• I Nengah Sudiarta Program Studi PPKn, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Dwijendra
  • Ni Made Intan Maulina Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: Development, education, extension, community, participatory


Development is an effort or process of change, in order to achieve better level of welfare or quality of life of a community. In developing agriculture, high quality human resources are needed, especially field agriculture instructors who carry out their duties with farmers. Education in agricultural development becomes a very important component in increasing the capacity and competence of agricultural extension workers and also the farming community. The education and training of an instructor becomes important for the development of knowledge and professionalism. Based on the target approach to be achieved, there are three approaches to education in agricultural extension, namely individuals, groups, and mass. A combination of these three approaches needs to be done in order to obtain efficient and effective results. As an educational process, agricultural counseling is carried out in order to apply participatory principles. The agricultural education approach needed is participatory education which involves the active role of the farming community in the development process, from the planning stage to the evaluation.


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