• Putri Anggreni Mahendradatta University
Keywords: PPB, Educational dimensions, Spiritual dimensions, Pasraman


The research aims to explore the practice of Education for Sustainable Development (PPB) in the Pasraman Purnajati. Setting research: Pasraman Purnajati – North Jakarta who is already motivated in the management of physical and biological environment. The type of research used is qualitative naturalistic that advances the existence of interactions and participatory observations with the subject studied, and performs observations, and interviews with the community of the Pasraman Purnajati. Sample selection is purposive, accidental, and snow-ball sampling. Environmental conditions and PPB learning processes are observed in depth. The interview results are transcribed, then presented in a descriptive way. Qualitative research data is narrative, descriptive, personal documents, field records, Pasraman Purnajati documents, photos, video tapes, and CCTV footage. To obtain data validity, the components of data analysis are data clustering, reflection, and triangulation. The results of the research found the five dimensions of PPB: environmental, economic, socio-cultural, educational and spiritual dimensions that have been well implemented in everyday life by the entire Pasraman Purnajati. This implementation is mainly supported by curriculum factors, the learning process of general knowledge and religion, as well as the spiritual activity of the Pasraman Purnajati and its Founders

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