• Ida Ayu Candrika Dewi Program Studi Agribisnis,Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: Tourism Village, Farmers Welfare


The existence of the agricultural industry which is a big employer is expected to be able to realize a more independent economic growth. The rapid development of tourism in Bali does not only cause positive impacts such as increased regional income, job creation, and increased welfare. This research uses the author's empirical research methods. This type of research used in this study is empirical research or in other words research that focuses on examining a phenomenon or condition of the object of research in detail. Tourism Village is a community or community consisting of residents of a limited area that can interact with each other directly under a management and have awareness and awareness. One example of the development of a tourist village in Plaga, Badung Regency, is an example of an agro-tourism object that utilizes organic farming activities as a tourist attraction and agricultural activities. Agricultural activities in the Agricultural Village were immediately entrusted to local farmers in the village. Conclusions obtained. The concept of agricultural tourism villages emphasizes cooperation between farmers, the government and agricultural extension workers. In this case the role of government is very important where the government can support the programs that will be run. Combining agriculture with tourism is a very interesting innovation. It is hoped that the tourism village can increase the income of the farmers as well as the people in the rural areas so that the community or farmers will be far more prosperous and more independent.


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