Teller) and customer in financial transaction that uses STAR TELLER machine at Bank Central Asia. Data analysis uses conversation analysis (CA) to identify the pattern, influence of interaction, and repair mechanism. Based on data analysis, interaction patterns include the process of conversation opening with greeting, question, request, making a conversation that builds intimacy, and the prosses of conversation ending with closing stages. This study is categorized as qualitative descriptive research. Field observation technique is used in this study to collect the data, because it is a conversation between front office and customer which transcribed into a text. The results of this study show that the interaction pattern includes greeting, question, and closing stages always exist in front office interaction to the customer in financial transaction at the bank. The repair frequently conducted after the hearer’s initiation. This study also aims to disclose the problems that frequently occur in a conversation and interaction.


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