• I Wayan Aryawan Dwijendra University
Keywords: servant leadership, teacher work motivation, principal, professional development, educational work environment.


Servant leadership is a leadership paradigm that emphasizes a leader's devotion to serving his subordinates, not just controlling or governing. This study aims to explore how servant leadership strategies implemented by school principals can increase teacher motivation in the school environment. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach in three public high schools in the city of Denpasar. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The results showed that there are several effective servant leadership strategies implemented by principals to increase teacher motivation, including: building a shared vision to create a supportive work environment, empowering to provide professional development opportunities, effective communication in order to strengthen interpersonal relationships between principals and teachers, recognizing and rewarding teacher contributions, and welfare support for teachers. Principals who successfully implement servant leadership strategies are found to have good communication skills, strong empathy, and a commitment to the development of their staff. From these findings, it can be concluded that servant leadership plays an important role in increasing teachers' work motivation, which in turn can improve the quality of education in schools.


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