English becomes an important language taught in Indonesia since it is used as a foreign language. English as a foreign language had been inserted in the Indonesian education curriculum from elementary school through university or institute. However, most Indonesian students, especially young learners have difficulties in learning English because they lack of vocabularies and confidence. Therefore, it was hard for them to improve their English skills. This research aims to describe flipped classroom as an innovative learning model used in teaching English for young learners. Flipped Classroom in this study was an instructional approach which integrates technology-based learning method. It gave students’ opportunities to learn in the different way. The students could learned English and accomplished their learning practices outside classroom by watching instructional videos. This research used descriptive qualitative research design which focus on literature study from relevance references. The data were collected by doing library research, thus the writer got the data as the reference from books as well as journals regarding the object of the study. This study showed some benefits of Flipped Classroom for students, such as they could increase their self-efficacy, motivation, and critical thinking. Meanwhile, the use of flipped classroom could help teacher in creating positive classroom atmosphere, utilizing technology in creating innovative instructional videos or materials and improving students’ engagement in learning process, thus it could achieve the goals of learning outcomes.
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