Most elderly people need help from others to help with their activities. This is one of the most important because the physical function of the elderly has begun to diminish because there is a decline in the future, more can be estimated that they cannot leave their beds. Therefore caring for the elderly will be a big challenge, not only asking for attention and affection, it also includes time, patience, understanding and knowledge. Therefore it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the elderly. the need for special attention in terms of architecture However, most of the Tresna Werda Social Institution currently do not pay much attention to this matter, so there are still many elderly people who increase accidents while on activities at the Tresna Werda Social Home. This study discusses the comfort and safety of the elderly in the design of the Tresna Werda Social Home to make the elderly comfortable and happy to live in their residential quarters. The steps of this research method are as follows: first, evaluation, assessment, assessment, and related literature, and the results of observations about the elderly, and related literature related to safety and comfort. Secondly, the literature study was used to analyze case studies, namely the Tresna Werda Wana Seraya Social Institution (Bali). The results of the analysis of three case studies used a literature study, resulting in an architectural design criterion for elderly occupancy. The results of the study concluded that in a comfortable and safe residential design of problems that may occur in the elderly, circulation is needed which can be passed by two wheelchairs provided as a whole and free of obstacles, provided a handle on the circulation path, provided a road on the floor of the chair, and use contrasting color but dominantly light and warm.
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Keputusan Menteri Sosial RI No.4/PRS-3/KPTS/2007 tentang Pedoman Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Dalam Panti.