• Agus Surya Manika Dwijendra University Faculty of Law
  • Pandapotan Sinaga Dwijendra University Faculty of Law
  • Luh Putu Kristina Indriyanti Dwijendra University Faculty of Law
Keywords: Position of Deputy Regional Head, De Pouvoir Detournement


Indonesia is a unitary state that recognizes the sovereignty of the people in a regional head election consisting of 1 (one) pair of regional heads and deputy regional heads. Legal certainty is a principle which states that the law must be clear for filling the position of deputy district and municipal regional head arbitrarily in exercising power based on law without any discrimination.

This research aims to examine issues related to filling the post of deputy regional head and how it is implemented in the Regency/Municipality. So to get relevant data the researcher collects data that limits the norms contained in the laws and regulations.

The vacancy in the position of regional head due to the request itself, being dismissed, and passing away also causes a vacancy in the position of deputy regional head so that the position of deputy regional head is vacant until the position of regional head is filled again based on the Law on filling positions. It was also found that orders of legal norms were a form of abuse of authority by the authorities (Determination de Pouvoir) because they ignored the law and resulted in the loss of legal sovereignty and also people's sovereignty.


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Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government
Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government
Law Number 9 of 2015 concerning Regional Government
Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Regional Government