• Ni Putu Yunika Sulistyawati Program Studi Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: Control of Bums and Beggars


The flow of urbanization to Badung Regency and other cities is getting bigger along with regional economic growth. On the other hand the available employment opportunities and business opportunities in the city turned out to be unable to accommodate the perpetrators of urbanization because of the limited skills possessed in the area of origin so as to cause one of the problems, namely the occurrence of homeless people and beggars. External These factors can occur partially and also together or influence each other between one factor to another. Internal factors include: (i) poverty, (ii) age, (iii) low levels of formal education, (iv) parental consent, (v) low level of skills, (vi) mental attitude, while external factors include; (i) hydrological conditions, (ii) agricultural conditions, (iii) physical infrastructure and facilities conditions, (iv) access to information and business capital, (v) primitive conditions in urban communities, (vi) weaknesses in handling bums and beggars in the city. The problem here is how the Badung Regency Government's Efforts in Handling Homeless and Beggars The purpose of this study is to find out the problems related to the Badung Regency Government's Efforts in Handling Homeless and Beggars  The type of research the author uses in this study is legal research with the empirical aspects related to the efforts of the Government of Badung Regency in Dealing with Tramps and Beggars solving the problem must include two aspects namely; (i) conditions in the area of origin, (ii) condition of the destination area. The principle is that prevention efforts are carried out in the original area so that they are not compelled to leave their villages and earn a living in the city by opening jobs in the village. Whereas on the other hand, countermeasures are at the destination "must" be addressed or handled so that they are no longer interested in becoming homeless and beggars in Badung Regency, because they will not get any more income.


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