Pest exploration is an action to determine the presence of insect pests that damage plants or the results of their living activities can cause economic losses. The aim of this research is to find out the types of pests that attack plants in the Gerih Tourism Park and how to control them. This research was carried out at Gerih Tourism Park, Sibang Kaja Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency, Bali. From January to March 2024, it consists of determining the location, observing and collecting field data.The research location was chosen using purposive sampling. Data from observations in the field were then analyzed descriptively.The results of the research show that there are insect pests on plants in the Gerih tourist park. The results of identification in the field showed that there were Paracoccus marginatus pests on Adenium spp. The Tetranychus urticae pest was found on rose plants, then the Planococcus citri pest was found and attacked the croton plants. It is not necessary to control plant pests because the symptoms of pest attacks are in the moderate attack category. It is recommended, based on the results of observations of pest attacks, to monitor human activities that can cause new pests in the Gerih Tourism Park which can reduce the quality and growth of plants in the park.
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