Groundwater is a physical characteristic that has a direct influence on plant growth and other aspects of human life. Determining soil water content is very important to determine how much or what percentage of water is in food or agricultural products, because one of the growth media for microorganisms in materials is water, so as to minimize the risks posed by microorganisms. Determination of soil water content is carried out in the laboratory. The water content in the soil depends on the amount of rainfall, the soil's ability to hold water, the amount of evapotranspiration, the organic matter content and the high groundwater level.
Determination of soil water content uses upper slope Bajra soil, middle slope Bajra soil, lower slope Bajra soil, Timor Leste soil and Ubud soil which are divided into Ubud soil one, two and three and it is found that each layer of soil has a different soil water content. -different. Lower Slope Bajra Soil has the highest water content compared to other soil samples, namely 14.819%, this is because the Lower Slope Bajra Soil contains more organic matter. Meanwhile, the soil that has the lowest percentage of water content is Tanah Timur Leste, namely 3.778%. All of these soil samples turned out to be hygroscopic soil because the percentage of hygroscopic soil was 1-15%. This means that all soil samples are soil with a coarse texture
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