• Ni Nyoman Cipta Dewi Dwijendra University
  • Maria Gracela Bili Dwijendra University
Keywords: Strategy, Marketing Mix, Product Sales


The process of marketing products cannot be separated from the strategy that every company has so that its goals are achieved. Of course, it requires an effective marketing communication strategy to market its products. The purpose of this research is to analyze and develop marketing communication strategies used in the sale of WE Coffee Roaster products. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with the subject of the study, namely the Marketing & Communication Manager of WE Coffee Lab. In this study, researchers used data collection techniques in the form of observation, direct interviews with resource persons and documentation. The findings in research at PT Wilindo Jaya Utama WE Coffee Lab show that supporting marketing communication strategies in selling WE Coffee Lab products is the 7P marketing mix, namely: 1) The products offered have varied; 2) The price offered is affordable to the public; 3) Promotional media used are Instagram and Facebook social media and events in the coffee industry; 4) The distribution location is strategic so that it is easy to reach; 5) The company selects employees according to the required requirements; 6) Physical evidence that can be seen is the results of lab tests in the form of machines suitable for use and user friendly machine designs; 7) The process of presenting the product is that the customer places an order, after which the payment and product are ready to be shipped.


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