This research is motivated by the reality of Pancasila whose existence is getting weaker, due to the erosion of Indonesian culture due to the negative impact of the development of information and communication technology brought about by the industrial revolution 4.0. This study aims to determine the role of governor's regulations No. 79 of 2018 in strengthening Pancasila as well as tackling the erosion of culture in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative. Research data were collected through literature study and documentation. The results of this study were through the use of traditional clothing, Balinese people can realize their identity and identity as Balinese people who are an inseparable part of this pluralist and multicultural Indonesian nation. Through the use of traditional clothing, the Balinese are invited to explore the characters and their understanding as Balinese as a whole. The use of traditional Balinese clothing can build pride and increase the user's confidence in the local cultural specialties. Pride and self-confidence that in turn will stimulate the rise of a sense of patriotism or nationalism of its users. The use of Balinese traditional clothing is in fact able to enhance and strengthen the spiritual life of the Balinese people as supporters of the culture.
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