Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) Journal Systems<p>Dunia kini tengah menyongsong era revolusi industri 4.0, dalam segenap pembangunan lingkungan binaan, konstruksi di sektor properti dan infrastruktur, seni dan budaya. Profesional di bidang tersebut harus bekerja secara kreatif, inovatif dan multidisiplin guna dapat memanfaatkan disrupsi teknologinya. Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah mengubah dunia sebagaimana revolusi generasi 1.0 melahirkan sejarah, ketika tenaga manusia dan khewan digantikan kemunculan mesin (mesin uap pada abad ke-18). Selanjutnya revolusi 2.0, ditandai dengan kemunculan pembangkit tenaga listrik dan motor pembakaran. Penemuan itu memicu kemunculan pesawat telepon, mobil, pesawat terbang dan lainnya. Yang mengubah wajah dunia secara signifikan. Kemudian revolusi generasi 3.0 ditandai dengan kemunculan teknologi digital dan internet. Selanjutnya, pada saat ini revolusi generasi 4.0 telah menemukan pola tatkala disrupsi teknologi hadir begitu cepat. Di mana teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya. Tidak hanya dalam proses produksi melainkan juga di seluruh rantai nilai industri sehingga melahirkan model bisnis yang baru dengan basis digital guna mencapai efisiensi yang tinggi dan kualitas produk yang lebih baik.</p> <p>Ada beberapa prinsip rancangan industri 4.0 yang memungkinkan setiap perusahaan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengimplementasikan berbagai scenario industri tersebut. Menurut Wikipedia, revolusi industri 4.0 memiliki empat prinsip, di antaranya adalah: (1) Interoperabilitas (kesesuaian); kemampuan mesin, perangkat, sensor dan manusia untuk terhubung dan saling berkomunikasi satu sama lain melalui media internet untuk segalanya atau internet untuk khalayak. (2) Transformasi informasi kemampuan sistem informasi untuk menciptakan salinan dunia fisik secara virtual dengan memperkaya model pabrik digital dengan data sensor. (3) Bantuan teknis; pertama kemampuan sistem bantuan untuk membantu manusia mengumpulkan data dan membuat visualisasi agar dapat membuat keputusan yang bijak. Kedua, kemampuan sistem siber-fisik untuk membantu manusia melakukan berbagai tugas yang berat, tidak menyenangkan atau tidak aman bagi manusia. (4) Keputusan Mandiri; kemampuan sistem siber-fisik untuk membuat keputusan dan melakukan tugas semandiri mungkin.</p> <p>Dalam seminar nasional ini yang bertema: “Pembangunan Lingkungan Binaan, Seni dan Budaya pada Era Revolusi Industri 4.0” membahas dan mendiskusikan tentang hal-ihwal yang melatar belakangi, sejarah dan prinsip-prinsip rancangan industri 4.0 ini guna memperoleh pemahaman yang benar dan baik serta optimal dalam mengimplikasikan dan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sepenuhnya.</p> & Daftar Isi2020-01-16T02:23:43+08:00Eproceeding Universitas<p>Cover & Table Of Contents</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) BALI DI ERA DISRUPSI 4.02020-01-23T06:18:54+08:00Tjok Oka Artha Ardana<p>Era Disrupsi 4.0 adalah masa dimana informasi dan teknologi berkembang pesat dan digunakan sebagai bagian kehidupan sehari-hari. Era Disrupsi ditandai oleh betapa mudahnya seseorang untuk menemukan informasi yang dibutuhkannya melalui Internet of Things. Fenomena ini dikenal sebagai “Demokratisasi Data”. </p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) REVOLUSI INDUSTRI PADA ARSITEKTUR DAN LINGKUNGAN BINAAN2020-01-23T06:19:03+08:00Titien<p>Saat ini sudah menjadi pembicaraan masyarakat tentang keseharian kita dalam era Revolusi Industri 4.0 ini. Meskipun belum jelas benar, masyarakat asyik memperbincangkan dan menyangkutkan kehidupannya dengan Revolusi Industri 4.0. Apa sebenarnya Revolusi Industri 4.0 itu? Jawabannya bisa berbagai macam, bergantung pada issue apa yang diminati masyarakat. Dalam pendidikan tinggi dan yang menyangkut latar belakang pendidikan penulis ialah issue arsitektur dan lingkungan binaan. Tulisan ini mengelaborasi hal tersebut.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) DAN SENI RANCANG BANGUN DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.02020-01-23T06:19:11+08:00I Ketut<p>The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a challenging era at once as a chance for the architectural world. The architects are obligated to be able to catch the chance and to adapt their profession on the digital and cyber era if their identity still exists. The study is qualitative research with interpretative descriptive approach. The relationship theory of Michel Foucault’s power-discipline becomes the analysis base on the primary and secondary data. The research result shows that the creativity and art strength in the domain of design, are still becoming the important point for the architects at the fourth “their flexibility”, the architect will be capable to manage every their design project. The ability to transform the local genius in the present nuance should be explored as a part of the digital<br>community’s collective creativity. The collaborations between the strength creativity power and art, with the digital and cyber technology (virtuality), become a challenge at once as a profession chance for the architects at future.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) PERMUKIMAN TEPIAN SUNGAI WALANAE DI DESA WELADO KECAMATAN AJANGALE KABUPATEN BONE2020-01-23T06:19:17+08:00Fadhil Sururfadhilsurur@gmail.comMuhammad<p>The development of the Walanae River in Bone District continues to provide the benefits for society. The activity and the daily needs of the society who lived around the river very dependent on the river. Since long time ago, the civilization which lived around the river banks have a unique characteristic, they tend to make the river as a direction of their residence orientation. Today, the Walanae River is experiencing physical changes marked by catastrophic floods, pollution, and landslides. So, the activities of the society have to undergo an adaptation process. The process encouraged the emergence of a pattern of community living, especially in Welado Village, Ajangale District. The aim of this research was to find the characteristics of riverbank settlement patterns and to identify the elements that make up the settlement environment. The research approach that we used was qualitative descriptive by promoting the exploration methods. The data are presented in narrative, map and numerical form. The results showed that the village of Welado Village was developed with the Walannae River as the main source of life. The structure of the settlement pattern of the area was a linear stage house which follows the elongated river pattern. The orientation of the building with the front facade leads to the road while the flat topography influenced the adaptation to flooding disasters.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) TEMA ARSITEKTUR HIJAU PADA TAPAK GREEN SCHOOL DI SIBANG KAJA2020-01-23T06:19:26+08:00Ayu Putu Utari Parthami Putu Gede Windhu Mariada Rijasa<p>It’s become a general understanding that the green architectural theme on a building is an important option at presents in other to keep the harmonious relationship among the buildings, the human being and the environment in accordance with Tri Hita Karana gospel. But there are not many able to know<br>that the green architecture has also to be applied to the building’s exterior design. The green School is a building of educational function and training item in other to increase the students’activity learning, at an indoor room or outside one. It’s located at the costum village of Sidang Kaja, Abiansemal subdistrict, Badung regency, Bali. The implementation of the green architecture theme has literally been seen on the building of Greeen School, such as the natural material aplication, the usaga of the renewable resource, etc. Ir’s to be intersting to discuss what the Green School also applies the green architectural concept on its exterior design. The research aims to compare the green architecture theme criteria with descriptive analysis method through the gained data at the field, and also through the supporting literature. At the end of the research, it’s known that green architecture theme parameters have been applied at the Green School, as the effort to honour the natural exterior contour. Furthermore, the following item can be concluded from the research that the lack of efforts apply the green architecture theme on the exterior design because the parameters are very few. It generates that the designers is less of an enthusiastic mode utilizing the theme and only exceeding the building design. It’s also important to be raised the new point in implementing the Green Architecture on the exterior design.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) GEDUNG LABORATORIUM SEBAGAI BAGIAN TERINTEGRASI RUMAH SAKIT2020-01-23T06:19:34+08:00I Made<p>The development will continue because the need for facilities continues to grow along with population growth, technological developments, and the development of modes that are in line with the times. The development, of course, must be through careful planning so that the development process runs<br>smoothly and the results are in accordance with their needs and functions. A hospital is an area with a complex function that must be used to meet the needs of plenary health services, education and training, as well as research and development on health science and technology. The laboratory is one of the most important facilities that support optimal hospital functions. The design of the laboratory at Klungkung General Hospital is a building that prioritizes functions, must comply with safety and health standards. The laboratory design which is a renovation of the old laboratory building accommodates more functions in accordance with the input from hospital management, namely the function of the laboratory and service area, patient service facilities, TB Dots room,<br>archive room, hospital blood bank, IT room, and office laboratory administration that must be connected to the polyclinic administration office in the building next to it. The result of the design is the design of a laboratory building consisting of one building mass with spaces that accommodate facilities according to the function requirements at the Klungkung General Hospital. The appearance of the building with the Bali-Modern concept, because it is in accordance with the location of buildings located on the island of Bali with the preservation of traditional Balinese architecture and modern day considerations and the latest laboratory equipment technology and reflects clean and sterile conditions, so that the Bali-Modern display is most appropriate for use.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) PERSEPSI PENGGUNA TERHADAP KUALITAS RUANG TERBUKA PUBLIK KOMPLEKS DI ALUN-ALUN UTARA SURAKARTA2020-01-23T06:19:46+08:00Ghufroni<p>Square (alun-alun) is a strategic public open space in the center of the city in Java which for socio-culture people activity. In Java square divide into two parts that are north square and south square. North square is more complex then south square which has an attractiveness. There is a spatial configuration between activity and physical setting in this area to the facility around it that is great mosque, market, <em>bangsal</em>, kiosks, and the Surakarta kingdom facility. The problem of this study there is a quality decrease of public open space when it uses for market building relocation so that a different pattern of activity which spontaneity around the open space. This study for identifying, 1) index of quality of public open space based on user perception how the level of responsibility, democracy, meaningfully dan maintenance 2) the Important of element factors that influence the user's perception in choosing Square public open space. </p> <p>This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods. Qualitative method used for to know how the problem and user perception to the public open space while the perception is related to physical quality and important elements that influence the random sampling technique of 100 visitors and 40 merchants. In testing and analysis, quantitative methods are used as primary data obtained in the field, then analysis with Multidimensional scaling on the IBM SPSS program to see configuration patterns, Stress and RSQ levels and perception maps. The results and discussion show that the public open space quality index is 58, 66% (sufficient). Level of responsibility 59,1%, Democracy 59.4% Meaningfully 65.3% and maintenance 50.8%. The lowest value for public open space elements is seat 46, 57% and the highest value of the ease of access is 79.57%. Multidimensional Scaling results are STRESS 0, 47086 and RSQ 0, 35845. Factors that influence users' perceptions in choosing public open spaces are Pedestrian 1, 87 (rank 1), Seating 1.82 (rank 2), Parking 1.45 (Rank 3). Seating gets the lowest score of 46.5% and the highest value Access reaches 79.5%. Effective activity time is 12.00-16.00 based on place centred mapping. The location is crowded and many sellers of food/drink are the determinants of visitors' perceptions. Visitors and traders are dominated by women (57%). The conclusion is that the elements that influence the public open space are seating and pedestrians. The user's perception of the quality of public open space is enough with a value of 51.52%. The characteristics of visitors are dominated by visitors from within the city with shopping destinations that visit during the day at 10:00-15.00, while traders are dominated by souvenir and non-food traders (goods), with models of kiosks and stalls with rental status open between 09.00- 3:00 p.m. Based on the results of this study, researchers concluded that it is necessary to do planning and designing public open spaces to improve quality.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) KONSEP HULU TEBEN KARANG UMAH DESA BAYUNG GEDE, KINTAMANI2020-01-23T06:19:57+08:00Ni Made Mitha Wayan Ardiarani Utami Bagus Mahadwijati<p>The Balinese spatial system and traditional architecture is a cultural heritage that should be preserved. One of Balinese traditional spatial and architectural concepts is <em>hulu-teben</em>. This concept divides an area, both in macro and micro level, into <em>hulu</em> which is sacred and teben that is profane. Bali Aga villages generally use the <em>hulu-teben</em> concept either at the macro or the village level and micro or the housing unit / <em>karang umah</em> level, but this concept is not applied uniformly. One of the Bali Aga villages that has a unique <em>hulu-teben</em> concept is the Bayung Gede Village, especially at the micro-scale, namely the housing unit or <em>karang umah</em>. This article tries to elaborate on the uniqueness of the <em>hulu-teben</em> concept of Bayung Gede Village through a spatial system dialogue, especially the <em>hulu-teben</em> concept of several Bali Aga villages with Bayung Gede Village. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method through observation and study of literature on similar studies. The findings obtained are that the <em>hulu-teben</em> on the micro-scale or <em>Karang umah</em> in the Bali Aga villages generally follows the<em> hulu-teben</em> on the macro/village scale, but the village of Bayung Gede has its own uniqueness, that is, the <em>hulu-teben</em> of <em>karang umah</em> follows the concept of the <em>Sanggah mehulu ke tegehe</em> and <em>yeh membah ke tebe</em>n. As a result, the <em>hulu</em> zone is far from <em>Rurung Gede</em> or the village main road as the axis that connects the village<em> hulu</em> and<em> teben</em>.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) TRADISIONAL BADUNG DALAM KAJIAN AKSESIBILITAS BAGI PENGGUNA DAN BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS2020-01-23T06:20:34+08:00Frysa Wiriantari maheswarimolek@gmail.comI Ketut Adhimastra maheswarimolek@gmail.comA. A. Ayu Sri Ratih Yulianasari<p>The market within the city, showing high respect for the market as the centre of the crowd's life, as the market as part of society's life is an integral part of the existence of a city. The Market as one place public space should be universal and able to be a container for everyone from normal people to people who have special needs/diffable. Therefore, accessibility principles must be kept in mind. This article focuses on the study of the accessibility elements in the traditional Badung market which is located in the city of Denpasar, Bali. In principle, this market is intended for all layers of society designed based on the needs of people to move safely, comfortably and easily achieved for everyone including diffable people.</p> <p>Hence the formulation of the research problem is: 1. Is the Badung traditional market been designed based on the needs for everyone including diffable people (with special needs)? 2. How are the architectural elements for diffable (special needs) in the Badung traditional market? This research is done by a direct observation method (observation), measurement of the necessary objects and documenting the data studied. The results still reflect some inconsistency with the standards that exist for a public facility primarily for diffable people. For this, it is advisable to pay attention to the things that are needed by the diffable people (with special needs) in the planning and provision of public facilities especially in the traditional market of Badung.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) UTAMA HOTEL RESORT BERDASARKAN CIVITAS PENGELOLA HOTEL RESORT DI TABANAN2020-01-23T06:20:43+08:00I Putu Wahyu Jambika<p><em>The rapid development of tourism in Bali has an effect on accommodation facilities in the form of hotels that must be available, including in Tabanan. This force the architect to also know about what is needed in designing a hotel and what the hotel facilities look like. The hotel is a building that provides rooms for guests to stay, food & beverages, as well as other facilities needed and managed professionally to make a profit</em><em>.</em><em> Knowledge of hospitality is important considering the activities in a hotel are so crowded and demand professionalism in their activities. Based on these problems, the authors raised the title of the main resort hotel facilities based on the civitas management of resort hotels in Tabanan which according to the author is very important in the process of designing a hotel. The goal is to get more detailed knowledge about the activities in the operation of a hotel in each department starting from Front Office Department, House Keeping Department, Food & Beverage Department, Accounting Department, Engineering Department, Security Department, Purchasing Department, up to managerial parts like Director and General Manager. From the results of the analysis it was found that the main facilities of resort hotels based on the hotel management civitas can be grouped based on existing departments then by knowing what activities are carried out by the hotel management community then we can find out what facilities the hotel managers need. </em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) LIMBAH KONSTRUKSI PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN DI BALI2020-01-23T06:20:51+08:00I Komang Adi<p><em>The construction sector is one of the important sectors to develop the economy. Minimizing construction waste has become an important issue and we recommend that the construction waste management system be appliedin all construction project. Activities on construction projects will cause waste, whether it is solid, liquid or gas waste. Many factors can cause construction waste. If the waste produced is not managed properly, it will disrupt the activities of the construction project itself and the environment around the project. Based on these problems, the research is carried out which aims to determine what factors are the cause of the emergence of construction waste on a project and how it is carried out on construction projects in Bali. From the results of the analysis it was found that the dominant factors that caused the emergence of construction waste were factors: lack of knowledge and skills, poor material handling, poor quality materials, inappropriate work methods. The most widely carried out construction waste management activities in projects in Bali included in the reduction category are: strict and periodic supervision of workers to minimize errors, have clear material handling procedures and material storage procedures, use of modular components to possible design, storage of material that avoids weather disruptions and is easy to reach, estimates the material needed carefully and carefully so as to</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) ARSITEKTUR PURA (HINDU) DAN LANGGAR (ISLAM) DI DESA BUNUTIN KABUPATEN BANGLI2020-01-23T06:21:00+08:00Anak Agung Gede Agung<p><em>In Indonesia, there are six religions, namely Islam, Hinduism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism and Confucianism and have different forms of worship. Related to this, in an area on the island of Bali there are Hindu places of worship with the presence of two types of sacred buildings, namely the building of Hindus and Muslims in one temple area, the temple name is Pura Dalem Jawa or often called Pura Langgar, which is located in the Village Bunutin, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency. This Pura Dalem Jawa is the same as temple in general which has three mandalas. What makes this temple different is that there is one langgar that is combined with Balinese carvings. Related to this, this temple is very interesting to understand the history and the beauty of the size of its culture.</em></p> <p><em> The formulation of the problem raised is: What is the effect on the existence of violations in the Pura Dalem Jawa? And Why is the Langgar building located in the main mandala ?. Limitation The problem is from identifying the problem, the author will only discuss the acculturation of Langgar (Islamic) and Pura (Hindu) architecture in Bunutin Village, Kintamani sub-district, Bangli Regency.</em></p> <p><em> In general, the structure or floor plan of the temple in Bali is divided into three parts, namely: jaba pura or jaba pisan (outer courtyard), jaba tengah (middle courtyard) and Jeroan (inner courtyard). A temple is surrounded by walls (Balinese = penyengker) as sacred boundaries. Langgar is a building for Muslim prayer services. With a large enough size. Although it can accommodate enough people to carry out congregational prayers, this building cannot be used for congregational prayer activities because it does not fulfill the Friday prayers.</em><em> The existence of Langgar in Pura Dalem Jawa began when Ida Dewa Mas Blambangan fell ill and the condition for him to be healthy and used to have descendants was to make the langgar, the condition was according to God's will. The pattern of architectural acculturation seen in the Pura Dalem Jawa is seen. In Jaba Pura or outside temple or the western part of the Temple there are five water taps, for Hindus this tap is used for washing ceremonial materials, while Muslims use it as a place of ablution or cleanse themselves before worship. In the Offal area there are three buildings, including the Break / Holy Gedong Building, Bale Pawedan, Bale Panegtegan or Barn. In the area of the innards commonly used for worshiping Hindus, prayer is also used for Muslims, but for the worship of the two religions it has never been concurrent. For the two ummah, it is not permissible to enter the Langgar / Gedong Suci building, only the saint or temple holder and the Puri Bunutin penglingsir are bole entering, even then if there is a ceremony</em></p> <p><em>It can be concluded: Pura Dalem Jawa / Pura Langgar is a relic of a Hindu place of worship that has an ancestor from Java, namely from Blambangan, the existence of Langgar in Pura Dalem Jawa precisely in the main mandala serves as a storage place for Pretime or Statues that are in place it is called Gedong. The influence of the existence of the word Langgar makes many Muslims come to worship. From this, the mixing of cultures takes place in the Pura Dalem Jawa and Architectural Acculturation that occur in the Pura Dalem, namely, the same space (Natah) is used by two different devotees to worship. </em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) IKLIM, SINAR MATAHARI, HUJAN DAN KELEMBABAN PADA BANGUNAN2020-01-23T06:21:09+08:00I Wayan Agus<p><em>Climate and environmental conditions are one of the factors that have a large influence on the durability or strength of the building as well as the residents. These environmental influences have both positive and negative impacts on the occupants themselves or on the buildings themselves. These environmental influences, among others, are the influence of climate, sunlight and rain and humidity. This study aims to determine the effects caused by climate, sunlight radiation, and the effect of rain on buildings. The influence of climate on buildings includes hot temperatures in the room and unstable, the sun's rays on buildings create natural lighting and maximum heat in buildings, rain and humidity can affect the strength of buildings.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) FASILITAS PENDUKUNG LANSIA BERDASARKAN AKTIVITAS DAN PERILAKU PENGHUNINYA DI PANTI SOSIAL TRESNA WERDA2020-01-23T06:21:16+08:00M. Komang Angga Aji Sukmawan<p><em>Most elderly people need help from others to help with their activities. This is one of the most important because the physical function of the elderly has begun to diminish because there is a decline in the future, more can be estimated that they cannot leave their beds. Therefore caring for the elderly will be a big challenge, not only asking for attention and affection, it also includes time, patience, understanding and knowledge. Therefore it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the elderly. the need for special attention in terms of architecture However, most of the Tresna Werda Social Institution currently do not pay much attention to this matter, so there are still many elderly people who increase accidents while on activities at the Tresna Werda Social Home. This study discusses the comfort and safety of the elderly in the design of the Tresna Werda Social Home to make the elderly comfortable and happy to live in their residential quarters. The steps of this research method are as follows: first, evaluation, assessment, assessment, and related literature, and the results of observations about the elderly, and related literature related to safety and comfort. Secondly, the literature study was used to analyze case studies, namely the Tresna Werda Wana Seraya Social Institution (Bali). The results of the analysis of three case studies used a literature study, resulting in an architectural design criterion for elderly occupancy. The results of the study concluded that in a comfortable and safe residential design of problems that may occur in the elderly, circulation is needed which can be passed by two wheelchairs provided as a whole and free of obstacles, provided a handle on the circulation path, provided a road on the floor of the chair, and use contrasting color but dominantly light and warm.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) MODERNISASI TERHADAP MATERIAL BANGUNAN RUMAH TINGGAL TRADISIONAL DI DESA ADAT TENGANAN2020-01-23T06:21:23+08:00I Gede Bagus Rae<p><em>Tenganan Traditional Village is one of the tourist villages in Bali located in Manggis District, Karangasem Regency in the eastern part of the island of Bali. As one of the rural tourist attractions, Tenganan Village has a tourist attraction in the form of unique spatial patterns and traditional building architecture, traditions and distinctive social cultural life of the community, as well as typical villagers' handicrafts such as woven bamboo, carvings, paintings on leaves lontar and woven fabric.</em></p> <p><em>But lately there have been concerns about the continued development in the village of Tenganan, at this time traditional Tenganan houses have undergone many changes in residential buildings, especially in building materials. The condition of the people who have begun to abandon traditional building materials and turn to modern building materials, has made the loss of the Tenganan community identity on its architecture. So we need special attention in preserving the traditional Tenganan house building to be able to introduce traditional Tenganan home culture to its architecture, and still show the cultural identity of the traditional Tenganan house to the new buildings that will be occupied by the community.</em></p> <p><em>Some things that have experienced modern effects are in terms of building materials, roofs, walls and bars. An effort is needed together with the government and the community to preserve traditional residential houses in the Tenganan Customary Village so that sustainable development can be realized.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) BUDAYA PERTANIAN DALAM MENDUKUNG PARIWISATA BUDAYA2020-01-23T06:21:52+08:00Gede Sedanagedesedana@gmail.comI Made<p><em>The rapid development and economic growth in Bali has led to an increase in land requirements for non-agricultural activities and increasingly complex competition for water use. In Bali, this condition can be a challenge and a threat to the sustainability of subak-subak with its agricultural culture. In fact, subaks have a multi-function for the community and the environment. Some subak functions are: (i) agricultural production function; (ii) hydrological function; (iii) social and cultural functions; (iv) economic function; (v) environmental function; and (vi) tourism function. These subak functions become support for the development of cultural tourism in Bali. The preservation of subak and its functions can be done through several efforts as follows: (i) implementing government regulations on sustainable food land; (ii) increasing the capacity of farmers to produce; (iii) facilitating <u>subak</u> business partnership activities; (iv) building agro-tourism, agro tourism or ecotourism based on subak; (v) implementing proper agricultural insurance; and (vi) determining of taxes that favor the farmers.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) KURSI ROTAN DENGAN KONSEP BERKELANJUTAN DI PALANGKA RAYA-KALIMANTAN TENGAH2020-01-23T06:22:01+08:00Joni Wahyubuana<p><em>The Rattan Chair Design Used Sustainable Concept in Palangka Raya-Central Kalimantan. Rattan is a material that is attached to the culture in Central Kalimantan. Rattan are still being developed by local craftsmen. Handicraft development that was originally used in supporting daily activities, into handicraft products commercially. Rattan weaving crafts ranging from simple containers, mats, hats, shoes, to furniture. Furniture is an important element of the interior space to support user activity and improve the quality of the room. Rattan furniture was not the best option for consumers and the furniture in Central Kalimantan. Wood still dominate as the material selection of furniture. Rattan material, which is still available in Kalimantan, could be an alternative material other than wood, which is on the wane and hard to find. Rattan is an environmentally friendly material choice and sustainable as furniture material. Research aims to produce rattan chair design that are environmentally friendly. Besides, this research also seeks to reduce the use of wood materials diminishing availability in Central Kalimantan. The research used design exploration method, design process by using a rattan chair sustainable concept. Design process begins with a search availability of materials, rattan craftsmen preparedness, and review of the literature that support research process. Chair design process begins with the excavation process by sketching shapes. Determination of dimension, ergonomic, and technical drawing. At the end of the study, made chair prototype with artisan. Collaboration and elaboration rattan chair together artisans, as part of the development and application design concept of sustainable furniture.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) KOMPARATIF PADA TOKOH GATOT KACA DALAM PERMAINAN DIGITAL “MOBILE LEGEND BANG-BANG” DAN KOMIK “GARUDAYANA” KARANGAN IS YUNIARTO DENGAN PENDEKATAN SEMIOTIKA2020-01-23T06:22:10+08:00Nadya<p><em>Gatot Kaca, is one form of cultural assimilation between its native region, namely Indian literature with the Java region, Indonesia in the form of puppet stories. Although this puppet character is not purely from Indonesia, Gatot Kaca is a legendary figure that has been told from generation to generation with various transitions in Indonesia. The transition of the vehicle starts from wayang, literary works or novels, comics, to touch the digital era in the form of mobile devices. This study aims to observe the comparison of visual forms designed in the transition of vehicles from the Gatot Kaca Figure in the comic "Garudayana" to the avatar of the mobile device "Bang Legend". The research method used is semiotic analysis with a descriptive qualitative approach. While the semiotic analysis method used is by using Charles S. Peirce's semiotic method. Data collection techniques used are observation of various sources, theoretical studies, and interview processes for comic media users and mobile devices that experience experiences related to research objects.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN INTERGRALISTIK2020-01-23T06:22:19+08:00Anak Agung Gde Putera<p><em>The Indonesia that used to known as a cultured nation, friendly, difference appreciated and having a well-mannered have to begin undergoing the human resource crisis, especially for the character one. Post reformation era, It shows that moral competence achievements which processed through the school and university has not been able to shape the intact graduate personality of reflecting the national culture and character. So, in other to solve the problems, it needs immediately conducting the characters training in effective mode, especially to the youth of the nation, particularly to the children at the school. the character training can be done by conducting the character education to the children at the school by implementing the integral learning concept, for an example by beginning from utilizing the family as an informal educational media, the community as a nonformal educational media, and the school as a formal educational one. Furthermore, it can also be done by holistically applying among the cultural approach, managerial approach and cue one. The character educational implementation through the integral teaching-learning can be also done by the way of organizing the character-based approach into every existence subject, besides the special subjects to the character education, such as the religion subject, history, Pancasila, the local humanities and culture.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) PERTAHANAN PURI SEMARAPURA2020-01-23T06:22:27+08:00Putu Arya Wiastina<p><em>The existence of the Kingdom in Bali at the time of the Kingdom was highly recognized and respected throughout the archipelago. In each kingdom the territory has to be guarded from the attacks of other kingdoms. In the defense system to guard the Kingdom area in Bali, there are 2 (two) defense systems, namely the visible defense system and the invisible. In the kingdom, Klungkung became the center of government of the kings of Bali. Raja Klungkung is the direct heir and straight descendant of the Kresna Dynasty Kepakisan. Therefore, the history of Klungkung is closely related to the kings who ruled in Samprangan and Gelgel. During the reign of the Kepakisan Dynasty in Bali, there was a twice-displacement of the royal center (1350-1908).</em></p> <p><em>As for the formulation of the problem raised, namely: How is the Invisible Defense System and the Invisible Defense System implemented by the Kingdom in Bali? Limitation of the problem from identifying the problem, the author will only discuss Puri Semarapura Defense System in Klungkung Regency.</em></p> <p><em>In general, the Invisible Defense System and the Invisible Eye Defense System both have the function to protect the Kingdom from enemy attacks from the outside so that the King remains safe in the palace. Related to the existence of 2 (two) defense systems, namely the invisible defense system and the invisible defense system, it is necessary for Research to use an inductive approach to the concept formulated from several elements including: results of field observations, interviews with experts / experts.</em></p> <p><em>Can be concluded: The Invisible Defense System and the Invisible Defense System are a very strong Defense System that is supported by the people in guarding the Kingdom. In the Puri Semarapura Defense System research, the basic educational concept is used, where the concept is formulated from: a functional approach, and a socio-cultural background.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) DAN ASTA: SISTEM PROPORSI DAN NILAI ARSITEKTURAL ARSITEKTUR NUSANTARA2020-01-23T06:22:34+08:00Linda Octavialindaoctavia2010@gmail.comJosef<p><em>Most of the available custom houses in Indonesia use the anthropometrical method in measuring its space and building, including the Balinese custom house, the Javanese one, Ternate, or Mandar custom house and Kajang. Those indicate that there is a trust level to the principle in the anthropometrical applied on custom houses which are still high enough at one side and non-readiness condition of the next generations maintain architecture intellectual wealth as a whole, especially an archipelago architecture on the other one. The paper's purpose is : (i) analysing the anthropometrical measurement that is applied to the custom houses, (2) interpreting the reason contained in anthropometrical measurement application on the custom houses. The method used in the papers are the translation method from the writing language to the architectural one, considering that the study basically is the library research. The context, anthropometrical measurement isn’t preferred to set the measurement part by part; at present, the anthropometrical measurement is firstly pointed to ensure the building part proportion; and secondly is offering the architectural qualitative value by taking advantage of the anthropometrical measurement</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) YANG ERGONOMIS RAMAH LANSIA DI KOTA DENPASAR2020-01-23T06:22:57+08:00Putu Gde Ery<p><em>The aging process is naturally occurred, it brings some consequences of appearing a physical, mental and social problem so that the elderly will undergo a limitedness. The facility provision for some pedestarians (pavement) those used by the elderly community as safe way in getting arround are still not hospitable yet to the elderly, it’s especially at some street segments in Denpasar. In the context within item, it’s conducted a research to the pavement condition that’s available in Denpasar city. The research purpose is to find out weather the made pavements are hospitable for the elderly. It results show that plentiful pavement are not hospitable yet for the elderly, such as its width, the curb hight and the pavement street slope, so that it can cause accident the elderly (the other users). In fulfilling the set standards, it’s designed the ergonomic pavement that’s hospitable to the elderly so it can give a confort and safety term to the elderly.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) RUMAH ADAT TRADISIONAL SUMBA2020-01-23T06:23:05+08:00Sopiah Bela<p><em>The diversity of forms of traditional houses is very dominant in the architecture of the archipelago, especially Indonesia. Traditional house is an identity and has its own meaning and has a different technical settlement in each tribe. Likewise, the Sumba tribe which has a traditional house with a shield roof and a very high roof that resembles a tower. The traditional house not only has meaning that arises from the belief system, but also has a technical solution that is able to solve architectural problems arising from the shape of the building.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) PERENCANAAN ARSITEKTUR KOTA BERBASIS MITIGASI BENCANA (Studi kasus Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah)2020-01-23T06:23:13+08:00Yosef Prihantojoeprihanto3074@gmail.comSesa<p><em>Designing urban areas that are comfortable, safe, and able to meet all the life needs of its citizens is the hope of many parties. As the center of population growth, economy, industry and the center of government administration, urban areas are faced with the limitations of the carrying and capacity of the environment. Pressure due to environmental limitations is exacerbated by the impact of climate change that is increasingly felt and influences the presence of water around us. Many cities in Indonesia face disaster risks that can occur and threaten their citizens at any time. More than half of the events and types of disasters that can be identified are directly or indirectly related to the presence of water. Planning and designing urban architecture based on disastercannot override hydrological factors in the region. This paper aims to discuss the multidimensionality of urban architecture planning based on disaster mitigation especially those caused by the presence of water in the administrative area of Semarang City. The data used in this discussion are secondary spatial data obtained from authorized institutions and the results of previous studies. The variables considered are: potential disasters, rainfall, groundwater potential, geology, soil type, population, density, </em><em>education level, income level, and the level of willingness of the community to play a role. The analysis used is quantitative descriptive analysis combined with spatial analysis. The results of this discussion indicate that the architectural planning process that considers disaster aspects due to water, is theoretically able to contribute to disaster mitigation efforts. The willingness of the community plays a key role in the success of implementation efforts in the field. Through this discussion, it is expected that the architectural planning process can be more optimal, not only fulfilling aesthetic elements, but also fulfilling the element of disaster mitigation comprehensively in urban areas in Indonesia.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) TEGAK PAON/VARIAN TATA LETAK DAPUR RUMAH TINGGAL TRADISIONAL PADA BEBERAPA DESA ADAT DI BALI 2020-01-23T06:23:20+08:00I Gusti Ngurah Tri I Nyoman Gede Suardanasuar_bali@yahoo.comDesak Made Sukma<p><em>Paon/the kitchen layout on tradisional dwelling place of several custom villages are at variance, there are uniformly situated at Southwest side for Bali Apanaga/plain Balinese region (the village of Batuan) and at North side and united with Bale Meten for Tengkudak custom village, Penebel subdistrict of Tabanan Regency and there are more diverse positions at North, East and West side for Bali Aga/mountaian Balinese area (Bayung Gede custom villlage). The various Paon layouts are interesting to be studied because the diversity is related to : (i) loka dresta or the local customary villager’s belief system, (ii) the Paon sacred function itself where it’s located and (iii) an oriented existance of the height place or the mountain that’s closed to the custom village (Agung, Batukaru or Batur mount).</em></p> <p><em>The research used phenomenology paradigm of Edmund Hussrell to catagorize the variants of Paon/Kitchen layouts on traditional dwelling place at several custom villages in Bali. Three custom villages were purposively chosen for certain reasons. The various kitchen layouts of three custom villages are some informations that’s are phenomenologically reduced to produce several emphirical themes. Those are eidetically reduced to result the categorization of Paon/the kitchen layouts variant on traditional dwelling place at saveral custom villages in Bali.</em></p> <p><em>The results showed that the existance terminology of Telung Tongos Paon which means there are three categorization of Paon layout variants based on the villagers’s loka dresta (the local customary villager’s belief system),</em> <em>the sacred functions of Paon itself and</em> <em>the oriented existance of</em> <em>mountain/the nearest high place. The variant categorization layouts are as follows : (i) Paon is uniformly located at the Southwest side for the plain Balinese region (Southern and Eastern Bali). It’s a single building and sapareted one with the others, (ii) Paon is uniformly situated at North side and united with Bale Meten for the Tengkudak custom village and (iii)Paon is resided in a variety term (North, West and East side of traditional dwelling place) at the mountaian Balinese area of Bayung Gede village.</em></p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) SERASE MENYELENGGGARAKAN PENDIDIKAN BUDI PAKERTI BERBASIS AGAMA HINDU DAN TRI HITA KARANA2020-01-23T06:23:28+08:00Nyoman<p>Manusia adalah makhluk yang paling sempurna di muka bumi, karena keberadaan kodrati sipritualnya mempunyai cipta (kebenaran), rasa (nalar estetika), karsa (kebaikan/kebajikan), sehingga selalu berusaha mengelola, mengembangkan keberlangsungan hidupnya melalui proses belajar dan pengalaman.</p> <p>Adanya regulasi berikut perangkat-perangkatnya serta potensi local wisdom mengisyaratkan pengelolaan dan pengembangan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia yang formal maupun informal berbasis kearifan lokal (agama, sosial budaya, sosial ekonomi), alam lingkungan, sustainable, berstandar nasional, bertaraf internasional. </p> <p>Pasraman yang dalam undang-undang diakui sebagai lembaga pendidikan non-formal berlandaskan Agama Hindu dan Tri Hita Karana, penyelenggara pendidikan berbasis kearifan lokal yang ada di masing-masing Desa Pakraman, mendapatkan amanat bersama masyarakat merancang konsep pendidikan dan pengajaran agar peserta didik mendapatkan pencerahan dan pencerdasan emosional, intelektual, spiritual, inovatif, kreatif, terampil, disiplin, generasi yang tanggap, cinta, yakin dan percaya diri terhadap agama, warisan budayanya, berkarakter dan berperadaban, generasi yang (melokal, menasional dan menggelobal) sesuai dengan era milineal dan revolusi industri 4.0.</p> <p>untuk itu perlu upaya-upaya terobosan yang inovatif, kreatif, visioner, tanggap terhadap isu-isu (lokal, nasional dan global) yang terus berkembang.</p> <p>Pasraman Sahabat Serase yang berlokasi di Desa Pakraman Serason, Desa Pitra, Penebel, Tabanan, sangat konsen terhadap upaya pencerahan dan pencerdasan kepada peserta didik agar mengetahui, mengerti, memahami, mengaktualisasikan untuk dirinya, srada bakti terhadap agamanya, keluarga, masyarakat, lingkungan, bangsa dan negara.</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA) Cover Semarayana #1 - 20192020-01-16T02:23:46+08:00Eproceeding Universitas<p>Back Cover Semarayana #1 - 2019</p>2019-08-10T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2019 Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA)