• Dinda Noor Azizah Program Studi Linguistik Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: presupposition,, semiotics,, Charles Sanders Pierce,, slogan,, advertisement.


The success of a company in marketing its products cannot be separated from how the company
promotes the product. One way to market a product is to place advertisements with slogans and
images so that the product is better known and easily remembered widely by consumers. To be
able to attract the attention of consumers, language and signs have an important role and purpose,
due to these two things, advertisers can be delivered and can be accepted by consumers without
raising doubts as a commercial goal. Based on these perceptions, the author interested in
discussing the Relationship of Presupposition with Signs in the Airlines Advertising Slogan. The
purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the types of presuppositions and identify the
relationship of the sign in the ad with the assumption on the slogan. This study uses a qualitative
method and to obtain the data needed in this study, the authors carry out the following steps (1) the
author categorizes and analyzes all the slogans into six types of presupposition sentences based on
Yule's presupposition theory (2) connecting all the presupposition sentences with a sign based on
the Semiotic theory put forward by Pierce contained in the airline advertisement video (3)
summarizing the results of the analysis in accordance with the research question. The results show
that the analysis of presuppositions and semiotics found in advertisements is said to have
succeeded in generating assumptions or presuppositions about the characteristics of each slogan
and the icons of the ad videos produced because they relate to each other to the speech partners.
This happens because the presupposition reflects on the video ad as a linguistic sign term.


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