• Ni Putu Tirka Widanti Ngurah Rai University
  • I Made Kariyana Ngurah Rai University
Keywords: perception, canteen, socialization


This research aims to determine the perceptions of canteen visitors regarding the
role of the canteen and the socialization of canteen policies at Universitas Ngurah
Rai. Apart from that, it is also to find out what food is most often bought in the
canteen, whether the canteen is useful for the campus, how often you visit the
canteen, and input or suggestions from visitors regarding the canteen. What the
researchers observed was data related to the socialization of canteen policies. This
research was carried out at Universitas Ngurah Rai, using a survey method. This
method is a process, technique or tool used to obtain research information by
asking questions to sources or respondents through direct interviews with
consumers and distributing questionnaires to all canteen visitors. The results of this
research were that 37 people or 41% liked smashed fried chicken, 27 people or
30% meatballs, 10 people or 11% of chicken fresh vegetables, 9 people or 10%
liked jingo rice, 5 people or 10% of siomay or pecel rice. 6%, and yellow rice as
much as 2 people or 2%. The results of the perception of whether the canteen is
useful for the campus, the majority of respondents, 90 people or 100%, stated that
the canteen is very useful for the campus. 100% of respondents stated that they go
to the canteen very often. Input or suggestions from visitors to the canteen include
improving it, adding more food menu variants, asking for more seats to be added
and electrical equipment for students to be able to charge cellphones and laptops.


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