The development will continue because the need for facilities continues to grow along with population growth, technological developments, and the development of modes that are in line with the times. The development, of course, must be through careful planning so that the development process runs
smoothly and the results are in accordance with their needs and functions. A hospital is an area with a complex function that must be used to meet the needs of plenary health services, education and training, as well as research and development on health science and technology. The laboratory is one of the most important facilities that support optimal hospital functions. The design of the laboratory at Klungkung General Hospital is a building that prioritizes functions, must comply with safety and health standards. The laboratory design which is a renovation of the old laboratory building accommodates more functions in accordance with the input from hospital management, namely the function of the laboratory and service area, patient service facilities, TB Dots room,
archive room, hospital blood bank, IT room, and office laboratory administration that must be connected to the polyclinic administration office in the building next to it. The result of the design is the design of a laboratory building consisting of one building mass with spaces that accommodate facilities according to the function requirements at the Klungkung General Hospital. The appearance of the building with the Bali-Modern concept, because it is in accordance with the location of buildings located on the island of Bali with the preservation of traditional Balinese architecture and modern day considerations and the latest laboratory equipment technology and reflects clean and sterile conditions, so that the Bali-Modern display is most appropriate for use.
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