This study aims to determine the effect of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution on Indonesia's socioeconomic performance. The research method used is quantitative research. Research data were analyzed with quantitative descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the 4.0 Industrial Revolution which also hit Indonesia since 2010 had an effect on Indonesia's socioeconomic performance. The effect is positive and negative. From the positive side, it can be seen from various macro indicators since 2010-2018, for example Indonesia's economic growth which shows that despite a downward trend, it still remains in the range of 5%. The number of labor force employed continues to increase at the same time as unemployment and poverty continue to decline. Another positive note can be seen from the improved performance of the Human Development Index (HDI). Besides that, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 also had a negative side. This can be seen from the advances in technology that made several companies that could not adapt eventually bankrupt. The occurrence of new criminal acts in the business world such as fraud, extortion and others. In addition, easy access to information, especially in social media, makes it easy to spread hoaxes, hate speech and cyber persecution.
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