PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES OF MULTI-SECTORS TOWARD SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT <p>This proceeding is a collection of scientific works by speakers from various institutions/universities and various backgrounds of expertise which were presented at the International Conference on Strengthening Capacities Of Multi-Sectors Toward Sustainable Development which was held on April 27<sup>h</sup>, &nbsp;2024 at Dwijendra University. This conference was attended by 101 participants and invited guests from various institutions and universities in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Russia, Vietnam and India. There were 71 papers presented from various institutions and universities.</p> <table width="662"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="324"> <p><strong>EDITORIAL</strong></p> <p>Prof. Gede Sedana</p> <p>Dr. Meriam F. Sulit</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>BOARD OF COMMITTEE</strong></p> <p><strong>Person in Charge</strong>: Dr. I Nyoman Satia Negara</p> <p><strong>Steering Committee</strong>:</p> <p>1.&nbsp;&nbsp; Prof. Gede Sedana</p> <p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp; I Made Sila</p> <p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp; I Made Astra Winaya</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Chairman of the committee</strong>: <br>Dr. Frysa Wiriantari</p> <p><strong>Secretary</strong>: Dr. Ni Made Intan Maulina</p> <p><strong>Treasurer</strong>: Ni Ketut Sukarni</p> <p><strong>Event Manager</strong>: Dr. Liana Déwì</p> <p><strong>Documentation</strong>: I Madé Sutika</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Ebook:</strong></p> <p><strong>ISBN: 978-623-95976-3-4</strong></p> <p>First Edition, April 2024</p> <p>ix+551 pages, 21 x 27,9 cm</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td width="338"> <p><strong>REVIEWER</strong></p> <p>Dr. Meriam F. Sulit</p> <p>Vera Sishkina</p> <p>Naori Miyazawa</p> <p>Abd Muluk bin Abd Manan</p> <p>Dr. Frysa Wiriantari</p> <p>Dr. I Ketut Suar Adnyana</p> <p>Dr. Ni Made Intan Maulina</p> <p>Dr. I Wayan Aryawan</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>LAYOUT</strong></p> <p>Arya Bagus Mahadwijati W.</p> <p>Desak Made Sukma Widiyani</p> <p>Ida Ayu Candrika Dewi</p> <p>Ni Putu Yunita Laura Vianthi</p> <p>I Gusti Agung Nyoman Dananjaya</p> <p>Astuti Wijayanti</p> <p>Ketut Alit Pratiwi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>COVER &amp; ILLUSTRATION:</strong></p> <p>Arya Bagus Mahadwijati W.</p> <p>I Wayan Partama Putra</p> <p>Candra Dwi Waluyo</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="324"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="9">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br><strong>PUBLISHED BY:</strong></p> <p>UNIVERSITAS DWIJENDRA PRESS</p> <p>Jl. Kamboja No. 17, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.</p> <p>80233.</p> <p>Website:</p> <p>Email:</p> </td> <td width="338"> <p><strong>SUPPORTING INSTITUTIONS:</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>1. Dwijendra University</p> <p>2. HKTI</p> <p>3. PGRI Mahadewa University</p> <p>4. Dhyana Pura University</p> <p>5. Ngurah Rai University</p> <p>6. Bulacan Agricultural State College</p> <p>7. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University</p> <p>8. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman</p> <p>9. Premaloka International</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="662"> <p><strong>Copyright is protected by The Law.</strong></p> <p>Reproduction of this written work in any form or by any means, including photocopying, is prohibited without written permission from the author or publisher.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> en-US (Frysa Wiriantari) Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 ESTABLISHING SUSTAINABLE COFFEE BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP AT THE FARM LEVEL <p>In Indonesia, the agricultural sector still has a significant role in the national economy, such as the plantation subsector, namely the coffee commodity which is able to contribute to the country's foreign exchange aside from meeting domestic industrial needs. Coffee business partnerships are needed to provide added value and profits among market actors. This study aims to provide an overview of the concept of building sustainable coffee business partnerships. This study was carried out in two coffee production centers, namely Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency as a center for Robusta coffee production, and Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, as a center for Arabica coffee production. The key respondents selected were farmers, farmer group administrators, coffee business actors, government and universities. Data was collected using interview techniques, observation, documentation and focus group discussions. Data analysis uses descriptive methods.</p> <p>The research results show that coffee business partnerships in the Kintamani and Pupuan areas are one of the efforts that can be made to increase the income of coffee farmers. Business partnerships between market actors are based on a business model that is determined in advance. The market actors involved are farmers/coffee farmer groups, coffee entrepreneurs/coffee exporters, universities, financial institutions, government. This coffee business partnership aims to increase coffee production and the income of coffee farmers as producers. All market actors have a harmonious relationship and gain proportional economic benefits in playing their roles in this partnership. This means that developing coffee business partnerships will provide added value and income for coffee farmers as members of farmer groups. There is a need for intensive assistance to farmer groups, as well as monitoring and evaluation activities to realize the sustainability of coffee business partnerships.</p> Gede Sedana Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 SMART AGRICULTURE, VERTICAL FARMING AND AUTOMATED SYSTEM APPLICATION IN SUSTAINABLE CROP PRODUCTION <p><em>Dwindling planet resources, deteriorating environmental conditions, increasing population and demand, and continuous requirements for food security and safety; are just some of the challenges that we are facing today not just by the government and academician but by agricultural community as well. Adds to this, is the continuous rise of farm inputs supplies including oil and gasoline dependent products that adds to the burden of the farming community. Government’s solution through attached agency for research and extension coupled with the coordinated support from the academe had mandated to focus on future-ready solution on achieving sustainable development. It has been a prolonged problem searching the gap between this researches and realizing its effect&nbsp; and application to the farmers. Recognizing these, transition of the research trends to including the impact and adoption of the farming community of every project and research are encouraged and even required. In the side of the academe, research and extension focused on smart agriculture, vertical farming and automated system application in crop production had gained popularity and interest especially on ensuring that this researches results will reach and will make impact on the lives of the farmers, their family and the community. This government strategy had made sure that the gap and the missing link of this researches will make positive impact to the lives of the agricultural community through ensuring sustainability of the programs and projects.</em></p> Meriam F. Sulit Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AS A MEANS OF RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING MOTIVATION IN PARTNER UNIVERSITIES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA <p><em>The article defines the phenomenon of intercultural communication, describes the stages of socio-cultural design and suggests methods and techniques of socio-cultural design. A way for students of the open Russian language training centres in the Republic of Indonesia to participate in socio-cultural projects is described in the article.</em></p> Ilina Nina, Shishkina Vera Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES OF MULTI-SECTORS TOWARD SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN ARCHITECTURE EDUCATION <p><em>&nbsp;In the pursuit of sustainable development, architecture education plays pivotal role in shaping future practitioners who can integrate multi-sectoral perspectives into their design processes. This paper investigates methodologies to enhance the capacities of architecture education programs to address sustainability challenges through multi-sectoral collaboration. Qualitative techniques were employed and literature review to understand the current state of architecture education, sustainability practices, and multi-sectoral collaboration were done. Additionally, interviews were conducted among educators, practitioners, policymakers, and industry experts to gather insights into existing practices, challenges, and opportunities in integrating multi-sectoral perspectives into architecture education. The review revealed the evolving nature of architecture education, emphasizing the need for a paradigm shift. Various frameworks and approaches to integrating sustainability into architectural curricula were explored, highlighting the importance of multi-sectoral collaboration in addressing complex sustainability challenges. It identified key barriers such as disciplinary silos, institutional inertia, and lack of interdisciplinary communication that hinder effective collaboration across sectors. Findings from interviews and surveys underscored the significance of multi-sectoral collaboration in fostering understanding of sustainability among students. Educators emphasized the need for interdisciplinary coursework, collaborative projects, and engagement with stakeholders to broaden students' perspectives and enhance their problem-solving skills. Practitioners highlighted the importance of incorporating real-world challenges and case studies into the curriculum to prepare students. Policymakers and industry experts stressed the role of policy support, funding mechanisms, and industry-academia partnerships in promoting multi-sectoral approaches. The study concludes that strengthening the capacities of multi-sectors toward sustainable development in architecture education requires concerted effort from industry stakeholders. Integrating multi-sectoral perspectives into the curriculum, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and establishing robust partnerships between academia, industry, and government are essential toward preparing future architects to address the complex challenges. By embracing multi-sectoral approach, architecture education can serve as catalyst for transformative change towards sustainable built environment.</em></p> Abd Muluk Bin Abd Manan Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 COVID-19 PANDEMIC: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN RURAL BANK IN BALI <p>Bank financial performance is influenced by the macroeconomic conditions of a country. Covid 19 arrived in 2019 and made the world economy sluggish, including Bali. This research aims to determine banking performance in Bali during the Covid 19 pandemic. The population in this research is all Rural Banks in Bali Province in 2019-2022 totaling 135 Rural Banks. Sampling in this research used the purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique is multiple regression with SPSS 24. The research results show : 1) Loan To Deposit Ratio (LDR) has a positive effect on Return On Assets (ROA), 2) Operating Costs Operating Income (BOPO) has a negative effect on Return On Assets (ROA), 3) Non-Performing Loans (NPL) have a negative effect on Return On Assets (ROA), 4) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has a positive effect on Return On Assets (ROA), 5) Net Interest Margin (NIM) has a negative effect on Return On Assets (ROA). From the test results in this research it can be concluded that H5 is rejected.</p> Putu Mas Martiniasih, Christimulia Purnama Trimurti, Yeyen Komalasari, Gusti Ngurah Joko Adinegara Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE INFLUENCE OF THE SOCIAL SYSTEM ON THE ADOPTION OF COMBINE HARVESTER INNOVATIONS IN SUBAK BENGKEL, TABANAN REGENCY <p><em>Using a combine harvester can simplify farmer performance. Combine harvesters should be able to increase the interest of local workers to become rice harvest workers. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of the social system on the adoption of combine harvester innovation in Subak Bengkel, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency. The population of this research was all 500 farmers in Subak Bengkel with a sample of 84 farmers. The influence of the social system on the adoption of combine harvester innovation in Subak Bengkel, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency will be analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS version 3.0 software which is run using computer media.Simultaneously, the social system has a significant influence on the adoption of combine harvester innovation in Subak Bengkel withThe coefficient of determination is 0.901, meaning that this variable is able to explain the innovation adoption variable by 90.1%. With the development of technology, farmers in Subak Bengkel must be brave enough to take risks and try out new innovations so that they can increase the efficiency of rice farming.</em></p> Pande Made Ari Ananta Paramarta, Ni Ketut Karyati Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ENFORCEMENT OF BUSINESS COMPETITION LAWS IN IMPLEMENTATION INDIRECT EVIDENCE (Direct evidence) AGAINST CARTEL PRACTICES <p><em>This article aims to know the enforcement of business competition law in the implementation of indirect evidence on cartel practices. This article belongs to legal principles and legal doctrines in order to answer the legal problems encountered who based focus read and study materials primary and secondary law. For law drafting to be able to produce arguments for new theories or concepts, it is a prescription for solving the problems of this legal research. The results of the research indicate that the enforcement of business competition law against cartel practices in Indonesia continues to face obstacles and has not been maximized. This indirect evidence can be used as a solution to the difficulty of proving the practice of cartels in business competition laws, provided that they are equipped with other evidence. Indirect evidence may be included in the category of evidence in Article 42 of Law No. 5 of 1999 on Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unfair Competition.</em></p> Ni Made Trisna Dewi, Ni Putu Putri Rahmayanti Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 UNDERSTANDING OF THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY REGARDING THE BARTER TRADE LAW INVOLVING MUNCIBUT EXAMINED FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF INDONESIAN ULEMA COUNCIL FATWA NO. 48 OF 2019 ON THE CONSUMPTION LAW OF SQUIRRELS AND CHIPMUNKS (CASE STUDY IN NDOKUM SIROGA VILLAGE, <p><em>The title of this research is: Understanding of the Muslim Community Regarding the Barter Trade Law Involving Muncibut Examined from the Perspective of Indonesian Ulema Council Fatwa No. 48 of 2019 on the Consumption Law of Squirrels and Chipmunks (Case Study in Ndokum Siroga Village, Simpang Empat Sub-district, Karo Regency)."The practice of buying and selling involves the exchange of goods or ownership. Muncibut is a medicinal concoction in the form of dry and wet powder made by grinding or pounding dried plants first. In the local language, "tawar" means medicine, and "mencibut" in the Karo language refers to flying squirrels that can fly and climb. Thus, "tawar mencibut" is medicine made from certain plants and squirrel body parts. This thesis discusses the practice of buying and selling "tawar mencibut" in Ndokum Siroga Village, Simpang Empat Sub-district, Karo Regency. It investigates the factors contributing to the occurrence of such transactions and examines the legal status of buying and selling "tawar mencibut" from the perspective of the Indonesian Ulema Council Fatwa No. 48 of 2019 regarding the law of consuming squirrels and chipmunks.The research aims to elucidate the practice of buying and selling "tawar mencibut" in Ndokum Siroga Village, Simpang Empat Sub-district, Karo Regency, describe the factors contributing to the occurrence of such transactions, and determine the legal status of buying and selling "tawar mencibut" according to the Indonesian Ulema Council Fatwa No. 48 of 2019 in Ndokum Siroga Village, Simpang Empat Sub-district, Karo Regency. This study adopts an empirical research design with a field research method. The approach utilized is a sociological approach and living case study. Legal materials are collected through observation, interviews, and document study. Data are analyzed qualitatively using deductive reasoning logic. The findings reveal that the practice of buying and selling "tawar mencibut" in Ndokum Siroga Village, Simpang Empat Sub-district, Karo Regency, indeed involves the use of squirrel body parts as the main ingredient. The factors contributing to the occurrence of such transactions are attributed to the strong belief of the community in their ancestors and the perceived benefits of "tawar mencibut." However, according to the Indonesian Ulema Council Fatwa No. 48 of 2019, the legal status of buying and selling "tawar mencibut" is deemed prohibited due to its use of squirrel body parts, which are forbidden by the fatwa</em></p> Fahri Roja Sitepu Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OVERVIEW: THE ABIOTIC FACTORS ‘STRESS AND LIGHTING’ HAVE AN INFLUENCE ON THE BIOACTIVE COMPOUND FLAVONOID IN STRAWBERRY PLANT <p>The increasing demand for strawberries is driving advancements in technology that support strawberry production, which is expected to become far more effective and efficient. Strawberries are one of the plants whose fruits contain substances that are highly beneficial for human health. Abiotic factors such as stress and light often play a decisive role in the production of secondary metabolites like flavonoids, which are important compounds in strawberry plants. This article aims to provide information related to the impact of abiotic factors ‘stress and lighting” that can affect these compounds. The studies used to support the information in this article include reputable scientific journals published and indexed in ScienceDirect, Springer, articles indexed in Scopus, and relevant literature on GoogleScholar. All literature providing insights on the importance of biological activity and plant physiology, secondary metabolites, flavonoid biosynthesis, and the phytochemistry of plants. The influence of abiotic stress and lighting on plants can affect various aspects of plant growth, which will eventually impact the response in terms of quality produced and also the compounds contained within the plant itself. Based on the study of abiotic factors such as stress and lighting, these have a crucial role in the biosynthesis of flavonoid compounds that affect production in strawberry plants.</p> Enceng Sobari Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DETERMINATION OF SOIL WATER CONTENT <p><em>Groundwater is a physical characteristic that has a direct influence on plant growth and other aspects of human life. Determining soil water content is very important to determine how much or what percentage of water is in food or agricultural products, because one of the growth media for microorganisms in materials is water, so as to minimize the risks posed by microorganisms. Determination of soil water content is carried out in the laboratory. The water content in the soil depends on the amount of rainfall, the soil's ability to hold water, the amount of evapotranspiration, the organic matter content and the high groundwater level.</em></p> <p><em>Determination of soil water content uses upper slope Bajra soil, middle slope Bajra soil, lower slope Bajra soil, Timor Leste soil and Ubud soil which are divided into Ubud soil one, two and three and it is found that each layer of soil has a different soil water content. -different. Lower Slope Bajra Soil has the highest water content compared to other soil samples, namely 14.819%, this is because the Lower Slope Bajra Soil contains more organic matter. Meanwhile, the soil that has the lowest percentage of water content is Tanah Timur Leste, namely 3.778%. All of these soil samples turned out to be hygroscopic soil because the percentage of hygroscopic soil was 1-15%. This means that all soil samples are soil with a coarse texture</em></p> Made Mika Mega Astuthi, Kadek Ayu Charisma Julia Dewi Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EXPLORATION OF PESTS ON PLANTS IN GERIH TOURISM PARK, SIBANG KAJA VILLAGE, ABIANSEMAL DISTRICT, BADUNG REGENCY, BALI <p><em>Pest exploration is an action to determine the presence of insect pests that damage plants or the results of their living activities can cause economic losses. The aim of this research is to find out the types of pests that attack plants in the Gerih Tourism Park and how to control them. This research was carried out at Gerih Tourism Park, Sibang Kaja Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency, Bali. From January to March 2024, it consists of determining the location, observing and collecting field data.</em><em>The research location was chosen using purposive sampling. Data from observations in the field were then analyzed descriptively.</em><em>The results of the research show that there are insect pests on plants in the Gerih tourist park. The results of identification in the field showed that there were Paracoccus marginatus pests on Adenium spp. The Tetranychus urticae pest was found on rose plants, then the Planococcus citri pest was found and attacked the croton plants. It is not necessary to control plant pests because the symptoms of pest attacks are in the moderate attack category. It is recommended, based on the results of observations of pest attacks, to monitor human activities that can cause new pests in the Gerih Tourism Park which can reduce the quality and growth of plants in the park.</em></p> I Wayan Dirgayana Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EFFECT OF ENDOMYCORRHIZA DOSAGE ON GROWTH OF SALAK PLANTS (Salacca edulis L.) <p>In efforts to increase salak productivity, inorganic fertilizers are often used. This inorganic fertilizer has a negative impact on soil and environmental conditions, including changing the structure of the soil, making the soil compact, reducing the nutrient content in the soil, and causing environmental pollution. Continuous application of inorganic fertilizers over a long period of time can impact the presence of microorganisms in the soil so that ultimately soil fertility will be disrupted. Efforts to maintain soil fertility and environmental sustainability so that plant productivity remains high require efforts to develop cultivation methods using organic fertilizers or biological fertilizers. One source of biological fertilizer is arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The research was carried out from August 2023 to February 2024. This research was conducted in Selat Village, Karangasem Regency. The materials used in this research were soil samples, Johnson's solution, endomycorrhiza, urea fertilizer, digrow leaf fertilizer, manure. This research used a Randomized Group Design (RAK). The results showed that the dose of mycorrhiza had a significant effect on the stem diameter and root infection variables. The highest stem diameter was obtained at the D1 dose (75 spores), namely 1.60 cm, at four months after planting observations which was significantly different from D0 (control), namely 1.28 cm. Meanwhile, the highest root infection in the two months after planting observation was obtained at the D3 dose (225 spores), which was 92.50%, which was significantly different from D0 (control), which was 36.25% in the four months after planting observation. The highest root infection was obtained at the D2 dose (150 spores). namely 82.50%, which is significantly different from D0 (control), which is 10.00%. The volcanic sand carrier medium showed the highest total plant dry weight, namely 3.59 g, which was significantly different from sea sand, namely 2.43 g.</p> Dewa Ayu Ari Febriyanti, Dicky Marsadi Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE META-ANALYSIS OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING SKILL <p><em>This research aims at identify the effect of Problem Based Learning towards students’ critical skill by implementing meta-analysis method. This research is meta-analysis research. The data of the research are collected from national published scientific research related to Problem Based Learning in the last five years. The finding shows the implementation of Problem Based Learning has a significant effect on students’ critical skill in Math with average score of 29% ranging from 14,7% to 60,51%. The gap of pretest and posttest score of this research is 38,5%. The finding of this research offers scientific proof of the effect of Problem Based Learning on students’ critical thinking skill. The difference between the average pretest and posttest score of the experiment group shows greater score than the control group on the implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model towards students’ critical thinking skill aggregation considering the average of pretest and posttest aggregation. </em></p> Dewa Ayu Made Manu Okta Priantini Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LEGAL CERTAINTY FOR FILLING THE POSITION OF DEPUTY REGIONAL HEAD OF REGENCY AND MUNICIPALITY <p><em>Indonesia is a unitary state that recognizes the sovereignty of the people in a regional head election consisting of 1 (one) pair of regional heads and deputy regional heads. Legal certainty is a principle which states that the law must be clear for filling the position of deputy district and municipal regional head arbitrarily in exercising power based on law without any discrimination.</em></p> <p><em>This research aims to examine issues related to filling the post of deputy regional head and how it is implemented in the Regency/Municipality. So to get relevant data the researcher collects data that limits the norms contained in the laws and regulations.</em></p> <p><em>The vacancy in the position of regional head due to the request itself, being dismissed, and passing away also causes a vacancy in the position of deputy regional head so that the position of deputy regional head is vacant until the position of regional head is filled again based on the Law on filling positions. It was also found that orders of legal norms were a form of abuse of authority by the authorities (Determination de Pouvoir) because they ignored the law and resulted in the loss of legal sovereignty and also people's sovereignty.</em></p> Agus Surya Manika, Pandapotan Sinaga, Luh Putu Kristina Indriyanti Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF FIDUCIARY AGREEMENT MADE UNILATEDLY BY THE FINANCING INSTITUTION WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF CONSUMER IN FRONT OF NOTARY <p><em>This research is entitled "Legal Consequences of Fiduciary Agreements Made Unilaterally by Financing Institutions Without the Presence of Consumer in front of Notary." The problem found in this research is the basis for granting a power of attorney from consumers to financial institutions, due to a lack of understanding from the public regarding fiduciary agreements, the situation This is often used by financial institutions to make unilateral fiduciary agreements and not involve consumers so that problems often arise in the future, including firstly, settlements in cases of default/broken promises occur outside of court by means of intimidation, violence and even ending in criminal charges. The second consequence of consumers not understanding about Fiduciary Guarantee Agreements is that there are losses due to unilateral decisions without involving second parties and third parties, in this case the court. Based on the background of the problems described above, the author formulates the problem as follows: What is the process of forming a fiduciary agreement? made unilaterally by a financing institution without the presence of the consumer before a notary? and What are the legal consequences of a fiduciary agreement made unilaterally by a financing institution without the presence of the consumer in front of a notary? This research study uses empirical legal research, namely a legal research method that uses empirical facts that involve lots of interviewing names, sources and data. Support is presented to complement the facts/interviews conducted through direct observation. This research uses several theoretical bases including: Agreement Theory, Legal Certainty Theory, Legal Protection Theory and Justice Theory. Agreement Theory and Legal Certainty Theory are used to discuss the first problem formulation, and Legal Protection Theory and Justice Theory are used to discuss the second problem formulation. A Fiduciary Agreement is a follow-up agreement to a main agreement (accessoir) which requires the parties to carry out an achievement, which contains rights and obligations so that it is mandatory for the parties to sign the agreement and not be represented by just one party.</em></p> Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah Indradewi, I Wayan Partama Putra , Yohan Kapitan Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 IMPLEMENTATION OF CHILD ADOPTION (ADOPTION) OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE BY A WOMAN'S FAMILY JUDGING FROM LAMBOYA CUSTOMARY LAW IN WEST SUMBA REGENCY (NTT) BASED ON LAW NUMBER 35 OF 2014 ABOUT CHILD PROTECTION <p><em>Adoption is not a new thing for people in Indonesia, as is done by the Lamboya community in the adoption custom. Adoption according to Lamboya customary law is the transfer of child custody to adoptive parents from their biological parents and is carried out according to applicable laws and regulations. The legal basis for child adoption is contained in Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. The formulation of the problem is how the implementation of adoption of children out of wedlock by women's families for these children according to custom in Lamboya-West Sumba and Law Number 35 of 2014 and what are the obstacles to adoption of children out of wedlock when viewed from the law there is Lamboya.</em><em>The type of research used in this research is a kind of empirical juridical research. The </em><em>nature</em><em> of this research is descriptive, the type of data is primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are document study techniques, interviews and observations, qualitative data management and analysis techniques. In this study using the theory of legal certainty, theory of legal protection and law enforcement theory.</em></p> <p><em>The results of this study found that law enforcement on child protection in cases of adoption is guided by Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection according to custom, so it is not mandatory for prospective adopted children. parents to give Buffaloes, Pigs, Dogs, Cows and others to the child's biological parents. Adopted children are also given the same rights as biological children of adoptive parents such as being given a name in the parents' family and also having a birth certificate made to record their nationality. Adopted children must also be guaranteed the health, growth and education of the child</em>.</p> AA Mas Adi Trinaya Dewi, Herinimus Baiya Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE INFLUENCE OF THE AVAILABILITY PRODUCTION FACILITIES AND FARMING SUBSISTEM FOR LONG BEANS ( Vigna Sinensis L. ) ON PRODUCTIVITY IN SUBAK DAUH UMA TEBEN, BATUAN VILLAGE, SUKAWATI DISTRICT, GIANYAR REGENCY <p><em>Long beans (Vigna Sinensis L.) have good prospects for development; because it has good economic and market value. This research was conducted in Subak Dauh Uma Teben, Batuan Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency with purposive location selection. The population is 15 farmers. The research sample was 15 people taken using the census method. Data was analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively.</em></p> <p><em>The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the provision of long bean production facilities in Subak Dauh Uma Teben, Batuan Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency; (2) analyze the long bean farming subsystem in Subak Dauh Uma Teben, Batuan Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency; and (3) analyzing the productivity of long bean farming in Subak Dauh Uma Teben, Batuan Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency.</em></p> <p><em>The research results show that (1) the supply subsystem for long bean production which consists of the availability of long bean seeds, the availability of plant stakes, the availability of nitrogen fertilizer, single fertilizer/NPK, pesticides, cultivators and hansprayers is included in the moderate category with an achievement score of 3 .20 (64.00%); (2) the long bean farming subsystem which consists of land processing, cleaning, making beds, planting holes, spacing, liming, base fertilizing, fertilizing, installing stakes, pruning, weeding and controlling plant pest organisms is included in the medium category with a score of 2 .96 (59.37%); (3) the productivity of long bean farming produces an average yield of 6,622 kg/ha in the medium category.</em></p> I Nengah Surata Adnyana, Ni Nengah Yastini Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 LEGAL PROTECTION AGAINST WASTE POLLUTION THAT RESULTS ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE IN COASTAL AREAS <p>Plastic waste is a type of material that is close to everyday life. When we eat, <br>drink from the bottle.The type of research that the author uses in this research is <br>legal research with empirical aspects. Considering the need for legal protection <br>against waste pollution which causes environmental damage in coastal areas.<br>The legal basis for Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental <br>Protection and Management is contained in Article 3. In accordance with Article 1, <br>point 14, it explains Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning the protection of <br>environmental management. Mitigating marine pollution and destruction, protecting <br>sea water quality, determining marine quality status by referring to Sea Water <br>Quality Standards (BMAL) and marine damage criteria. Law (UU) Number 1 of <br>2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning <br>Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. article 60 letter g; h. i. and J. <br>Legal Protection against Garbage Pollution which causes Environmental Damage <br>in the Badung Bali Coastal Area related to Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning <br>Environmental Protection and Management is contained in Article 3 of the 2009 <br>UUPPLH. Apart from that, it protects the coastal area ecosystem from waste <br>pollution and maintains its sustainability so that pollution does not occur as a result. <br>rubbish and environmental destruction, both through pollution and protecting <br>environmental damage in the Badung coastal area as a result of violating Article 98 <br>paragraph 1 of Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and <br>Management. threatened with imprisonment for a minimum of 3 years and a <br>maximum of 10 years and a fine of at least Rp. 3 billion and a maximum of Rp. 10 <br>billion. Apart from that, Law (UU) Number 1 of 2014 concerning Amendments to <br>Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small <br>Islands. Article 60 letters g, h, i. and J.<br><br></p> Ni Putu Yunika Sulistyawati Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PAKCOY PLANT(Brassica rapa, L.) RESPONSE ON RICE WASHING WATER APPLICATION <p>Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) which belongs to the Brassicaceae family is a type of <br>vegetable plant originating from China. The increasing demand for Pakcoy in the <br>market has caused various ways to increase the yield of Pakcoy plants, one of which is <br>by applying rice washing water for watering. The purpose of this study was to <br>determine the response of Pakcoy plants to the application of watering with rice water <br>washing. The study was conducted with a Complete Randomized Design (RAK) of 4 <br>repetitions and each repetition consisted of 6 polybags with a diameter of 20 cm so <br>that the total polybag pots were 24 pieces. The treatment of watering rice water is <br>distinguished by two compositions, namely P1 (1 liter of rice washing water + 1 liter of <br>clean water) and P2 (1 liter of rice washing water + 2 liters of clean water). <br>Observations include observations of plant height, number of leaves, and root length at <br>plant ages of 14 dap and 21 dap. The conclusion of this study was that pakcoy plants <br>responded to the application of watering with rice water wash. This is evidenced by the <br>results of the analysis which shows a real difference between control plants and plants <br>with treatment. <br><br></p> Ni Made Intan Maulina Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AS VICTIMS OF CRIMINAL ABUSE <p>Acts of violence against children are not only carried out by parents but other close people <br>around the child. Brother, older brother, grandfather, grandmother, or other family member. <br>The formulation of the problem that will be discussed is based on the explanation of the <br>background of the problem above, namely what is the legal regulation regarding the crime <br>of child abuse, and what is the legal protection regarding the crime of child abuse. This <br>research method uses normative legal research methods. To analyze the legal materials <br>that have been collected, several analytical techniques are used, namely, description <br>techniques, grammatical interpretation, evaluation, and argumentation. The conclusion of <br>this research is that the Child Abuse Legal Clause is contained in Article 80 of Law Number <br>35 of 2014 and provides sanctions against perpetrators of crimes against children. Then <br>legal protection for criminal acts of child abuse is regulated in Article 5 of Law of the <br>Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 13 of <br>2006 concerning the protection of Witnesses and Victims and Article 90 paragraph (1) of <br>Law Number 11 of 2006 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System.<br><br></p> Anak Agung Linda Cantika, Dewa Ayu Rai Bintang Mahottami Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE IMPACT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MOBILE APPLICATION FOR CHILDREN WITH DYSGRAPHIA <p>This study investigates the utilization of mobile applications to provide assistance to <br>children with dysgraphia, a cognitive impairment that impacts their ability to write by <br>hand. The objective of the study is to determine current patterns of research, <br>benefits, and difficulties associated with the utilization of mobile applications for <br>children diagnosed with dysgraphia. The research methodology employed a <br>systematic examination of studies published from 2014 to 2024, adhering to the <br>Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) <br>guidelines. The study findings indicate that the majority of research was carried out <br>in Asia, with a particular focus on the Middle East and South East Asia. The <br>participants consisted of students, teachers, and professionals or experts. Mixedmethods was the predominant research approach. The study also found benefits <br>and difficulties linked to the utilization of mobile applications for children with <br>dysgraphia, such as the requirement for interfaces that are easy to use, <br>customization options, and techniques to enhance engagement. The study highlights <br>the significance of aligning technology initiatives with established instructional goals <br>and safeguarding sensitive data collected by mobile applications.<br><br></p> Ni Made Yuniari Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 REFLECTIONS ON THE JOURNEY OF MERDEKA BELAJAR KAMPUS MERDEKA CURRICULUM (MBKM) IN HIGHER EDUCATION <p>After a long time since the MBKM program was launched, until now there has been <br>no research that attempts to carry out reflection. Reflection needs to be done to <br>find out whether universities experience obstacles in implementing MBKM. What <br>obstacles do universities experience in implementing the MBKM program? Apart <br>from that, with reflection, universities can rethink the various shortcomings that <br>exist in implementing the MBKM program. In writing this article, the author used <br>qualitative research methods using a library approach. Data collection in this paper <br>begins with collecting various appropriate literature in the form of written text and <br>soft copy, for example books and scientific articles published online. The results of <br>this research show that several problems that need to be reflected on do not only <br>originate from universities and study programs as organizers, but are also faced by <br>implementers, namely students and lecturers as well as partners, both government <br>agencies and partners from the business and industrial world. From the organizers, <br>there are still universities and study programs that have not fulfilled the conversion <br>of student scores. The study program has difficulty adjusting the course load with <br>partner universities. Lack of information in understanding the concept and benefits <br>of the MBKM program. At a practical level, several problems arise for small <br>universities or universities with remote, outermost and underdeveloped <br>geographical locations.</p> I Gusti Ngurah Santika, Ni Wayan Swarniti, I Gede Sujana Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 POLICY SOCIALIZATION OF CAMPUS CANTEEN AT UNIVERSITAS NGURAH RAI BALI INDONESIA <p>This research aims to determine the perceptions of canteen visitors regarding the <br>role of the canteen and the socialization of canteen policies at Universitas Ngurah <br>Rai. Apart from that, it is also to find out what food is most often bought in the <br>canteen, whether the canteen is useful for the campus, how often you visit the <br>canteen, and input or suggestions from visitors regarding the canteen. What the <br>researchers observed was data related to the socialization of canteen policies. This <br>research was carried out at Universitas Ngurah Rai, using a survey method. This <br>method is a process, technique or tool used to obtain research information by <br>asking questions to sources or respondents through direct interviews with <br>consumers and distributing questionnaires to all canteen visitors. The results of this <br>research were that 37 people or 41% liked smashed fried chicken, 27 people or <br>30% meatballs, 10 people or 11% of chicken fresh vegetables, 9 people or 10% <br>liked jingo rice, 5 people or 10% of siomay or pecel rice. 6%, and yellow rice as <br>much as 2 people or 2%. The results of the perception of whether the canteen is <br>useful for the campus, the majority of respondents, 90 people or 100%, stated that <br>the canteen is very useful for the campus. 100% of respondents stated that they go <br>to the canteen very often. Input or suggestions from visitors to the canteen include <br>improving it, adding more food menu variants, asking for more seats to be added <br>and electrical equipment for students to be able to charge cellphones and laptops.</p> Ni Putu Tirka Widanti, I Made Kariyana Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DIGITAL BOOKS IN THE LEARNING PROCESS: SYSTEMIC LITERATURE REVIEW <p>Digital books are digital teaching materials that can be integrated with various <br>multimedia, including images, videos, animations or manipulative media. For the <br>next digital book development process, data and information on what types of <br>digital books are and what media have been integrated are really needed. For this <br>reason, a Systemic Literature Review (SLR) was carried out which examined what <br>and how digital books were researched. This research used PRISMA (Preferred <br>Reporting Items for Systemic and Meta-Analysis) guidelines, by searching for <br>Scopus indexed articles in the 2020-2022 period involving a total of 204 articles. <br>After the screening process, 15 articles were obtained which were then analyzed <br>according to the Research Question (RQ) that had been formulated. From the <br>results of the study based on two RQs, it was found that (1) the research design <br>that researches digital books the most is design/development research; (2) The <br>aspect that is least integrated into digital books is animation/manipulative media. <br>These results have limitations in terms of the scope of data sources and the depth <br>of study on the material discussed. So this research provides opportunities for <br>future researchers both in development design and SLR.<br>Keywords: ; ; ;<br>media</p> I Gusti Agung Ngurah Trisna Jayantika, Ketut Agustini, I Gde Wawan Sudhata, Gede Rasben Dantes Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 IMPLEMENTATION OF PANCASILA VALUES IN THE TRI HITA KARANA CONCEPT <p><em>The resulting values within the philosophy and ideology of Pancasila are noble and sustainable, as well as universal. These values grow and develop within the lives of the Indonesian people, believed to be good and true. The Balinese Hindu community also believes in these values, which are described in various philosophical concepts of life, one of which is the Tri Hita concept.</em></p> <p><em>Tri Hita Karana originates from Sanskrit and is formed from three words: Tri, meaning three; Hita, meaning happiness or prosperity; and Karana, meaning cause or causes. Thus, the Tri Hita Karana philosophy contains the meaning of three causes of happiness: a life in harmony between humans and humans (pawongan), humans and the environment (palemahan), and humans and God (parahyangan).</em></p> <p><em>This concept aligns with the concept of life based on Pancasila values. In the life of the nation and state, Indonesia hopes for the realization of a socially just society based on belief in the Almighty God, in harmony with just and civilized humanity, upholding unity and oneness through deliberation to consensus. In this way, the complete development of the Indonesian people and all Indonesian society will be realized, namely a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila.</em></p> I Made Sila Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 SERANGAN TURTLE ISLAND: LOCAL WISDOM OF A TOURISM AREA USING A GREEN MARKETING APPROACH AND KEY OPINION LEADER (KOL) MARKETING BASED ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION OF TECHNOLOGY (ICT) <p><em>Turtle Island is a tourist area with local wisdom belonging to Serangan Village, Bali Province. The form of local wisdom values ​​on Turtle Island has become a tourist attraction with a green marketing approach to preserve local wisdom values ​​in tourist areas, a key opinion leader marketing approach to gain tourists' trust, and information communication of technology as a potential supporter in improving service quality in tourist attraction areas. The research was carried out using qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach, namely an approach that looks at the uniqueness or certain phenomena that occur in tourist areas. Data collection methods use interview methods, observations and document study techniques. The results of the research show that the value of local wisdom from the tourist area, both in the form of traditions and customs, is important, because it can provide its own attraction. The green marketing approach is one of the concrete actions in maintaining and preserving the concept of local wisdom in a tourist area which is known as environmentally friendly educational and conservation tourism, so that the existence of turtles as a mainstay icon of the Serangan Village tourist area remains sustainable and is beneficial for the environment and surrounding communities. Other supporting objects in tourist areas provide added value to a tourist location. The involvement of key opinion leaders who care about tourism potential and objects in promoting sustainable tourist destinations also contributes to the success of green marketing activities as well as activities to preserve the local wisdom values ​​of these tourist areas with the support of information communication of technology media. The research results show that green marketing and key opinion leader marketing have an impact in increasing the value of the local wisdom of Serangan Village tourism based on information communication of technology.</em></p> Ida Ayu Chandra Lestari, Dr. Dra. I Gusti Ayu Wimba, M.M, Dr. I.A. Putu Widani Sugianingrat S.E., M.M Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNICATION PSYCHOLOGY IN BUILDING SELF-CONFIDENCE FOR CHILDREN IN ORPHANAGES AMONG CAREGIVERS AT TAT TWAM ASI ORPHANAGE, DENPASAR <p><em>This research is a scientific study that discusses how the application of communication psychology is carried out to build the self-confidence of orphanage children in caregivers at the Tat Twam Asi orphanage, Denpasar City. This research aims to find out whether caregivers apply communication psychology in building children's self-confidence in orphanages. This research uses a qualitative descriptive and quantitative descriptive approach with the research subjects namely caregivers at the Tat Twam Asi Orphanage, Denpasar City. The research method uses interview techniques, questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The data collected used interviews, questionnaires, observation, and documentation methods. Based on research results, the application of communication psychology resulted in 60% choosing always and 34% choosing often, with indicators through understanding, enjoyment, influencing attitudes, good social relationships, and actions. The self-confidence of foster children is realized through the achievements obtained by foster children and in the environment both formally and informally. Foster children's self-confidence is built from an attitude of confidence in their abilities, optimism, objectivity, responsibility, and rationality. In the application of communication psychology, a close approach is needed, of course with the word "forum" so that foster children can interact and communicate</em> well.</p> Ketut Alit Pratiwi, Astuti Wijayanti , I Made Sutika , Ni Made Pujani , NK.Diah Apriani Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EXPLORING THAI SCIENTISTS’ BEHAVIOR TO ENGAGE IN SCIENCE COMMUNICATION TRAINING <p><em>Effective science communication plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between scientific communities and the public, fostering informed societal decision-making, and contributing to sustainable development across various sectors. This study offers a comprehensive analysis of the intentions and behaviors of Thai scientists towards science communication training within Thailand's distinctive cultural and educational landscape. Utilizing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling</em> <em>and the Integrated Behavior Model, our research examined a sample of 73 scientists from various fields including academia, healthcare, and government across areas in Thailand. The findings reveal that perceived control has a direct impact on Thai scientists' intentions to participate in science communication training and highlight the effect of such intentions on the actual behavior of engaging in these training programs. The study also highlights the role of resource allocation and past behavior in shaping actual engagement in science communication activities. Moreover, we discovered an inverse relationship between injunctive norms and intentions, suggesting that perceived peer pressure or expectations might not invariably foster an individual's intention to undergo science communication training. This finding invites further exploration into the cultural and institutional dynamics that might contribute to this outcome. Our research contributes to the global dialogue on science communication by providing unique insights into the factors that encourage scientists from engaging in communication training within a non-Western context. By underscoring the factors influencing Thai scientists' intentions and participation in science communication training, our goal is to offer insights to institutions and policymakers. This guidance is crucial for the strategic allocation of funding and time in the development of training programs tailored for scientists and science communicators, not only in Thailand but across ASEAN nations. Through this approach, we seek to enhance the effectiveness of science communication, fostering a well-informed public dialogue on scientific issues throughout the region.</em></p> Pham Truong Giang, N Paoprasert , S Srisawadi , Joe Pacal Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR ARABICA COFFEE FARMING IN MANIKLIYU VILLAGE, KINTAMANI SUBDISTRICT, BANGLI REGENCY, BALI PROVINCE <p><em>Coffee is a commodity that plays a big role in the global economy and plays a role in improving people's welfare. Indonesia is known as one of the world's coffee stock suppliers, where coffee from Indonesia is known to have superior and unique sensory characteristics. So Indonesian coffee has an important position in the world coffee trade. One of the sub-districts in Bangli Regency that produces Arabica coffee is Kintamani. Kintamani coffee from Bali is famous for its distinctive floral aroma. Manikliyu Village is one of the villages in Kintamani that grows Arabica coffee. Arabica coffee farmers in Manikliyu Village are faced with a number of challenges and are faced with great opportunities for the Arabica coffee industry with demand for high quality coffee from Bali continuing to increase, both in local and international markets. So developing the right strategy is very important for Arabica coffee farmers in Manikliyu Village which can increase the competitiveness of Arabica coffee products. The aim of this research is to identify internal and external strategic factors and determine a strategy for developing Arabica coffee farming in Manikliyu Village. This research uses IFAS, EFAS, and SWOT analysis. The results of the research show that there are five internal strategic factors consisting of the strengths and weaknesses of the Arabica coffee farming business in Manikliyu Village and external strategic factors consisting of opportunities and threats, there are 3 opportunity factors and 5 threat factors. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it is in quadrant I, namely an aggressive strategy for developing Arabica coffee farming businesses. The strategy that can be used by Arabica coffee farming businesses in Manikliyu Village from the SWOT analysis is an aggressive strategy in quadrant I which allows this Arabica coffee farming business to continue to be developed. Thus, several alternative strategies that can be used in efforts to develop arabica coffee farming in Manikliyu Village based on the SWOT matrix are extensification and intensification of arabica coffee cultivation, cultivating pest and climate change resistant arabica coffee, establishing partnerships with arabica coffee processors and exporters, and developing efficient arabica coffee picking technology.</em></p> Luh Anggreni Dewi Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE INTEGRATION OF STIRRING AND SETTLING ACTIVITIES IN COMMUNICATIVE ESP CLASSROOM WITH THE USE OF LMS <p><em>This study investigates the integration of activities, especially stirring and settling activities, using Learning Management Systems (LMS) in communicative English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses. While settling activities help with comprehension and language input retention, stirring activities are based on the principles of communicative language education and are designed to pique learners' interest and activate past knowledge. This study intends to clarify the best practice of communicative language teaching in ESP environments by thoroughly explaining the integration of the activities by using LMS and teachers’ perceptions of it. The results of this project will advance pedagogical knowledge by providing useful ways to enhance technology-mediated language training and encouraging authentic communication, meaningful interaction, and active participation among ESP learners. The study employs a qualitative approach, including classroom observations, interviews, and documentation to gather comprehensive data on pedagogical practices, teachers' perceptions, and learning outcomes. </em></p> Putu Tika Virginiya, Ni Made Lisma Martarini Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 SUSTAINABLE DIGITAL FOOD SUPPLY CHAIN IN INDONESIA <p><em>Sustainability in the food supply chain is a top priority for various global and local entities, including companies, governments, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and society. For example, in the 1990s, collaboration between civil society groups and the corporate world aimed to promote sustainability across global supply chains. This is achieved by creating formal organizations that set sustainability standards in sectors such as organic food, fair trade, forestry, and fisheries. The partnership highlights the need for collective action among supply chain participants to effectively address economic, social, and environmental challenges. This article discusses digital food supply chain sustainability research development through a systematic literature review and the influencing factors influencing digital food supply chain business performance. The method used is a mixed method, where in this research, a literature review was used using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) methods. The results show that research on digital supply chain sustainability began in 1998. From 2007 to 2019, the number of journal articles discussing digital supply chain sustainability relatively increased. From 2020 until now, it has decreased. This may happen because the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, and researchers may have difficulty conducting such multidisciplinary research. In addition, the SEM results show that only the economic sustainability variable positively and significantly influences the technological sustainability dimension variables and digital food supply chain business performance. In contrast, the other variables show a negative influence.</em></p> Bayu Sumantri Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE APPLICATION OF LEARNING TECHNOLOGY TO SHAPE THE MOTIVATION OF WRITING LITERACY AND THE FORMATION HABIT OF RURAL STUDENTS IN INDONESIA <p><em>Technology-enhanced learning has become an integral part of contemporary education and has a significant impact on students' writing literacy motivation. This research aims to review the level of writing literacy motivation in rural Junior High Schools (SMP) in Indonesia. Additionally, this study aims to examine the relationship between learning technology and students' writing habits. This research employs a quantitative approach with online survey data collection techniques using the Qualtrics system. The analysis technique used in this study utilizes Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The test results indicate that learning technology has a significant influence on writing literacy with a path coefficient of 0.614. This suggests that mastery of learning technology provides a positive boost to students' motivation to write. The impact of learning technology on habits and behavior also has a significant direction with a path coefficient of 0.651. The use of technology has increased students' motivation for writing literacy due to easy access to required resources. Participants feel more motivated to explore new topics and ideas and offer opportunities to express themselves through writing.</em></p> Harmita Sari, Ming-Chou Liu, Anshari, Abdul Halim, Kamaruddin, A. Nurhayati Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 BALINESE LANGUAGE LEARNING IN THE ERA OF MODERNIZATIONMAIN <p>Balinese is the mother tongue of the Balinese people. As time goes by, the use of the Balinese language is experiencing degradation. This is because Bali is a very famous tourist destination in the world, therefore many Balinese people / Balinese manners prefer to learn a foreign language so they can work in the tourism sector and thus the use of Balinese is put aside. In fact, very few of the younger generation rarely, or even cannot, use Balinese. In fact, Balinese language learning has been introduced from elementary school to high school or vocational high school. To follow up on this, the Bali Provincial Government has made an effort, namely by implementing a vision and missionNangun Sat Kerti Loka Bali with one of its visions, namely, preserving the Balinese language and Balinese culture in the era of revolution 4.0. One way to learn Balinese in this era of modernization is digitalization. Digitalization has developed very rapidly, one of which iswebsite. Website can be used as a means to maintain the mother tongue, especially Balinese. The website is used to introduce the Balinese language to the eyes of the world. In this era of modernization, the Balinese language plays a role in restoring the identity of the Balinese people because native Balinese people have experienced a shift in the use of the Balinese language.</p> I Gusti Ayu Putu Istri Aryasuari, Ida Ayu Novita Yogan Dewi Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 SERVANT LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES BY PRINCIPALS TO INCREASE TEACHERS' WORK MOTIVATION <p>Servant leadership is a leadership paradigm that emphasizes a leader's devotion to serving his subordinates, not just controlling or governing. This study aims to explore how servant leadership strategies implemented by school principals can increase teacher motivation in the school environment. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach in three public high schools in the city of Denpasar. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The results showed that there are several effective servant leadership strategies implemented by principals to increase teacher motivation, including: building a shared vision to create a supportive work environment, empowering to provide professional development opportunities, effective communication in order to strengthen interpersonal relationships between principals and teachers, recognizing and rewarding teacher contributions, and welfare support for teachers. Principals who successfully implement servant leadership strategies are found to have good communication skills, strong empathy, and a commitment to the development of their staff. From these findings, it can be concluded that servant leadership plays an important role in increasing teachers' work motivation, which in turn can improve the quality of education in schools.</p> I Wayan Aryawan Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 BALI HONEY BEE CULTIVATION COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM KELE AGROWING ETHNO BALI IN BAHA VILLAGE <p>Balinese Etno Bee Agrotourism is located in Baha village which is engaged in cultivating honey bees. Kele is a partner in PKM activities. The aim of this PKM is (1) to overcome pests that attack kele honey bees in an effort to increase production yields, (2) to increase sales of honey produced by kele honey bee cultivation. Solutions to overcome attacks from bee enemies: (1) To prevent ants from entering the bee house, the legs supporting the bee house are smeared with oil or placed in a bowl filled with water. To prevent night moths, this is done by keeping the bee house clean, making the door smaller so that the butterflies cannot enter, strengthening the colony and setting traps at night. (2) Increasing marketing is carried out through online and off-line marketing promotions. To reach a wider range of consumers, the honey packaging is varied with varying volumes, namely 250 ml and 500 ml with attractive labels attached to the packaging bottles. Offline marketing is assisted by inviting consumers directly to the location to show that the honey is truly pure cultivated honey. Online marketing is assisted by promotions through digital media. The results of PKM are an increase in bee cultivation, increased skills in cultivating kele honey bees and an increase in sales income from honey production.</p> I Komang Sukendra, I Made Darmada, I Made Subrata Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY IN SALES OF WE COFFEE ROASTER PRODUCTS <p>The process of marketing products cannot be separated from the strategy that every company has so that its goals are achieved. Of course, it requires an effective marketing communication strategy to market its products. The purpose of this research is to analyze and develop marketing communication strategies used in the sale of WE Coffee Roaster products. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with the subject of the study, namely the Marketing &amp; Communication Manager of WE Coffee Lab. In this study, researchers used data collection techniques in the form of observation, direct interviews with resource persons and documentation. The findings in research at PT Wilindo Jaya Utama WE Coffee Lab show that supporting marketing communication strategies in selling WE Coffee Lab products is the 7P marketing mix, namely: 1) The products offered have varied; 2) The price offered is affordable to the public; 3) Promotional media used are Instagram and Facebook social media and events in the coffee industry; 4) The distribution location is strategic so that it is easy to reach; 5) The company selects employees according to the required requirements; 6) Physical evidence that can be seen is the results of lab tests in the form of machines suitable for use and user friendly machine designs; 7) The process of presenting the product is that the customer places an order, after which the payment and product are ready to be shipped.</p> Ni Nyoman Cipta Dewi, Maria Gracela Bili Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DEVELOPMENT OF VEGETABLE SALES ACTIVITIES THROUGH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE PASAR RAKYAT GIANYAR <p>Indonesia is an agricultural country that has a fairly large territory with diverse resources. In utilizing these resources, activities are carried out, one of which is in the agricultural sector, thereby producing food, energy sources and other things for the community. Gianyar Regency is one of nine regencies/cities in Bali Province. The livelihood of the people in the Gianyar Regency area is mostly farming<br>One of the developments in vegetable sales activities at the Pasar Rakyat Gianyar can be done through social media technology, so that production results can be absorbed more optimally, but an effective social media marketing strategy must be adjusted to target consumers and the products needed by consumers. Judging from the vegetable marketing planning vegetables at the Gianyar People's Market: (a) The products sold, especially vegetables, are very diverse and in fresh condition when sold to consumers, but there are also many traders selling similar goods so there is still a lot of competition in selling similar products (b) Prices offered to consumers is also different depending on the type of consumer who buys retail or wholesale, so that consumers who buy in bulk get cheaper prices. (c) In simple terms, the place for vegetable sales activities at the Pasar Rakyat Gianyar is strategic and easy to reach for consumers because it is located in the middle of the city. Traders usually sell in the parking basement and on the 2nd floor of the market, with strategic selling places consumers can choose and make purchase transactions easily (d) The promotions carried out are still lacking because they only rely on buyers coming in person, but some traders are already using digital technology to place orders via WhatsApp.<br>From the conclusions above, the following suggestions can be drawn. More vegetable products are being sold, so consumers are interested in shopping, especially cafes or restaurants that require organic raw materials. Prices are maintained for consumers who buy in bulk so that consumers do not switch to other traders. Distribution is carried out widely, not only in the surrounding area. Promotion through the use of digital technology to be carried out to develop sales.</p> Ida Ayu Candrika Dewi Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DESIGNING THE BUSINESS STRATEGY FOR PT XYZ: A COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN HEALTH INSURANCE SERVICES IN SIDOARJO, EAST JAVA. <p>Insurance has a significant part for the Indonesian economy. Insurance can enhance the allocation of public funding to address financial risks, particularly in industries with elevated health risks and work accidents. However, the level of competition in the insurance industry is rising. In 2020, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) reported that there were 376 insurance businesses with valid business licenses operating in Indonesia. The objective of this research is to develop a business strategy for PT XYZ that will ensure the long-term viability of the company and identify areas for improvement. PT XYZ, located in Sidoarjo, East Java, is a company that specializes in providing health insurance services to a diverse range of organizations. Strategy formulation necessitates the examination of industrial structure through Porter's five forces and SWOT analysis. This analysis serves as an input stage in evaluating business strategy formulation, specifically in assessing the significance of Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), and Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM). During the matching stage, an analysis was conducted to align opportunities and threats with strengths and weaknesses. This analysis involves the use of the SWOT matrix, IE matrix, and GSM matrix. The decision stage involves making a decision to establish a strategy by utilizing the Quantitative Strategy Planning Matrix (QSPM). Therefore, an appropriate course of action to be undertaken at PT XYZ is the market development for health insurance services.</p> Salsabila, Argo Hadi Kusumo, Esti Dwi Rinawiyanti Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE LEGAL POWER OF THE NOTARY'S COVERNOTE IN CREDIT AGREEMENTS GUARANTEE LEGAL PERSPECTIVE <p>The notary’s covernote is a document typically made by a notary to provide assurance for a transaction or credit. This covernote is commonly used to secure credit provided by a bank or other financial institution to the borrower. The existence and legal strength of the notarial covernote in credit agreements are influenced by the laws applicable in the country where the transaction takes place. However, generally, the notarial covernote can have several functions and legal strengths in the context of credit agreements, especially from the perspective of security law. The results of this study indicate that the authority and responsibility of the notary in credit agreements serve to bridge the interests of creditors and debtors in the preparation of deeds in credit agreements. Legal protection for creditors in credit agreements through the use of notarial covernotes is basically not prohibited and is permissible according to Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking and Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Positions. However, the notary issuing the cover note as the basis for bank credit disbursement must be careful and thorough in checking the documents of the collateral object and verifying the involved parties to prevent issues in the land registration process and granting mortgage rights to the land office.</p> Sang Ayu Made Ary Kusumawardhani Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DYNAMICS OF POLITICAL COMMUNICATION OF PURI UBUD FIGURES IN THE GLOBAL ERA <p><em>Puri, or noble houses in Bali, still play a significant role in Balinese history. Although some may consider it outdated, Puri Ubud among the puri in Ubud, Gianyar Regency, remains a barometer of the development of various traditions, politics, and even the economy in Gianyar. Progress due to rapid tourism growth and state administration supported by the development of mass media further strengthens the occurrence of change. One parameter is the transition from classic authoritarian and feudalistic Balinese culture to modern, democratic, and egalitarian Balinese culture (Naya Sujana, 1994:56). Besides cultural transitions, shifts also occur in various aspects, such as governance, leadership, and information dissemination media. Thus, the authority of the puri and its figures also begins to experience changes. The changes in governance from post-independence to the New Order era limited the authority of Puri Ubud, prompting Puri Ubud figures to make improvements to ensure that previous traditions and functions of the puri were not lost due to globalization. The opportunity widened after the reform era, as Puri Ubud figures entered various traditional, social, and political organizations. The previous weakened authority began to be taken over through broader influence in the fields of custom, religion, history, culture, and science. Francis Fukuyama refers to this as social capital in the form of social networks. French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (2010) refers to symbolic capital, alongside economic capital. Furthermore, according to Bourdieu, there are four forms of capital that can be used to support political communication: economic capital, social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital. This research uses descriptive qualitative techniques, data collection through interviews, observation, document studies, with descriptive-qualitative data analysis. Two theories are used, namely, Practice Theory and Mass Communication Theory. This research reveals the forms or traditions implemented to enhance the ability and political communication activities of pre-Puri Ubud figures. The existence of traditions in Ubud is also influenced by market ideology, branding, power practices, and capital (social, economic, cultural, symbolic). These factors are interconnected and symbiotic in maintaining the traditions and political power of Puri Ubud figures in the modern era.</em></p> I Wayan Suartawan, Ni Made Adi Novayanti, Astuti Wijayanti Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS <p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of SWOT analysis and Information Technology in the digital business era 5.0 in the city of Pematang Siantar. This research shows many results in the form of a description or phenomenon that occurs regarding how SWOT analysis and Information Technology in the Digital Business Era 5.0 can affect the development of local MSMEs in Pematang Siantar City, North Sumatra. In addition, researchers also took some sample data on local MSMEs which were used to show the progress of local MSME businesses in Pematang Siantar City both in pictures, or other data presented by researchers. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. In this method, the author explains to the readers about what is presented through exposure in the form of words conveyed through the author's own language based on several sources such as books and internet sites which are in the form of images, graphs, or tables taken from several sources for this research.</em></p> Agung Yudha Permana, Junedi Oloan Sinaga Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 IMPROVING HOTEL EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH THE MEDIATING ROLE JOB SATISFACTION <p><em>Human resources play a vital role in helping hotels achieve their organizational goals. For hotels to succeed, they need employees who perform well. Unfortunately, the Kuta Central Park Hotel experienced a 3.5% drop in employee performance during 2020-2021, which is a significant issue. A poor work environment can lead to job dissatisfaction, which can negatively impact employee performance. This study aims to understand the impact of the work environment on employee performance, using job satisfaction as a mediator. The research was conducted on the employees of the Kuta Central Park Hotel, with a sample size of 39 people, using a saturated sampling method. The path analysis and Sobel test were used to analyze the data. The results show that the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and job satisfaction. Moreover, job satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. The work environment indirectly affects employee performance through job satisfaction, and job satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between the work environment and employee performance. The study recommends conducting operational checks to reduce the number of damaged equipment, checking work infrastructure at regular intervals, providing motivation, and conducting employee evaluations to improve employee performance and build trust in their work.</em></p> Ni Putu Dian Hariasih , I Gede Aryana Mahayasa Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: INFLUENCE OF PRODUCT QUALITY AND PRICE ON INTERESTED TO BUY SKINCARE SKINTIFIC PRODUCTS FOR STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC FACULTS <p><em>The aim of this research is to find out the difference between product quality and price simultaneously against interest in buying skincare skintific. This research is research using quantitative methods, where the object used is a student of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Simalungun. As for the number of samples to be used in this study, it was 54 respondents. Data is collected directly from respondents using the research instrument in the form of a questionnaire through Google Form and purposive sampling technique. Then the results are processed using SPSS version 25 data processing application. The results of this study prove that the F test results simultaneously obtained the value of Calculus &gt; Ftable 263.053 &gt; 3.18 and the p-value obtaining the column sig 0.000 &lt; 0.05 means significant. This suggests that product quality and price simultaneously have a significant influence on purchasing interest skincare skintific and the results of the determination coefficient calculation, an adjusted value of R Square obtained at 0.910 (91%). This indicates that the product quality variable (X1) and the price variabel (X2) affect the purchasing value variables (Y) at 91.0% while the remaining 9.0% are influenced by other factors not discussed in this study.</em></p> Sonia A. Butar-Butar, Nety Harefa, Jantri H. Sinaga , Rindu Anggita P. , Aditiya, Resna Napitu Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE ROLE OF PERSONAL SELLING IN MEDIATING THE EFFECT OF SALES PROMOTION ON THE DECISIONS TO PURCHASE REVLON BEAUTY PRODUCTS AN EMPIRICAL STUDY AT NATALIA'S SHOP IN DENPASAR <p><em>Purchasing decisions are the process of selecting a product or brand from various existing alternatives and determining attitudes after the actual purchase is made. Purchasing decisions are strongly influenced by sales promotions and direct interactions between sellers and potential consumers, which are generally carried out through personal selling activities. This study aims to analyze and evaluate the effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions with personal selling as an intervening variable. This study was conducted at a special retail store located at Natalia Shop Denpasar. The sampling method in this study uses a non-probability method. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. The sample size for this study was 130 respondents. The data collection method was carried out through a questionnaire with a question format. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis with intervening variables using the causal step method assisted by SPSS software. The results show that sales promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Sales promotion also has a positive and significant effect on personal selling. Sales promotion and personal selling partially and simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. The Sobel test results show that the personal selling variable is able to mediate the effect of sales promotion on purchasing decisions.</em></p> I Wayan Tantra Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE EFFECT OF WORKLOAD ON EMPLOYEES OF PT. WAHANA PUTRA YUDHA PEMATANGSIANTAR <p><em>Human resources are the most important thing for PT. Wahana Putra Yudha Pematangsiantar. The issue of human resources is a challenge in itself for management, because the performance that a company seeks from a person depends on the individual's ability, motivation and support received, if someone in the company, namely human resources, can run effectively then the company will continue to run effectively. Based on the results of observations made at PT. Wahana Putra Yudha Pematangsiantar, the workload received by employees is the target of getting large sales of products at PT. Wahana Putra Yudha Pematangsiantar and employees are also often told to go home later if the daily target has not been met. And for the training provided by PT. Wahana Putra Yudha Pematangsiantar, the results of the training that has been carried out are that employees still have the same abilities as before the training was provided. The lack of ability to sell and meet existing targets makes the training that has been carried out less effective for employees at PT. Wahana Putra Yudha Pematangsiantar.</em></p> Sabrina Maharani Lamno, Zafirah Rizky Amani, Indra Raya Pernando, Yessi Febriyani, Kristianto Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE ROLE OF WORLD BANK IN DEVELOPMENT OF JELOJOK MARKET IN SUPPORTING ACHIEVEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN CENTRAL LOMBOK, WEST NUSA TENGGARA <p>This research aims to analyze the role and contribution of World Bank in<br>development of Jelojok Market in Kopang, Central Lombok in achieving sustainable<br>development goals in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Using the analytical<br>descriptive research methods combined with concept of multilateral development<br>banks (MDBs) and sustainable development goals (SDGs) as well as data collection<br>techniques based on literature studies and interviews, this research argues that<br>World Bank has an important role in financing the sustainable infrastructure<br>development of Jelojok Market as well as providing technical assistance and<br>capacity building including providing consultations, training, and expert assistance<br>in the process of developing Jelojok Market. The significant roles of World Bank<br>contributes to inclusive and sustainable economic growth including improving<br>economic welfare of local communities and availability of employment opportunities<br>in supporting achievement of sustainable development goals in Central Lombok,<br>West Nusa Tenggara.</p> Sirwan Yazid Bustami Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DISCOURSE ON RECONSTRUCTION OF THE CHILDREN'S GAME "MEONG-MEONGAN" IN BALI THROUGH TIKTOK TO PRESERVE INDONESIAN CULTURE IN THE 5.0 ERA <p>In today's digital era, young children are already familiar with gadgets. Parents often<br>allow their children to focus on playing with gadgets every day. This can certainly<br>impact the children, one of which is difficulties in socializing. Therefore, there is a<br>need for the discourse on reconstructing traditional children's games, one of which<br>is the “meong-meongan” game, through the social media platform TikTok, to<br>preserve Indonesian culture in the era 5.0. The purpose of this study is to describe<br>the traditional game of “meong-meongan” to reintroduce it to children. The research<br>methodology used is a literature review on children's games. The results of this study<br>are, firstly, the discourse on reconstructing the traditional form of the “meongmeongan” game using social media TikTok. This game is quite simple, involving<br>chasing and catching friends with eyes closed, accompanied by the MeongMeongan song or other Balinese regional songs. The game is reconstructed by<br>recording it anew and uploading it to social media TikTok so it can be viewed by<br>everyone. Secondly, the function of the “meong-meongan” game plays a role in<br>honing abilities in strategies to chase and catch opponents and also trains the eyes<br>as well as the strength of legs and hands. Moreover, it can enhance focus in children<br>by observing their peers who play the role of mice to be caught. This game also<br>fosters unity among children and a sense of community through cooperation.<br>Another function that can be learned from the “meong-meongan” game is training<br>patience to wait and catch the opponent, as well as preserving Balinese regional<br>songs as the accompaniment to this game. Thirdly, in Bali, children's games and<br>regional children’s songs are cultural aspects that need to be preserved to this day.<br>The meaning of this game is to train organization, cooperation, and individual social<br>skills in children. This research is essential in the era 5.0, which is increasingly<br>advanced with the rapid development of technology impacting children's intelligence<br>and the fading of social and cultural developments. Therefore, there is a need to<br>reconstruct traditional children's games, including the “meong-meongan” game in<br>Bali.</p> Ida Bagus Made Wisnu Parta, Anak Agung Mirah Setia Pertiwi, Ni Nyoman Ayu Riptayani, Ni Komang Divayanti Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ENHANCING JOB SATISFACTION AMONG EMPLOYEES VIA ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE, WORKING ENVIRONMENT, AND LOCUS OF CONTROL <p>Job satisfaction refers to how employees feel about their work, whether it's enjoyable<br>or not. The purpose of this study was to investigate how organizational culture, nonphysical work environment, and locus of control influence employee job satisfaction.<br>After conducting interviews with several employees, it was found that there were<br>several issues, such as the tasks given had to be completed by a predetermined<br>deadline, and there were incompatibilities with co-workers because of seniority. The<br>study was conducted at Yamaha Waja Motor Sentral Gianyar, with 42 employees<br>participating, using the saturated sampling method. Data was collected through<br>observation, interviews, documentation, literature, and questionnaires. The research<br>instrument tests, multiple linear regression analysis, t-tests, and F-tests were used<br>to analyze the data. The study found that organizational culture, non-physical work<br>environment, and locus of control all have a positive and significant effect partially<br>on employee job satisfaction. Additionally, all three factors combined have a<br>significant impact on job satisfaction. To help improve job satisfaction, the institution<br>can encourage employees to control their attitude while working by giving a warning<br>letter if necessary. Employees can also seek help from colleagues who understand<br>the work or their leaders to complete tasks they don't fully understand on time.</p> Ida Ayu Nadia Maitarini, Ni Luh Adisti Abiyoga Wulandari, I Gede Aryana Mahayasa Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING PROCESSED FISH PRODUCTS IN AN EFFORT TO INCREASE THE INCOME OF WOMEN FARMERS' GROUP IN ULAKAN VILLAGE, MANGGIS DISTRICT, KARANGASEM REGENCY <p>Ulakan Village has abundant potential in the fisheries sector. However, efforts are<br>needed to develop processed fish products. Female workers have productivity and<br>play a role in supporting the increase in income of women farming groups in Ulakan<br>Village. The aim of this research is to determine internal and external conditions and<br>determine the development strategies used to develop processed fish products in<br>an effort to increase the income of women farming groups. This research was<br>conducted in Ulakan Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency. The sample<br>consisted of 67 female farmers and 6 Kelian Banjar Dinas in Ulakan Village. This<br>research is a qualitative and quantitative descriptive research that uses SWOT<br>analysis.<br>The research results show that the internal conditions that are the main strength<br>factor are the solid management of the women farmer group organization. The main<br>weakness factor is the limited fish production facilities. The external condition of the<br>main opportunity factor is that the HR of the Women Farmers Group is active in<br>entrepreneurial activities. The main threat factor is limited production time and<br>traditional ceremony activities. So the best strategy that can be implemented is to<br>increase capital, develop product quality, schedule work and increase workforce.</p> I Gusti Agung Nyoman Dananjaya Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 REVITALIZING TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE FOR CONTEMPORARY HOUSING IN BALI <p>The research aims to propose a conceptual framework for implementing Balinese<br>architectural elements in contemporary living environments. Utilizing a qualitative<br>methodology, the study conducts a comprehensive literature review to explore the<br>integration of traditional Balinese architecture into modern architectural practices.<br>The research identifies key Balinese architectural elements that can be adapted for<br>contemporary use, including spatial layout, pamesuan (entrance), facade,<br>ornamentation, and materials. These elements are recognized for their potential to<br>enhance modern living spaces with cultural depth, aesthetic value, and<br>environmental sustainability. The study concludes that the thoughtful incorporation<br>of Balinese architectural principles into modern designs can create living spaces that<br>are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also deeply rooted in cultural<br>heritage. This integration offers a pathway towards preserving Balinese architectural<br>identity while meeting the demands of contemporary living, suggesting a harmonious<br>balance between tradition and modernity.</p> Arya Bagus Mahadwijati Wijjatmaja, Frysa Wiriantari, Putu Gde Ery Suardana Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE PROFILE OF PANCASILA STUDENTS AS A SUPPORT FORCE IN DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION IMPLEMENTATION <p>The implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Indonesia is always associated<br>with the goal of shaping the Profile of Pancasila Students in producing intelligent and<br>characterful Indonesian generations. The Profile of Pancasila Students is the<br>embodiment of students who have global competencies and behave in accordance<br>with the values of Pancasila. The dimensions within it are: faith, piety towards the<br>One Almighty God and noble character, independence, mutual cooperation, global<br>diversity, critical thinking, and creativity. Democratic Education is part of the effort to<br>foster and develop knowledge about democratic attitudes and skills in the midst of<br>multicultural life. Democratic Education instills awareness and guarantees the rights<br>of citizens. The Profile of Pancasila Students is closely related to Democratic<br>Education with its supporting force in the six dimensions within it.</p> Putu Ronny Angga Mahendra Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE IMPACT OF USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ENGLISH LEARNING AMONG ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND LITERATURE STUDENTS <p><em>Lately education industry has been challenged by lots of digitalization and technology innovation. Artificial Intelligence is also become a prominent technology in education field that is being huge among the university students’ in Bali. Artificial Intelligence are including application or website which serve many experienced in learning. This study aims to determine the impact of using artificial intelligence in English language learning among English language and literature education students in Bali. This research is a type of qualitative research that uses qualitative methods, namely structured interviews, literature studies, and documentation. Structured-interviews were conducted using a google meet, which was shared by Whatsapp group and private with 20 English education and/or literature students who were active in several universities in Bali.The results of this study are 1) there are six AI that students use for learning English and they have difference benefits, 2) there are positive impact of AI, 3) Besides of all the positive impact, students also feel there are negativity impact from using AI. AI has been a technological tools in English learning. AI is useful, but students as the one who operates takes a role for using AI. Students should be wiser to operates and even using AI as their learning media, so they will get the positive impact more than the negative impact.</em></p> Ni Made Dwi Utari Pusparini Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OPTIMISATION OF CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT BASED ON INTERNET OF THINKS FOR POWER ENHANCEMENT OF MONOCRYSTALLINE SOLAR PANELS <p><em>The energy source of power generation still depends on fossil energy sources or in other words non-renewable energy sources. The amount of fossil use as energy material touched 22.58%, coal 37.15% and natural gas 20.13%. Meanwhile, the use of renewable energy is still very small, around 9.15%. One of the renewable energy that will not run out is solar energy. In Indonesia, the potential of solar energy is around 4.8 kWh/m2 or equivalent to 112.00 GWp, but its current utilisation is only around 10MWp. Solar panel is a tool that is able to utilise solar energy into electrical energy, this tool is able to work according to the state of the environment. This tool works optimally at normal temperatures around 25 ° C, the temperature of the solar panel if it is too hot then its performance will decrease. This research will be conducted at Pakuan University by designing a cooling system to optimise the temperature of monocrystalline solar panels to increase the power income generated. This system will be supported by the internet of things to make it easier to control the system, and research will also be carried out on the power income of solar panels before using the system made.</em></p> Andi Chairunnas, Muhammad Dwi Erlangga, Dendy Saeful Zen MF, Biyan Firmansyah Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 POTENTIAL OF CARRAGEENAN PGP AND SYNTHETIC FERTILIZER IN IMPROVING GROWT <p>This study assessed the impact of carrageenan and synthetic fertilizer on rice<br>production by examining various parameters including plant height, number of tillers,<br>panicle length, moisture content, and rice yield. Field experiments were conducted,<br>and data were collected from five different treatment groups. Statistical analysis<br>revealed non-significant effects across all parameters, with p-values ranging from<br>0.81 to 0.99, indicating that neither carrageenan nor synthetic fertilizer led to<br>statistically significant differences in rice growth and productivity. Despite the<br>absence of significant effects, the study contributes valuable insights to agricultural<br>research by challenging existing assumptions about the efficacy of these treatments.<br>It underscores the necessity for empirical validation of agricultural practices and<br>emphasizes the ongoing need for exploration and refinement of agricultural<br>technologies. Future research directions include exploring alternative application<br>rates, timings, or formulations of carrageenan and synthetic fertilizer to uncover<br>optimal conditions for enhancing rice production. Additionally, conducting field trials<br>across diverse environments and adopting integrated approaches that combine<br>various agricultural practices may offer new insights into improving crop<br>performance. Comprehensive economic analyses will also aid in assessing the costeffectiveness of these treatments and informing farmers' decisions regarding their<br>adoption. This study sets the stage for further investigations aimed at optimizing rice<br>production practices and addressing the challenges faced by farmers in the<br>agricultural sector.</p> Nerilyn J. Victoria, Albert P. Ulac, Dinah Marie C. Dayag Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 UNVEILING EFFICIENCY CHALLENGES IN WEST JAVA'S CHILI PRODUCTION: A PATHWAY TO ENHANCING INDONESIA'S FOOD SECURITY <p>Chili is a cornerstone of Indonesian cuisine, playing a pivotal role in the nation's food<br>security. However, the chili production sector in West Java, a key hub for chili<br>cultivation, faces significant challenges due to price volatility stemming from<br>production inefficiencies. This study examines the technical inefficiencies prevalent<br>in chili production in West Java and how they are influenced by farmers' socioeconomic characteristics and access to financial resources. A random sample of 398<br>farmers from four major chili-producing districts underwent analysis using<br>multinomial logistic regression and one-way ANOVA. The findings indicate that 83%<br>of chili farmers are efficient in running their farms. With an average technical<br>inefficiency of 25%, there is potential to double chili production using existing<br>resources and technologies. It is important to note that several factors were identified<br>as influencing inefficiency, such as age, education level, household size,<br>participation in training, farm record keeping, land tenure, land size, and crop<br>productivity. It is interesting to note that farmers who have access to one financial<br>provider have lower levels of inefficiency, with MFIs being the provider with the<br>lowest average inefficiency among other providers. This study provides valuable<br>insights for overcoming production bottlenecks and stabilizing chili prices, thereby<br>improving Indonesia's food security. By understanding and addressing these<br>inefficiencies, stakeholders can work to increase productivity, improve farmers'<br>livelihoods, and ensure a stable supply of this essential ingredient for Indonesian<br>cuisine.</p> Raden Trizaldi Prima Alamsyah, Eliana Wulandari, Zumi Saidah, Hepi Hapsari Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND INFORMATION ASYMMETRY IN 2SLS ESTIMATION OF DYNAMIC SIMULTANEOUS EQUATION MODELS <p><em>Several studies have shown that information imbalance is affected by the availability of relevant information in the market. Such information can be either financial information or non-financial information. It has been studied in previous literature that both financial information and non-financial information should be considered by firms. These studies generally assume that non-financial information has value relevance and serves as additional information for stakeholders and market participants. This study aims to examine the impact of CSR on information imbalance in the Financial Industry. The focus is to prove that CSR can reduce information imbalance in Indonesia. The analytical method used is Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) Regression Analysis to evaluate the relationship between the variables. Therefore, this study has the potential to provide important insights for the financial industry in understanding the impact of CSR practices on information dynamics in the market.</em></p> Irdha Yusra Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE INFLUENCE OF PRICE EARNING RATIO (PER), DEBT OF EQUITY RATIO (DER), AND RETURN ON ASSET (ROA) ON PRICE BOOK VALUE (PBV) (Case Study on State-Owned Enterprises in The Energy and Mining Sector Listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange) <p><em>In the last five years, the world's economic and business conditions have experienced many challenges and trials. The first is the occurrence of cases of the corona infectious disease which then spread to become a pandemic and also the occurrence of conflicts or wars in several countries. The recent regional wars or conflicts have had a significant impact on the energy and mining sectors, both in the region and throughout the world. This research aims to analyze the influence of Price Earning Ratio (PER), Debt of Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Assets (ROA) on Price Book Value (PBV) in Indonesian State-Owned Companies in the energy and mining sector listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The data in this research is secondary data in the form of quarterly financial data for the period 2019-2023. The approach in this research is quantitative descriptive. The research results show that 1). Price Earning Ratio (PER) has a positive but not significant effect on PBV. 2). Debt of Equity Ratio (DER) has a positive but not significant effect on PBV. 3). Return on Assets (ROA) has a positive and significant effect on PBV listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Price Earning Ratio (PER), Debt of Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Assets (ROA) jointly influence the Price Book Value (PBV) of Indonesian State-Owned Companies in the energy and mining sectors listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.</em></p> Zainal Abidin, Faisal Rizal Zainal , N. Ikawidjaja , Danial, RD. Sastra Darmakusumah Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Community Empowerment in Agribusiness Governance at the Citarik Sub Watershed in Tanjungwangi Village, Cicalengka District, Bandung Regency. West Java, Indonesia <p>Community empowerment is an effort to enable and make people independent so that they can<br>fulfill their life needs and interests, as well as improve their standard of living by utilizing the<br>resources they have. Agricultural activities in highland areas must wisely consider the balance of<br>nature while maintaining conservation areas and not destroying productive agricultural regions.<br>This research was conducted using quantitative methods and descriptive statistics with survey<br>methods. The study was carried out in the upstream area of the Citarik sub-watershed,<br>Tanjungwangi Village, Cicalengka District, Bandung Regency. The research location was chosen<br>purposively with the consideration that apart from having great economic potential, its primary<br>function is as a buffer area to store water reserves through the existence of conservation forests.<br>Primary data was obtained through in-depth interview techniques, focused discussions,<br>observation, and process documentation. Interviews using questionnaires were conducted with<br>respondents selected randomly proportionally with a sample size of 120 farmers. The design<br>used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The data analysis technique uses different test<br>analyses intending to connect changes in awareness and ability to act after empowering farmers<br>on conservation land in the Upstream Sub Watershed of Citarik. Research result showed the<br>change in awareness has been good, but there is a need for continued education related to<br>specific issues upstream of watershed Citarik regarding preserving conservation areas and<br>keeping the production landscape sustainable. Farmers' ability to act has also increased towards<br>improvement, but one aspect that still needs to be stronger is action to carry out environmentally<br>friendly agricultural businesses. Empowering farmers on conservation land in the upper reaches<br>of the Citarik watershed shows that changes in awareness have a significant influence on farmers'<br>ability to act in protecting the environment of conservation land</p> Alamsyah, Iwan Setiawan, Ristina Siti Sundari, Predi Nanda Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PRESERVING CULTURAL HERITAGE IN BALI: SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURAL STRATEGIES FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT <p>Bali, an Indonesian island known for its rich cultural heritage, has become a<br>popular tourist destination. The tourism industry in Bali has been a significant<br>contributor to the local economy, but it has also posed challenges in terms of<br>environmental and cultural sustainability. This article aims to explore the<br>preservation of cultural heritage in Bali through sustainable architectural strategies,<br>focusing on traditional Balinese architecture.<br>The research methodology for this article will involve a literature review of existing<br>studies on sustainable tourism in Bali and the role of cultural heritage in this<br>process. The study will focus on the traditional Balinese architecture, which is an<br>integral part of the island's cultural heritage. The research will also consider the<br>challenges and opportunities associated with the integration of sustainable<br>architectural strategies in Bali's tourism development.<br>The study will employ a literature review and related research to analyze the<br>current state of sustainable tourism development in Bali and the role of cultural<br>heritage in this process. The article will conclude with recommendations for<br>sustainable architectural strategies that can support the conservation of Balinese<br>cultural heritage while promoting sustainable tourism.</p> Frysa Wiriantari, Anak Agung Ayu Sri Ratih Yulianasari Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 HOW 'KAMPUS MENGAJAR' PROGRAMS SUSTAINABLY AFFECTS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LITERACY DEVELOPMENT? <p>The 2022 PISA results show that Indonesia is ranked 71st in the reading category. <br>Indonesian students' reading ability scores decreased from 371 to 359. At the <br>elementary school level, the 2023 national education report card shows that the <br>majority of Indonesian students have only reached the minimum literacy <br>competency level with a percentage of 61.53%. This information indicates that the <br>literacy level of Indonesian students in general is still very low. In response to this, <br>the government through the ministry of education and culture launched a program <br>entitled Kampus Mengajar. This program is designed to bring students to schools, <br>especially elementary school level, to support increasing literacy. This program <br>seeks to optimize student literacy development in Indonesia through improving the <br>quality of teaching, utilizing technology, project-based learning, developing soft <br>skills, and increasing access to innovative reading sources. This research seeks to <br>explore the impact &amp; potential of the Kampus Mengajar program for developing <br>literacy in elementary schools in Indonesia in a sustainable manner. This research <br>uses a type of literature study research (literature review) with the selected review <br>model is a narrative review. Researchers use analytical descriptive methods by <br>collecting, identifying, compiling and analyzing various data found. The result of <br>this study shows that the kampus mengajar program has a good impact and <br>potential in developing sustainable literacy in primary schools. The kampus <br>mengajar has an impact on improving the quality of literacy learning in the <br>classroom and students' reading and writing skills. The challenges for the <br>sustainability of the kampus mengajar program are a limited resources and <br>funding, addressing diverse learning needs, and measuring the long-term impact. <br>Recommendations for program sustainability are; 1) focus on collaborative <br>capacity building, 2) developing sustainable resources and practices, 3) integrating <br>technology for enhanced learning experiences, and 4) monitoring and evaluation <br>with a focus on sustainability.</p> Dewi Juniayanti, Dewa Made Dwicky Putra Nugraha Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALYZING THE ANDRAGOGY PRINCIPLES TO BOOST LITERACY SKILLS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS <p>Literacy is a fundamental skill that university students should master to reach greater <br>academic achievement. Dealing with university students requires a certain approach <br>and learning theory. The influence of the andragogy theory by Knowles in teaching <br>university students cannot be ruled out. This research aims to analyze the andragogy <br>principles in teaching and learning activities of sixth-semester students in the <br>research methodology course of English Language Education, The Faculty of <br>Teacher Training and Pedagogy, Dwijendra University. This research is qualitative <br>research where the data were collected from in-depth observation and interviews <br>with an English lecturer. The data were analyzed qualitatively by referring to <br>Knowles' (1984) principles of andragogy which include (1) adults need to be involved <br>in the planning and evaluation of their instruction, (2) experience provides the basis <br>for the learning activities, (3) adults are most interested in learning subjects that have <br>immediate relevance and impact to their job or personal life, and (4) adult learning is <br>problem-centered rather than content-oriented. The finding shows that the principles <br>have been inserted in various learning activities to boost the literacy skills of sixthsemester students. The data shows that principles are potentially beneficial to <br>dealing with university students due to their learning styles and students’ <br>characteristics.</p> I Komang Dedik Susila Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 AN INNOVATIVE LEARNING MODEL BASED ON FLIPPED CLASSROOM IN TEACHING ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS <p><em>English becomes an important language taught in Indonesia since it is used as a foreign language. English as a foreign language had been inserted in the Indonesian education curriculum from elementary school through university or institute. However, most Indonesian students, especially young learners have difficulties in learning English because they lack of vocabularies and confidence. Therefore, it was hard for them to improve their English skills. This research aims to describe flipped classroom as an innovative learning model used in teaching English for young learners. Flipped Classroom in this study was an instructional approach which integrates technology-based learning method. It gave students’ opportunities to learn in the different way. The students could learned English and accomplished their learning practices outside classroom by watching instructional videos. This research used descriptive qualitative research design which focus on literature study from relevance references. The data were collected by doing library research, thus the writer got the data as the reference from books as well as journals regarding the object of the study. This study showed some benefits of Flipped Classroom for students, such as they could increase their self-efficacy, motivation, and critical thinking. Meanwhile, the use of flipped classroom could help teacher in creating positive classroom atmosphere, utilizing technology in creating innovative instructional videos or materials and improving students’ engagement in learning process, thus it could achieve the goals of learning outcomes. </em></p> I Gusti Ayu Indah Triana Juliari Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 APPLICATION OF GREEN ARCHITECTURE AS A STRATEGY FOR REALIZING SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE (CASE STUDY: TRADITIONAL BALINESE HOUSE IN BANGLI AND MODERN CAFE IN UBUD) <p><em>Currently, environmental problems such as increasing physical environmental damage and global warming are being hotly discussed in the world of architecture. The implication is the importance of implementing sustainable architecture through green architecture. Green architectural practices in the world of architecture continue to be carried out on an ongoing basis as an effort to care for the environment. Green architecture itself is defined as architecture that is environmentally friendly, energy efficient, sustainable, and is a high-performance building. Traditional architecture is recognized as architecture that really cares about the environment, as can be seen in the Balinese Traditional House Architecture in Penglipuran, Bangli. The implementation is based on the concept of local wisdom inspired by Hindu-Balinese beliefs. Apart from that, there is also contemporary (modern) architecture in commercial buildings, namely WYAH Cafe in Ubud which applies green architecture. The design was carried out by maintaining existing elements such as the contour of the land and trees, thereby making this building blend with nature and the surrounding environment. The research method used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach to describe the application of green architecture in building design. Includes the process of verifying green architectural concepts and standards as well as implementing the concept of Traditional Balinese House Architecture in Penglipuran and WYAH Art &amp; Creative Space Cafe in Ubud which are related to green architecture. It is hoped that the results of this verification can explain the relationship between existing theories/concepts and the research object, namely looking at the value of green architecture in traditional houses and modern buildings from the perspective of green architecture theory. The research results obtained show that the mass patterns of the Penglipuran Bangli traditional house and WYAH Ubud Cafe are very in accordance with the values of green architecture.</em></p> Ni Putu Yunita Laura Vianthi, I Ketut Adhimastra Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 BUSINESS INNOVATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: STRATEGIES AND CHALLENGES IN THE MODERN ERA <p><em>In the modern era marked by increasingly complex environmental and social challenges, innovation in the business world becomes a key factor in achieving sustainable development. Sustainable development requires a shift in business paradigms, taking into account the long-term impact on the environment and society. The importance of business innovation in the context of sustainable development is crucial in today's world. Business innovation can serve as a solution to address the environmental and social challenges faced by the global community. The aim of this research is to evaluate the strategies and obstacles involved in implementing business innovation for achieving sustainable development in the current complex landscape. This study adopts a descriptive analysis approach using literature research methodology. The research findings state that Eco-innovation is a strategy to create significant change towards sustainable development. Although there are several barriers in implementing sustainable business innovation, such as high costs, limited access to resources, regulatory uncertainties, and lack of employee awareness, steps like collaboration, investment in research and development, employee capacity building, and policy advocacy can help overcome these barriers. Through eco-innovative efforts, companies can not only enhance their competitiveness and operational efficiency but also contribute to environmental preservation and overall societal well-being. Therefore, eco-innovation holds great potential for creating significant added value for both companies and society, and for helping achieve sustainable development goals on a broader scale.</em></p> Gusti Ayu Mahanavami, Wiryawan Suputra Gumi, I Nyoman Parta Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE BUILDING IN THE PASRAMAN PURNAJATI <p><em>The research aims to explore the practice of Education for Sustainable Development (PPB) in the Pasraman Purnajati. Setting research: Pasraman Purnajati – North Jakarta who is already motivated in the management of physical and biological environment. The type of research used is qualitative naturalistic that advances the existence of interactions and participatory observations with the subject studied, and performs observations, and interviews with the community of the Pasraman Purnajati. Sample selection is purposive, accidental, and snow-ball sampling. Environmental conditions and PPB learning processes are observed in depth. The interview results are transcribed, then presented in a descriptive way. Qualitative research data is narrative, descriptive, personal documents, field records, Pasraman Purnajati documents, photos, video tapes, and CCTV footage. To obtain data validity, the components of data analysis are data clustering, reflection, and triangulation. The results of the research found the five dimensions of PPB: environmental, economic, socio-cultural, educational and spiritual dimensions that have been well implemented in everyday life by the entire Pasraman Purnajati. This implementation is mainly supported by curriculum factors, the learning process of general knowledge and religion, as well as the spiritual activity of the Pasraman Purnajati and its Founders</em></p> Putri Anggreni Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 DESIGN INNOVATION AT TOURIST FACILITIES (RESTAURANT AND COFFEE SHOP) IN KINTAMANI, BANGLI: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT <p>This research discusses design innovation in the development of tourist facilities, <br>with a focus on eatery facilities located in the Kintamani district, Bangli. Eatery are <br>an important part of tourism infrastructure that can provide unique experiences for <br>visitors. Kintamani is known for its stunning natural beauty. This potential presents <br>both opportunities and challenges in developing tourism in this area. Through this <br>research, challenges and opportunities in facing the sustainable development of <br>tourism are identified. Various aspects including interior and exterior design, <br>ambiance, and environmental sustainability are explored to enhance the <br>attractiveness and quality of tourist experiences. Findings from this study provide <br>valuable insights for stakeholders in designing and managing sustainable tourist <br>facilities in major tourist destinations like Kintamani while preserving its natural and <br>cultural heritage.<br><br></p> Desak Made Sukma Widiyani, Ni Putu Yunita Laura Vianthi, I Gusti Agung Laksmi Swaryputri Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 PROJECT BASED E-MODULE DEVELOPMENT FLIPBOOK APPLICATION-ASSISTED LEARNING FOR IMPROVE STUDENTS' CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <p>This research aims to improve the critical thinking skill of fourth grade elementary school students, through the development of e-modules based on project-based learning assisted by flipbook applications. This research type was a type of research and development ADDIE model adopted from Dick and Carry in 1996. In summary, this research included 5 stages, namely: Analyse, Design, Depelovment, Implementation and Evaluation. The subjects of this research were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Petang with a total of 15 students, consisting of 8 male students and 7 female students. Data regarding students' critical thinking skill were obtained using test questions in the form of essays. The data that has been collected, analyzed using descriptive quantitative. Material, media and language validation on e-module products meet good qualifications with very high material expert criteria, very high media validity and high language validity. The practicality of the e-module product was 92.5%, meeting the criteria of being very practical. And the results showed a classical student percentage of 87% with product effectiveness criteria which is very high. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the Development of E-Modules Based on Project Based Learning Assisted by the Flipbook Application can improve the critical thinking skill of fourth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Petang.</p> I Made Astra Winaya, Ni Luh Gede Karang Widiastuti Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORKERS IN ADOPTING SMART TECHNOLOGY IN WEST JAVA <p><em>Agriculture plays a central role in Indonesia's economy, especially in rural areas such as Garut Regency, West Java. In the face of technological advancements, the adoption of smart technology is important to improve agricultural efficiency. This study aims to understand the factors that influence the adoption of smart technology by agricultural extension workers in Garut Regency and formulate strategies to increase the adoption of such technology. The research method includes primary and secondary data. The results showed that factors such as technological infrastructure, awareness and education, institutional support, resources, trust, culture, economic benefits, and regulations influence the adoption of smart technologies. Collaboration between the government, educational institutions, agricultural organizations, and the private sector is needed to increase technology adoption. Agricultural extension workers in Garut Regency have a positive perception of smart technology, indicating great potential for its adoption. This is expected to support sustainable growth and development in Garut's agricultural sector<strong>.</strong></em> <em>This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the decision of agricultural extension workers in adopting smart technology in West Java. In the context of globalization and technological advancement, the adoption of smart technologies has become the key to improving agricultural productivity and sustainability. However, at the agricultural extension level, the adoption of smart technology still faces a number of challenges. Agricultural extension officers play an important role in connecting technology with farmers, but their decision to adopt smart technology is influenced by complex factors such as knowledge, access to technology, institutional support, and socio-cultural aspects. Through quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study will investigate these factors and identify strategies to increase the adoption of smart technologies at the agricultural extension level. The results of this study are expected to provide valuable insights for policy makers and agricultural practitioners to strengthen the agricultural extension system and accelerate the adoption of smart technologies in West Java, which in turn will contribute to increased agricultural productivity and farmer welfare as well as the sustainability of the agricultural sector as a whole.</em></p> Indra Irjani Dewijanti, Hepi Hapsari , Eliana Wulandari Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 ENFORCEMENT OF CORRUPTION CRIMINAL LAWS BY THE POLICE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GRANTS FOR THE COMMUNITY <p>Perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption recover state financial losses. Research<br>written with the title Police Responsibility in Law Enforcement for Corruption<br>Crimes in Providing Grants for the Community. With the problem formulation, what<br>are the legal regulations for criminal acts of corruption in administering grants to<br>the community and whether returning the proceeds of corruption before calculating<br>state losses can invalidate the suspect's position as a criminal perpetrator. The<br>results of the research with the first conclusion: the legal regulation of criminal acts<br>of corruption in the administration of grants to the community, namely the Criminal<br>Code, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning the<br>Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia<br>Number 20 of 1999 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes,<br>Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39<br>of 2012 concerning Amendments to Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs<br>Number 32 of 2011 concerning Guidelines for Providing Grants and Social<br>Assistance Sourced from Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budgets. Second:<br>returning the proceeds of corruption before calculating state losses can cancel the<br>suspect's position as a criminal perpetrator by issuing an Order to Stop<br>Investigating the Case from the police.</p> I Made Wahyu Chandra Satriana, I Wayan Suparta, I Ketut Adi Subagia Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 POLICY FORMULATION REGULATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT AND UTILIZATION OF FISHERY RESOURCE CATCHES FOR PEOPLE'S WELFARE <p><em>Indonesia is an archipelagic country where more than half of the country's territory is sea. The natural resources in Indonesia's oceans are quite promising to be used as a source of strength for the national economy which has experienced a downturn. Therefore, the government issued Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Number 12/PERMEN–KP/2020 concerning Lobster Management (panulirus sp.p), Crabs (scylla spp.), and Ranjungan (portunus pelagicus spp.) in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. The presence of this Ministerial Regulation is presumptively aimed at maintaining the existence and availability of the three stock species, namely Lobster, Crab and Crab. The formulation of the problem in this research is about how to regulate the capture and management of fishery products, especially lobster from the Ius Constitutum perspective and how to regulate criminal sanctions against violators of catching fishery resources, especially lobster from the Ius Constituendum perspective.The research method that researchers use is normative legal research with the aim of this research being to find out and analyze further regarding the regulation of catching and management of fishery products, especially Lobster from the Ius Constituendum perspective, as well as the regulation of criminal sanctions against violators of catching fishery products, especially Lobster from the Ius Constituendum perspective. which is guided by the technique of collecting legal materials through literature study using the concept of the rule of law, the concept of legal certainty, the theory of punishment, the theory of authority, the theory of criminal law policy, the concept of legal consequences, and the concept of legal responsibility as analytical tools in discussing policy formulation regarding management and utilization of caught fishery resources for the welfare of the people. The research results show the following conclusions: first, the implementation of Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation no. 12/2020 concerning the current ban on catching lobsters, crabs and crabs certainly has implications or impacts in its implementation because there are no clear sanctions and the too frequent changes in these regulations have resulted in a vacuum in norms. Second, the sustainability aspect must be interpreted to mean that the resources we enjoy today must not be at the expense of the interests of future generations who also have the same rights to existing resources, both in quantity and quality.</em></p> Ni Made Liana Dewi, I Made Angga Mastrawan , I Made Surya Dharma Putra Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 HATE SPEECH IN THE 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (PILPRES): FORENSIC LINGUISTIC STUDY <p><em>The implementation presidential election in 2024 is suspected to violate the constitution. This has caused some people argue that presidential election process was unfair. To express this incident, netizens via the social media TikTok uploaded hate speech against Gibran Rakabuming Raka, President Jokowi, Judge of the Constitutional Court. The public believes that Joko Widodo intervened a lot to win Gibran Rakabuming Raka accompanied Prabowo Subianto in the process of selecting presidential and vice presidential candidates.The hate speech that has been described is in the form of hate speech which can be classified as assertive and directive illocutionary force. The form of locution is in the form of hope, and all the hate speech can be used as evidence of hate speech. This speech is regulated in Laws of the Republic Indonesia. Number 1 Year 2024 about&nbsp; Second Amendment to Law Number 1, Year 2008 Concerning Electronic Information and Transactions on article 27A. Every person intentionally attacks the honor of another person by accusing him of something, with the intention of making the matter known to the public in the form of electronic information and/or electronic documents carried out through an electronic system. as intended in Article 27A shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 2 (two) years and/or a fine of a maximum of IDR 4O0,000,000.00 (four hundred million rupiah).</em></p> I Ketut Suar Adnyana, Wayan Meter Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 IMPLEMENTATION OF GREEN BUILDING IN BALI: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT <p>The effects of global warming are now a concern for all parties and its implementation has begun to expand in almost all aspects and fields of human life, one of which is in the field of architecture and building construction. In the last decade, <em>green building</em> has become a hot topic that is often discussed by experts and has begun to be implemented in commercial and government-owned buildings and public housing. Although the application of green buildings can reduce environmental damage, not all new buildings are designed and built by applying the concept of green buildings. This is because the application of the green building concept is not easy, and besides that there are challenges and benefits of implementing the concept of green building in sustainable development. This study tries to describe the challenges that occur in the application of green building buildings and the benefits obtained in sustainable development. Data was obtained from field studies in the form of interviews with contractors, consultants, and <em>owners</em>. From the results of the interview, the challenges in realizing green building buildings are the lack of funding in building green buildings, lack of public attention to green buildings, and lack of commitment from administrative leaders to protect the environment. Meanwhile, the benefits according to the interview results are that Green Building can increase the value of building assets, reduce building operational costs, and improve the comfort and health of building users.</p> Putu Gde Ery Suardana, Arya Bagus Mahadwijati Wijaatmaja Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 CONSUMPTIVE BEHAVIOR AS AN INTERVENING ON THE INFLUENCE OF RELATED FACTORS ON ONLINE PURCHASE DECISIONS <p><em>Consumptive behavior has become a bad habit for consumers, especially young consumers, and this is a phenomenon because this behavior cannot be avoided today in the midst of a lot of e-commerce, and changes in the function of social media which is a medium to advertise products that suit the account owner. Novelty in this study, on consumptive behavior variables that have two roles at once, as predictors and mediates variables that influence purchasing decisions. Variables such as lifestyle, social media advertising, financial literacy, and consumptive behavior are predictions of variables that influence consumer decisions in online shopping and how consumptive behavior variables as intervening variables among other variables used in this study.&nbsp;The data used in this research is primary data, sampling using purposive sampling techniques with non-probability sampling methods. Data analysis techniques in hypothesis testing use path analysis because between the independent variable and the dependent variable there is an influencing mediation. The result is financial literacy has no significant influence on online purchase decisions but lifestyle and social media ads has a significant influence on&nbsp;online purchase decisions. Based on the sobel test, it is known that consumptive behavior only mediates lifestyle to online purchase decisions.</em></p> TM Kusuma, NW Deriani Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800 THE EXISTENCE OF TELAJAKAN IN BALI AS AN IMPLEMENTATION TRI HITA KARANA <p>Tri Hita Karana is a basic concept used by Balinese traditional people in their lives. The Tri Hita Karana concept, if studied from the basic concept of dialectical natural law, will be depicted in the form of a harmonious relationship between humans and Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (parahyangan), a harmonious relationship between humans and each other (pawongan), and a harmonious relationship between humans and their environment&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;(palemahan). One implementation of the Tri Hita Karana teachings to preserve the surrounding natural environment is maintaining the existence of telajakan &nbsp;in Bali. In traditional Balinese architecture, the telajakan is part of the palemahan and in residential units, it is located in a sacred area that is full of aesthetic, security, social, and spiritual meanings. The arrangement of the telajakan&nbsp; is carried out by local conceptions or rules that have been in effect for generations and are generally based on Balinese cultural values. In preserving the telajakan&nbsp; in Bali, the function of the telajakan is one of the characteristics of local community wisdom and aesthetics. The Tri Hita Karana philosophy teaches that for humans to live happily, safely, peacefully, and in physical and spiritual prosperity, humans must maintain a harmonious relationship with the Almighty Creator, with each other, and with the natural environment. Implicitly, Tri Hita Karana contains a message for humans to manage natural resources and the environment wisely and judiciously to maintain their sustainability.</p> Kadek Yuniari Suryatini, Anak Agung Istri Mirah Dharmadewi2, I Gusti Ayu Rai Copyright (c) Sat, 27 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0800