• Luh Anggreni Dewi Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Business, Dwijendra University
Keywords: IFAS, EFAS, SWOT, Arabica Coffee


Coffee is a commodity that plays a big role in the global economy and plays a role in improving people's welfare. Indonesia is known as one of the world's coffee stock suppliers, where coffee from Indonesia is known to have superior and unique sensory characteristics. So Indonesian coffee has an important position in the world coffee trade. One of the sub-districts in Bangli Regency that produces Arabica coffee is Kintamani. Kintamani coffee from Bali is famous for its distinctive floral aroma. Manikliyu Village is one of the villages in Kintamani that grows Arabica coffee. Arabica coffee farmers in Manikliyu Village are faced with a number of challenges and are faced with great opportunities for the Arabica coffee industry with demand for high quality coffee from Bali continuing to increase, both in local and international markets. So developing the right strategy is very important for Arabica coffee farmers in Manikliyu Village which can increase the competitiveness of Arabica coffee products. The aim of this research is to identify internal and external strategic factors and determine a strategy for developing Arabica coffee farming in Manikliyu Village. This research uses IFAS, EFAS, and SWOT analysis. The results of the research show that there are five internal strategic factors consisting of the strengths and weaknesses of the Arabica coffee farming business in Manikliyu Village and external strategic factors consisting of opportunities and threats, there are 3 opportunity factors and 5 threat factors. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it is in quadrant I, namely an aggressive strategy for developing Arabica coffee farming businesses. The strategy that can be used by Arabica coffee farming businesses in Manikliyu Village from the SWOT analysis is an aggressive strategy in quadrant I which allows this Arabica coffee farming business to continue to be developed. Thus, several alternative strategies that can be used in efforts to develop arabica coffee farming in Manikliyu Village based on the SWOT matrix are extensification and intensification of arabica coffee cultivation, cultivating pest and climate change resistant arabica coffee, establishing partnerships with arabica coffee processors and exporters, and developing efficient arabica coffee picking technology.


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