of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development2023-04-17T10:15:48+08:00Dr. I Ketut Suar Adnyanasuara6382@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>ISBN : 978-623-95976-1-0</strong></p> <p><strong>Authors: Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin, Emma Porio, PhD., [et al]</strong></p> <p><strong>Editors: Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin, Emma Porio, PhD., Gede Sedana.</strong></p> <p><strong>Pages: xi+766</strong></p> <p><strong>Size : 21 cm × 29,7 cm</strong></p> <p><strong>Published: 13th April 2023</strong></p> <p>This proceeding is a collection of scientific works by speakers from various institutions/universities and various backgrounds of expertise which were presented at the International Conference on MULTI-DISCIPLINES APPROACHES FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT which was held on December 16th, 2022 at Dwijendra University. This conference was attended by 132 participants and invited guests from various institutions and universities in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and India. There were 102 papers presented from various institutions and universities.</p> <p>The proceeding is available to download for free.</p> RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SYSTEMS2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Prof. Dr. Bustanul<p>Indonesia's economy in Q3-2022 grew by 5.72% (y-on-y) not too bad compared to the Region. The agricultural sector grew 1.65%, had been a cushion for recession during the Covid-19 Pandemic, but too low to serve as contributor for poverty alleviation and human development; Poverty rate in March 2022 fell to single digits of 9.54% (26.16 million people). The majority live in rural areas (12.29%), they are farmers, farm laborers, and temporary workers etc. Poverty in Java (13.85 million 52.96%), Sumatra (5.74 million 21.93%), Bali (2 million 7.91%), Sulawesi (2.01<br>million 7.69%), Kalimantan (0.98 million 3.73%), Papua (1.5 million 5.78%).</p>2023-04-06T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 ADAPTATION AND RESILIENCE: INTER-/TRANSDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT2023-04-10T12:26:33+08:00Emma Porio,<p>Indonesia, with 142 volcanoes, makes the largest number of people affected by <br>seismic risks (8.5 million!)—a physical event like this need multi-disciplinary <br>planning, response, recovery and community resilience building. Like the eruption <br>of Mt Semeru understanding sustainable development need multi-disciplines, for <br>sustainable development we need to nurture the natural environment and <br>community solidarity for equitable society and economy. Sustainable development <br>golas need multi-disciplines to examine these goals and more so to implement <br>these goals—from physicualm industrial and social sciences, the humanities and <br>the professions of law, engineering, planning and so forth.Climate impact drivers <br>(CIDs) such as typhoons, floods, heavy rainfall, sea level rise has radically <br>transformed our workd. There is an imbalance between the earth’s resources: <br>extraction and consumption. At the rate we are consuming the earth’s resources, <br>we need three earths.</p>2023-01-03T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 WATER CRISIS FOR FUTURE URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN MALAYSIA: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SPONGE TOWN CITY IN CHINA2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Nangkula Wai<p><em>The aim of the project is to address the water crisis for the future development by the propose Sponge Town in every district of Kuala Lumpur which is to create water sensitive & sustainable master plan with storm water collection, rainwater harvesting, and atmospheric water harvesting design. According to United Nation, water Crisis could affect 5 billion people by 2050 due to climate change, increased demand, and polluted supplies. The main issue of the water crisis is rapid increasing of population and rapid urbanization; the water catchment area is decreasing due to deforestation for development. The project proposal has the potential to minimize the water supply from the centralized water treatment plant, minimize the water disruption case in the future and minimize the non-revenue water as well as flash flood. The design targets 100% usage of rainwater, storm water and atmospheric water as portable water supply as well as to increase the awareness of water conservation in public.</em></p>2023-01-04T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 MICRO TO GLOBAL LEVELS: LESSON FROM PHILOSOPHY OF SUBAK2023-04-10T13:06:07+08:00Gede<p><em>Presently, agricultural sector has still played a significant role in the economic development within developing countries, including Indonesia. It has undergone a transformation to agribusiness system consisting of commercial and modern agriculture. In Bali, the growth of economic development as a result of tourism growth has given rise to several problems in subak. The objectives of this study are to describe the subak system pertaining to its roles to the economic development, and to describe transfer of local wisdom of subak to global system for achieving the sustainable development goals.</em></p> <p><em>At the </em><em>micro scale, subak as a system should be regarded as a model to support economic growth within rural and urban areas. It might not be only seen as an organization having irrigation and rice farming activities but should be understood its multi-functions. Rice farming activities has contributed to provide rice production at the rural, district and provincial levels which is very important to the food security program achievement. </em></p> <p><em>Tri hita karana which is a local philosophy of subak has universal values, which can be transferred at the national and global levels. As a local wisdom, the values of tri hita karana are in common with the principles of sustainable development which pay attention to economic, socio-cultural, and environmental aspects. Therefore, subak as one of the social capitals can also be an important and valuable lesson to be developed and adapted to various regions, including in other countries. The government of Indonesia should consider Tri hita karana as a platform in discussing various global issues, such as climate change management and poverty.</em></p>2023-01-04T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 DEVELOPMENT WITH SOCIAL INNOVATION AND COMMUNITY 2023-04-10T13:43:27+08:00Naori<p>Impact of COVID-19 on livelihood are: Coronavirus pandemic has had a negative impact on income of local people, of whom 44% have either permanently or temporarily lost their jobs. Their monthly income has been decreased by 61 %. Re-Activating agriculture after the influence of COVID-19 in Bali. Starting agricultural work while no/less job in tourism sector to safeguard food security. Started to recognize the risk of high dependency on tourism sector. Re-activating Agriculture: as a strategy for local people after the influence of CoVID-19 in Bali. <strong>Nurture resilience of the agricultural communities </strong>that are suffering the adverse effects of socio-economic changes triggered by rapid growth of other industries including tourism. Impact of which were amplified by the impact of covid-19 pandemic. <strong>Develop the capacity of the communities in sustainable agriculture and environmental protection</strong>, which will result in creating opportunities for self-sufficiency, and thus facilitating the community to become less dependent on a particular industrial sector.</p>2023-01-04T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 SECURITY AND FLOOD RESILIENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN GREATER MEKONG SUBREGION2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00 Indrajit<p>Program highlights and key research areas include: climate hazards and early warning systems, disaster governance, policy and risk management, multi-hazard vulnerability and risk assessment, remote sensing and gis for disaster mitigation, floods and droughts, community based disaster risk reduction and management. From a climate perspective, rainfall is changing, with an increase in extreme precipitation. In time, it is very likely that extreme precipitation events will be more frequent and more intense, particularly in the midlatitudes and wet tropical regions of the world (IPCC, 2014). The IPCC indicates that increasing warming may result in a larger fraction of the global population being affected by major river floods. Based on the elaboration above, the Impact of Flood in Livelihood could be concluded that: first, Transformative Change resulted: 1) discovered evidence of an increasing migration trend in a rural area of Cambodia over time conversion of rice fields into aquaculture ponds (Dang et al., 2021), 3)Cash economy as a source of households livelihood (Morton & Olson, 2018), and 4) livelihood strategy has concentrated on a smaller number of activities bringing immediate or short-term returns</p>2023-01-04T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF INTER- CULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN ACCOMPLISHING SDGs2023-03-02T10:57:44+08:00Dr. Kanchan<p><em>Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit all of humanity." Also: "Intercultural dialogue is the best guarantee of a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.- Robert Alan Arthur. Inter-cultural dialogue entails the sharing of ideas and differences with the intent of developing a deeper understanding of different perspectives and practices. According to UNESCO, intercultural dialogue fosters social cohesion and helps to create an environment conducive to sustainable development. Culture is also an essential component of human development, representing a source of identity, innovation and creativity for all, it provides sustainable solutions to local and global challenges.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 STRATEGIES IN DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ LISTENING SKILL2023-03-02T11:11:43+08:00Gede<p><em>Listening is the most frequently used language skills which plays a great role in the process of communication. Considering its vital importance, students should be taught to listen effectively and critically. Yet, listening is commonly recognized by EFL learners as the most difficult skill to master in English. Understanding a talk, lecture, or conversation in a foreign language can be challenging for them. The key factors include the speaker talking quickly, background noise, a lack of visual clues, the listener’s limited vocabulary, a lack of knowledge of the topic, and an inability to distinguish individual sounds. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for teachers to utilize appropriate strategy that help learners to develop their listening skill. This article intends to elaborate two innovative strategies for teaching listening: Dictogloss and Picture Drawing Dictation Technique (PDDT) with its basic concept and procedures of implementation.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 ANALYSIS OF THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OF PONOROGO REGENCY IN UTILIZING BPJS HEALTH SERVICES TO ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE2023-03-02T11:02:30+08:00Eko Priyo Utomoutomopriyoutomo12@gmail.comAgustinus Suryantoroagustinussuryantoro@gmail.comIzza<p><em>Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is the primary goal of the Indonesian government, that needs to be realized by health service providers in every district and city in Indonesia, including Ponorogo Regency. This study aims to identify UHC and the Utilization of BPJS Healthcare in Ponorogo Regency. This study employs a qualitative methodology based on in-depth interviews with informants serving as research respondents. Data analysis employs content analysis by collecting data, reducing data, and displaying data. The results of the study indicate that Ponorogo Regency is still not included in the UHC category, as only 76.9% of the total population participates in the BPJS Healthcare program. In addition, the government's lack of support for universal health care. This is evident from the fact that the budget has remained unchanged for three fiscal years and there are no local regulations governing health insurance in the region.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 THEORY OF PANCASILA ELEMENTS AS A REORIENTATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA IN BUILDING THE SPIRIT OF NATIONALISM2023-03-02T11:02:15+08:00I Gusti Ngurah Santikangurahsantika88@gmail.comAnde Ana<p><em>This study aims to determine the Theory of Pancasila Elements as a reorientation of character education in Indonesia in building the spirit of nationalism. This study used a qualitative method. Data collection methods used were documentation and literature studies. The results of this study indicated that the Theory of Pancasila Elements in character education in Indonesia is carried out by first identifying the problems that arise in the field due to the low spirit of nationalism. After the initial identification was carried out, the problems found related to the low spirit of nationalism were the fading of the pride and trust of the Indonesian people in their government which was decreasing over time. Based on the problems found, a consistent thought and idea is needed to solve the problem. Thoughts and ideas that were born to destroy these problems are policies that side with the people. Of course thoughts and ideas in the form of policies that side with the people can be accepted, agreed upon, and justified, so as to give birth to peace for the Indonesian nation. Because a policy that is in favor of the people will again generate the pride and trust of the wider community in their government. When the government is proud of and trusted by its people, of course the Indonesian state is getting stronger. Thus, it can be concluded that the Theory of Pancasila Element as a reorientation of Indonesian character education to build a spirit of nationalism has given birth to two characters, namely pride and trust which can be integrated in education, so as to foster the development of Indonesian people's nationalism.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 SEMIOTICS ANALYSIS FOUND ON MUSIC VIDEO OF ANTI HERO BY TAYLOR SWIFT2023-03-02T11:02:00+08:00Ni Wayan<p><em>The aim of this research was to investigate and analyze the verbal and visual signs and the meaning itself in the music video of Anti Hero by Taylor Swift. The type of this research was qualitative research. In collecting the data, the writer used the following procedures first, Finding out and determining the verbal and visual signs of music video of Anti Hero by Taylor Swift. Second, Analyzing the semiotic signs found on the verbal and visual signs of music video of Anti Hero by Taylor Swift. Third, Interpreting the meaning or the message conveyed by the verbal and visual signs of music video of Anti Hero by Taylor Swift. The data in this research comes from the analysis result of visual sign of music video of Anti Hero by Taylor Swift. Based on the result of the analysis, it can be concluded as there are two classifications, namely: verbal sign and visual sign. In verbal sign, it was found three data. In visual sign, it was found eight data. The concept of music video of Anti Hero by Taylor Swift is a unique concept. This music video has different concept with other music videos. In the data found, verbal and visual sign explained more about struggling from fear, hopelessness, doubt, pressure, even depression.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF WORK-RELATED ICTS USE AFTER HOURS ON WORK-FAMILY BALANCE AND MEDIATING ROLES OF JOB BURNOUT: EVIDENCE FROM TEACHERS IN INDONESIA2023-03-02T11:01:48+08:00Vivi Oktaviani Wulandarivivioktavianiwulandari@yahoo.comChien-Chung<p><em>This study aims to identify the correlations between work-related ICTs use after hours (WIAH), work-family balance, and the possible role that job burnout plays as a mediator between these relations by examining the relationships between these three factors among 409 teachers in Indonesia. </em><em>Each relationship between WIAH and job burnout and the relationship between WIAH and work-family balance can be identified as a significant positive relationship. However, there is a significant negative relationship between job burnout and work-family balance. Furthermore, when job burnout acts as a mediator, the correlation between WIAH and work-family balance becomes significantly negative</em><em>. This study makes a contribution to research by developing an improved research model of how the relationship of WIAH and work-family balance and how job burnout mediates the relationship between these two factors. Secondly, the findings corroborated key aspects of the mediation model of job burnout</em><em>.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 EFFECTIVENESS OF MOBILE ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (MALL) THROUGH QUIZLET APPLICATION TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY IN ENGLISH FOR WAITER/SS2023-03-02T11:01:35+08:00I Komang Dedik<p><em>English proficiency is essential skill for waiter/ss which indicates by vocabulary mastery. English proficiency can be empowered by the implementation of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). This research aims at analyzing the effectiveness of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) through Quizlet Application to improve vocabulary in English for waiter/ss. The sample of this research was 26 students of FBS B at Mediterranean Bali Hospitality and Entrepreneur College in academic year 2022/ 2023. This research was quasi-experimental research in form of one group pretest-posttest design. The data were collected through test using ESP vocabulary test administered twice (pretest-posttest). The finding shows that the implementation of MALL through Quizlet Application to improve vocabulary in English for waiter/ss can be categorized as quite effective with N-Gain score 62,4%.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 LANGUAGE FUNCTION AS A MEDIUM TO MOTIVATE STUDENTS2023-03-02T11:01:22+08:00Kadek Adyatna<p><em>This study seeks to explore the emotive functions of language as a medium to motivate students. This study employed a qualitative methodology. This research was conducted in schools located in Denpasar, Bali, with teachers as its subjects to interview. Based on the findings of interviews with all participants, observations, and documentation, it can be inferred that the emotive function of language contributes to student motivation in the following ways: The emotive function of language is essential for motivating students; for example, teachers must express pride when students answer questions correctly; teachers must display enthusiasm while responding to anything students do in the classroom; teachers must demonstrate empathy when students answer incorrectly, but they must also keep students in a good mood and avoid letting them down; and teachers must express support when students are about to give up on answering a question.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 INFLUENCE OF CO-WORKER SUPPORT, JOB INSECURITY, AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT ON SOCIAL LOAFING: THE ROLE OF TURNOVER INTENTION2023-03-02T11:01:11+08:00Eldy Bianca Primadieprimadi@gmail.comHunik Sri Runing<p><em>This study investigated the relationship between co-worker support, cognitive and affective job insecurity, as well as the employee’s organizational commitment to social loafing behavior with the employee’s turnover intention as a mediating variable. A survey method was implemented in this quantitative research where data was collected by distributing an online questionnaire. The purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used to select this study’s respondents. A total of 285 questionnaires were successfully distributed in 8 fast-food restaurants in Bandung, Indonesia. The proposed hypotheses were then tested by using the structural equation model with the help of the Lisrel 8.8 software. The analysis of this study’s results showed that the support of co-workers has a negative effect on the employee’s turnover intention. Whereas cognitive and affective job insecurity has positive impacts on turnover intention. The organizational commitment variable also has a negative impact on the employee’s turnover intention. On the other hand, the employee’s turnover intention has a positive effect on their social loafing behavior. Meanwhile, the factors with indirect influences are the mediating effect of turnover intention on the relationship between co-worker support and social loafing, affective job insecurity and social loafing, as well as cognitive job insecurity and social loafing.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 PHASES OF DRAMA GONG IN BALINESE ART PERFORMANCE STAGE2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Anak Agung Gde Putera<p><em>Drama Gong is one of the art forms of balinese folk theater balih-balihan (spectacle) without any ties to Hindu rituals, so its existence is merely entertainment. The golden peak of Drama Gong, which lasted until the late 1970s, began to dim into pop culture. Therefore, Drama Gong undergoes very dilemmatic phases in the Balinese art performance stage in the global era. This assumption is very interesting to examine from the perspective of cultural studies that can be critically dissected through theories of hegemony, deconstruction, and semiotics. Penelitian is designed as a qualitative research procedure with a phenomenological approach. The object of study is in the text and its context in society. This study produced data in the form of words and images that can be observed and described clearly without using statistical procedures or by other quantification. All field data and the results of classified literature studies are studied logically and systematically through the cultural studies paradigm. Thus, the application of descriptive methods of analysis is clearly unavoidable. The determination of informants was carried out using purposive random sampling techniques and developed with snowball techniques. Data sources are also strengthened by instruments in the form of observation guidelines, in-depth interview guidelines, recordings, and document studies. The results showed that today's Drama Gong is very dilemmatic. Its existence on the Balinese art performance stage is not only marginalized, but also slumped, lost multi-role, and dimmed is fading without taksu, making it helpless: life is reluctant to die unwillingly. </em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 SYSTEMATIC LAND REGISTRATION PROCEDURE (PTSL) IN DENPASAR CITY LAND OFFICE2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Ni Made Trisna<p><em>The problem described in this study is about how the procedure for Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) at the Denpasar City Land Office is and how is the implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) at the Denpasar City Land Office. The research method used in this thesis is the type of empirical research, namely research that conducts observations and conducts research directly into the field in this case, namely at the Denpasar City Land Office. The results of the research are the procedures for implementing the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program carried out by the Denpasar City Land Office including (a) planning and preparation, (b) determining the location of activities, (c) formation and determination of the adjudication committee, (d) conducting counseling activities, (e) collecting physical data and juridical data on land parcels, (f) researching juridical data and proof of rights, (g) announcement of physical data and juridical data and their ratification, (h) issuance of a decision on affirmation/recognition of land rights, (i) bookkeeping of rights, (j) issuance and submission of land rights certificates, (k) processing of paperwork or documents and (l) reporting. Implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) carried out by the Denpasar City Land Office, namely when viewed from standard indicators and policy targets, human resources, communication between organizations, characteristics of implementing agents, social, economic and political conditions have been going well, This is evidenced by the fact that 12,607 plots of land have been certified and have been mapped, even if the Denpasar City Government is planning development, it can be seen from the land registration map to the number of land parcels owned. Maps are displayed online.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 IN DENPASAR CITY: STUDY OF ADAPTATION STRATEGY AND ITS IMPLICATION OF SOCIAL CULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT 2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00A.A. Ngurah Anom<p><em>Denpasar City, both as the capital of Bali as well as the center of trade, education, and tourism destinations. This potential is a strong attraction for the migrants to come and settle in the city of Denpasar. The purposes of this study are: 1) to get an overview of the characteristics of the migrants; 2) understanding the pattern of migrant adaptation; and 3) to analyze its implications of socio-cultural and environment. The approach method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection used through structured interviews, observation, and Focus Group Discussion. Based on the analysis, this study found that the average age of migrants classified as productive, is in the range 30-40 years. The level of education of migrants is quite good, mostly high school and even some university grade. The pattern of adaptation that is done tends to choose clustered residence based on the similarity of ethnic and religion background.The socio-cultural implications have not been so apparent, that local culture still dominant. The implications for the environment appear to be quite significant, which is marked by the increasing number of land conversion for various designations. The emergence of slums and semi-permanent settlements built to meet the needs of many migrants throughout the sub district in Denpasar. This condition then injured the icon of Denpasar as a cultural city. Beside that, the quality of environments and raw water of the population has decreased, caused due of domestic household waste and wastewater of the garment industry and laundry services.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 AND MODELS OF EDUCATION SERVICES FOR THE GIFTED CHILDREN2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Ni Luh Gede Karang<p><em>The research carried out aims to determine the characteristics and models of educational services that can be developed so that gifted children obtain their right </em><em>to</em><em> education. This research was motivated by various cases that occurred related to the limitations of the education that gifted children received, not even a few of these children experienced discriminatory treatment. The research method is descriptive with data collection techniques in the form of literature studies from various references that are relevant to the observed symptoms. The collected data were analyzed in a qualitative descriptive manner so that a variety of characteristics and models of education services for gifted children could be seen. The results showed that the characteristics of gifted children were viewed from 3 aspects including: academic, social/emotional, and physical/health aspects. Recognizing the characteristics of each child is also very important, because the characteristics of different children also require different methods and approaches used in the process of mentoring learning activities. Characteristics of services that suit the needs of gifted children include: adaptation of the learning environment, program adaptation, enrichment, sophistication of subject matter, updating of lesson content, and modification of the curriculum as an alternative. Models of educational services suitable for gifted children include: cognitive-affective service models, moral development service models, value development models, services in various special fields including: leadership and arts and performing groups. The educational service model that is designed must be able to facilitate the various needs inherent in gifted children</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF TRADITIONAL ARCHITECTURE THROUGH TRANSFORMATION IN CONTEMPORARY BALINESE HOUSING2023-04-17T10:15:48+08:00Arya Bagus Mahadwijati Wijaatmajaaku@aryabagus.comDesak Made Sukma<p><em>Balinese architecture is a written knowledge which date back to 14th century, which available in some manuscripts. Those manuscripts written on palm leaves which is called lontar. Some lontars contain Balinese architecture are Asta Kosala-Kosali, Asta Bumi, Tutur Gong Besi, etc. Those lontars have been providing Balinese guidance regarding architecture and 'how-to' construction especially related to residential buildings. Balinese still believe that those lontars should followed when build a house, but due to high economic cost & land price, it's become more difficult to implement Balinese Architecture, especially in modern housing. This paper try to suggest some adaptation of Balinese Architecture principles in Balinese modern housing.</em></p> <p><em>As a result, there have been changes in the concept of housing or residential houses of the Balinese people. The concept and procedures for the construction of traditional Balinese residences are guided by Asta Kosala-Kosali, which includes procedures for selecting land and materials, building dimensions, construction processes and accompanying rituals. The variety of residences in Bali today basically maintains some of the identity of traditional architectural element with some transformations, so that there is a sustainability of traditional Balinese architecture in today's residences, although not as a whole. Transformations that occur mainly in the shape of buildings shape, construction systems, and building materials. </em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 TRENDS ON COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE APPROACHES IN THE DEVELOPING COUNTRY: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS2023-03-02T13:20:15+08:00Ulmi Sri<p><em>Collaboration in the development of public administration continues to provide innovation in various ways, especially for the advancement of efficient services and sustainable development for the country</em><em>. </em><em>One of its innovations is collaborative governance as a concept of governance in government which is to build cooperation from various stakeholder directions, locally, nationally, and even globally, in both developed and developing countries</em><em>. </em><em>This study was conducted to analyze the collaborative governance approach in the field of government</em> in developing countries with <em>its ascertainable related topics that were used as research variables</em><em>. </em><em>Literature review-based research methods through a bibliometric analysis approach begin with keyword defining </em><em>'collaborative governance,' 'government,' </em><em>and</em><em> 'developing country' </em><em>in the Scopus database with the acquisition of 227 articles with a review of the initial search results</em><em>. </em><em>Furthermore, it is compiled through a Vos-Viewer application to describe the results of research data visualization</em><em>. </em><em>The results showed that there were two large clusters, each having a network of connectedness, namely a topic cluster focusing on governance and health</em><em>. </em><em>The application of collaborative governance in six main articles about governance in developing countries, namely aspects of collaboration globally and developed countries as a benchmark in systems, policies, and stakeholder performance.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) METEN IN ARCHITECTURE MEANING2023-03-02T13:23:10+08:00I Ketut Adhimastraadhimastra@gmail.comPutu Gde Ery<p><em>Umah meten</em> is a traditional Balinese building. <em>Umah meten</em> also has other names such as: <em>Omah</em> <em> meten</em>, <em>Bale</em> <em> meten</em>, <em>Bale</em> <em>Daje, Bale Paturon, Bale Sakaulu</em> and <em>Bale</em> <em>Sakutus.</em></p> <p>Other buildings besides <em>Umah meten</em> in traditional Balinese dwellings, are: <em>Bale</em> <em>Dangin, Bale Dauh</em>, (according to the cardinal directions), the other names are adjusted to the number of columns, if there are four columns it is called <em>Bale</em> <em>sakepat</em>, if there are six columns it is called <em>bale</em> <em>sakenem</em> and so on until the columns 12 called <em>bale</em> <em>sakeroras</em>. However, among the names of these buildings, only <em> meten</em> is called <em>UMAH</em>. While the others are called <em>Bale</em>. Why is only <em> meten</em> called <em>Umah</em>? This is what we should know so that we understand the uniqueness of <em>Umah meten</em>.</p> <p>This study explores several references to answer questions in this study. There are references in the field of architecture, there are those in the field of culture and religion, <em>and</em> there are also references in the field of tourism. This reference is deliberately used, not only from the field of architectural engineering. However, also in other fields. Because to answer this research question, it is necessary to look for its relation to other field references so that the relevance of the answer can be accepted.</p> <p>It was found in this study that <em>Umah meten</em> is meaningful as a guideline for the size of other building layouts. <em>Umah meten</em> also provides an understanding of a unified building in a traditional Balinese house, where <em>Umah meten</em> has a door for entry and exit. Meanwhile, another building called <em>Bale</em> has no doors. A link was also found between <em>umah</em> and the rice fields, so that in one pa<em>umah</em>an unit there is always a barn as a place to store produce from the fields.</p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) REVIEW: MANAGEMENT OF TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE2023-03-02T13:26:05+08:00Ni Luh Gde Ari Natalia<p><em>Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease whose prevalence continues to increase. The increase in chronic diseases has an impact on the high health financing in Indonesia. The government through BPJS Health organizes a chronic disease management program (Prolanis) which is held in primary services throughout Indonesia in collaboration with BPJS Health. The purpose of this study is to describe the management of Type 2 DM in other countries. The research method used a scoping review based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). The source of the data was obtained from an online electronic search engine from the Pubmed database. A total of 7 out of 346 articles met the inclusion criteria which were grouped into qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research. There are similarities in the management of Type 2 DM, namely the involvement of a team consisting of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary health workers, measurement of health status seen from the decrease in blood sugar (HbA1c) and blood pressure levels and the involvement of educators who provide education and patient self-care skills. The difference in the management of Type 2 DM is the collaboration in handling mental health such as depression.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE RESEARCH IN ACHIEVING SDGS SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS2023-03-03T14:34:52+08:00Sri<p><em>One of the health problems was closely related to the second indicator in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program such us nutrition. Fulfillment of nutritional needs was one of the serious problems faced on a global scale. Malnutrition caused a child's stature to be short or commonly known as stunting. This study purposed to find out the development of scientific publications related to collaborative governance in the field of social development, and to know trend terms article titles collaborative governance. This article used the bibliometric analysis method regarding collaborative governance in the field of social development, published in Scopus indexed journals in 1998-2022. Data was obtained from the Scopus database using the keywords "collaborative governance" and "social development". Next, the researcher analyzed and visualized the database obtained by using the VosViewer software. The results of the research showed that scientific publications on collaborative governance in the field of social development had not developed significantly. The number of documents produced from 1998 to 2022 was 172 documents. The highest document publication occurred in 2021, namely 29 documents. While the lowest document publications occurred in 1999-2000, 2002-2004, and 2007. The most trend terms of article titles were "sustainable development" with a total of 553 items, followed by "governance approach" with 425 items, and "sustainability" with 251 items. The resulting documents had four types, namely: articles, conference papers, reviews, and book chapters</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) CAPACITY ANALYSIS OF PADDY FIELD-BASED FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT IN PURWAKARTA REGENCY, WEST JAVAJUDUL2023-03-03T14:45:38+08:00Dolly<p><em>Food is a basic human need. The provision of food is realized to meet the needs and consumption of food for the community, both individually and households in a sustainable manner. One of the efforts to realize domestic food availability is to maintain and develop productive lands. The purpose of this study was to analyze the rate of conversion of paddy fields on a spatial basis in the 2013-2017 period and the 2017-2021 period in Purwakarta Regency, project land availability and demand for paddy fields in 2045, and analyze the environmental carrying capacity of the district. The research was conducted in January-April 2022, in Purwakarta Regency, West Java, using a quantitative descriptive method using secondary data analyzed with ArcGIS 10.8, Powersim 10, and Google Earth Pro. The results showed that in the 2013-2017 period, paddy fields were reduced into built-up areas of 195.55 ha, and in the 2017-2021 period there was a reduction of paddy fields into built-up areas of 401.83 ha. Based on the spatial planning for the 2011-2031 Purwakarta Regency area, it is planned that there will be a change of rice fields into a built-up area of 3,742.94 ha. Purwakarta Regency will achieve food self-sufficiency if it has at least 14,439.65 ha of paddy fields, or the equivalent of producing 109,427.20 tonnes of rice. In the period 2031-2045 Purwakarta Regency will experience a food deficit and it tends to continue increasing until it reaches 43,527 tons of rice in 2045. The carrying capacity of the environment through the ecosystem services approach in Purwakarta Regency, namely in the form of providing food services in 2021 will reach 142,506.51 tons with food service recipients of 997,869 people. Recipients of food services will continue to increase to 1,095,934 people in 2045. There is a need for policy intervention through policy scenarios for optimizing paddy fields and increasing productivity, or a combination of both, to increase the carrying capacity of food in Purwakarta Regency.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) ENTITIES AND NATIONAL MENTALITY URGENCY IN THE FACE OF GLOBALIZATION2023-03-03T14:53:02+08:00I Made Puranamadepurana11@gmail.comI Made<p><em>Starting from the condition of the nation and the challenges it faces, what the Indonesian nation must do in order to be able to stand side by side and sit on an equal footing with other nations is to improve the quality of human resources, both moral quality, social quality, and professional quality. Moral quality and social quality are related to national identity. Globalization, which is marked by homogenization, still needs a national identity as an identity in the interactions between nations. The identity of the Indonesian nation, which has begun to fade due to globalization, has caused the Indonesian nation to lose control and direction in building the future. Therefore, the development of national identity needs serious attention. The development of the national identity is not an instant thing, but it takes a long time and starts early and is carried out continuously. National identity development is not only related to intellectual issues, but also social and moral issues. The formation of morals and social ethics must be carried out from an early age. Therefore, national identity education is not only necessary, but must be taught since elementary school (elementary school). This identity education can be included in Citizenship or Pancasila subjects. For the Indonesian people, actually already has a reference for the development of national identity, namely Pancasila. Apart from being the basis of the state and way of life, Pancasila also functions as a soul and personality. nation. This conception has the consequence that Pancasila, must be the guide, guide for attitudes, actions, speech for the Indonesian nation. Therefore, Citizenship education is very urgent in the development of national identity.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS EFFECTIVE IN DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ READING SKILL?2023-03-03T14:57:38+08:00I Putu Yudi<p><em>Reading is probably the most important skill for second language (L2) learners in academic contexts. Reading is gradually being recognize as a valuable source of language input, particularly for students in learning environments (as in some EFL context) In reading, an individual construct meaning through a transaction with written text that has been created by symbols that represent language. Considering the important role of reading, the process of reading should be given a serious attention in the teaching and learning process. Although the processes of reading are often too dynamic and varied for different readers with the strategy applied on different texts to be investigated, it is generally accepted that the interaction between readers, reading strategy, and text variables is key to understanding the reading process. As a result, it has become common practice to divide reading related research into three separate factors: the reader, the strategy, and the text. Therefore, this study intends to find out whether graphic organizers strategy is effective in developing students’ reading competency.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) REVIEW ARTICLE 27 Paragraph (3) of Law No. 19 of 2016 CONCERNING INFORMATION AND ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS AGAINST DEFAMATORS IN SOCIAL MEDIA2023-03-03T15:02:35+08:00Agus Surya<p><em>Defamation in social media is regulated in Article 27 Paragraph (3) of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. Article 27 Paragraph (3) has a vague meaning because of its multi-interpretational nature so that it does not provide legal certainty for perpetrators of defamation in social media. against the accusers of defamation.</em></p> <p><em>This legal research uses a juridical normative method. The approach used is a statutory approach, a case approach, a conceptual and comparative approach. The sources of legal material are obtained from laws and regulations, books, articles and journals. For the method of collecting legal materials using literature study. Analysis of legal materials using construction, evaluation, argumentation and systematization methods.</em></p> <p><em>The results of this research are Article 27 Paragraph (3) giving rise to multiple interpretations because there are no clear boundaries regarding defamation, unclear subject matter protected in Article 27 Paragraph (3) and different verdicts. conspicuous judges which indicate Article 27 Paragraph (3) has multiple interpretations. The forms of legal uncertainty in Article 27 Paragraph (3) include: The nature of the article which is multi-interpreted and does not seem ineffective because it is a duplication of Article 310 of the Criminal Code, frequent bureaucratic services that are not good by law enforcers, there are differences in judges' verdicts which indicate different interpretations of judges, as well as causing political commotion and polemics in society.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) PRAMANA CONCEPT AS LEARNING APPROACH TO DEVELOP A LIFELONG LEARNER2023-03-03T15:07:39+08:00Dewa Made Dwicky Putra<p><em>Lifelong learning is a concept of continuous learning in line with the developmental phases of humans. The practice of lifelong learners throughout formal education needs a relevant learning approach. </em><em>Tri Pramana are three manners or ways to gain knowledge or truth namely, Praktyaksa Pramana, Anumana Pramana, and Sabda Pramana. </em><em>This study aims at describing the Tri Pramana concept as a learning approach to develop lifelong learners. The method of the research was research library. The data were collected through the recording of documents on various relevant sources of books, research journals, and other literature the research objectives. The findings of the data collection process were documented and analyzed descriptively. The finding shows </em><em>that the Tri Pramana-based learning approach can be implemented into several learning cycles consisting of PSA, PAS, SPA, SAP, APS, and ASP. Tri Pramana as a learning approach is significantly relevant to the need to develop lifelong learners. Generally, Tri Pramana-based learning is able to; 1) provide self-regulated learning on students, 2) foster a logical and open attitude in responding to problems, and 3) enable for continuous collaboration.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) IN CITY SPATIAL PATTERNS DUE TO URBAN COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Case Study of Puri Jro Kuta, Denpasar Bali2023-03-03T15:14:02+08:00Frysa Wiriantarimaheswarimolek@gmail.comA. A. Ayu Sri Ratih<p><em>The city as the center of the development of an area is constantly changing along with the increase in community activity. Structuring urban space utilization is slowly but surely moving towards opportunities to obtain more strategic values, especially those related to economic values. Urban spatial planning around Puri Jro Kuta has undergone significant changes from time to time as a result of community dynamics. The purpose of this research is to see changes in the structure and space of the city around Puri Jro Kuta as the center of government during the royal period. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a phenomenological approach in an architectural perspective (changes in space due to activity). Qualitative research is an option with the consideration that this research will explore as much and as deeply as possible the data in the field, both in the form of data from questionnaires, interviews and others.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the study revealed that the functions of this area are as: 1) environmental functions, 2) social functions, 3) economic functions and 4) aesthetic functions. Meanwhile, the activities that take place in the research area are: 1) cultural activities, 2) social activities, 3) economic activities and 4) non-formal sector activities. Another study is that the change in function is due to the high movility of the community and the increasing need for housing. The increase in needs in the economic sphere also has an impact on almost the entire part that originally functioned only as housing, today added economic functions. So that along the road sections in this area are filled with economic functions.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) ROLE OF THE DRUG AND FOOD CONTROL AGENCY (BPOM) IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF COSMETICS THAT CONTAIN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN DENPASAR2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah Indradewisagungindradewi@gmail.comNi Made<p><em>Many cosmetics are emerging at this time, ranging from make-up equipment such as; lipsticks, powders, mascaras, whitening creams, lotions, etc., which are not </em><em>balanced</em> <em>by the knowledge of consumers themselves in choosing good, safe, and comfortable cosmetics, as well as the lack of </em><em>socialization done</em><em> by the government or companies to the public about dangerous cosmetics on the market . There are a number of cosmetics that contain hazardous ingredients, including Medicinal Chemicals (BKO) that can harm the human body. Based on this background, the </em><em>writer</em><em>s formulate the problem, namely first what is the role of the Food and Drug </em><em>Control</em><em> Agency (BPOM) in the distribution of cosmetics containing hazardous substances in the jurisdiction of Denpasar City. Second, what are the efforts and obstacles of the Food and Drug </em><em>Control</em><em> Agency (BPOM) in overcoming the distribution of cosmetics containing dangerous substances in the jurisdiction of Denpasar City.</em> <em>This research uses descriptive empirical legal research. The data source used comes from primary data obtained directly from the research location and secondary data is data obtained from document materials. The data collection technique that the </em><em>writer</em><em>s use in this study is the snowball method. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive qualitative.</em> <em>The conclusion of this study is the role of the Food and Drug </em><em>Control</em><em> Agency (BPOM) in the distribution of cosmetics containing hazardous substances in the jurisdiction of Denpasar City, </em><em>that is</em><em> BPOM supervised cosmetic products starting from the pre market and post market. BPOM's efforts and obstacles in overcoming the distribution of cosmetics </em><em>were</em><em> conducting </em><em>socialization</em><em> and education to the public, increasing supervision of cosmetic distribution, and taking action against those who distribute cosmetics containing dangerous ingredients</em><em>,</em><em> while the obstacle </em><em>was</em><em> that the distribution of cosmetics d</em><em>id</em><em> not go through official channels, so the distribution routes </em><em>were</em><em> very wide and varied. </em><em>Both</em><em> online, offline, or </em><em>personally</em><em>, and cosmetics manufacturers containing dangerous ingredients </em><em>were</em><em> mostly illegal, who produce</em><em>d</em><em> and distribute</em><em>d</em><em> their products clandestinely or without official documents which ma</em><em>de</em><em> it difficult totrace the source of cosmetics containing dangerous ingredients.</em></p>2023-02-28T15:59:08+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development PROTECTION OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE IN HOUSEHOLD IN THE INDONESIAN JUSTICE SYSTEM2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Anak Agung Linda<p><em>The protection of human rights is basically meant to protect the rights of all human beings, both men and women. Indonesia as a rule of law state implies that all arrangements in the life of the nation, society and state are based on applicable law. Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence (PKDRT) aims to provide protection to women in marriage who experience violence, both physical and psychological, sexual violence and economic violence or family neglect. In the criminal justice system in Indonesia, it is only oriented towards punishing the perpetrators of criminal acts, not yet paying attention to the legal protection of victims' rights, especially victims of domestic violence. Therefore, it is very interesting to analyze and examine issues regarding legal protection of women's rights in crimes of domestic violence. This type of research is normative legal research, with a statute approach. Domestic Violence includes crimes that occur within the family sphere whose actions occur through personal relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, children and other children, or people within the family sphere. Victims of criminal acts of domestic violence currently tend to be multiple victims; First, being a victim of a crime that happened to him; Second, they become victims when they enter the criminal justice system, whose paradigm is still oriented towards the perpetrators. Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence has not yet accommodated the rights of victims to obtain material compensation for their suffering, either in the form of restitution or compensation. This is because the policy towards crime prevention through the criminal justice system is focused on the perpetrators of crimes (offender centered) and does not think about the consequences of crime on the victim in every decision making.</em></p>2023-02-28T15:57:36+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development OF SELLER ARCHITECTURE BEHAVIOR TOWARDS THE REVITALITATION OF BADUNG MARKET2023-03-02T10:58:22+08:00A.A. Ayu Sri Ratih Yulianasarigung.gegratih@gmail.comArya Bagus Mahadwijati<p><em>Badung Market is one of the big traditional markets in Bali that has a fairly high historical value. History records that this traditional market has a significant role in the civilization of Denpasar City in the economic sector. In early 2019, Badung Market was transformed into a modern traditional market. The concept translates into renewable physical forms and qualified public facilities. This effort aims to change the image of a dirty, narrow and dirty traditional market into a clean, comfortable and beautiful traditional market. However, a better market arrangement does not change the habits of market activity participants themselves. Based on the results of the field survey, the situation of the congested and cramped Badung Market was felt again after the revitalization.</em></p> <p><em>The government as the owner of the policy has attempted to change the image of traditional markets to be clean, comfortable and modern through a market revitalization program. However, it is very unfortunate that the translation of the market revitalization concept only focuses on the appearance of the facade. This article will examine the behavior of market activity actors towards the revitalization of the Badung Market. Using a qualitative descriptive analysis method, the conclusions from this study are (i) In the planning process, it is necessary to have compatibility between the design concept and the behavior of the relevant stakeholders; (ii) There needs to be variations and innovations in stall designs (in this case stalls) so that traders can choose and customize them; (iii) It is necessary to socialize market regulations so that all parties are aware of and comply with them; (iv) if there is a violation, appropriate sanctions can be given.</em></p>2023-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF FLOOD CAUSES IN PESAREAN VILLAGE, ADIWERNA DISTRICT, TEGAL REGENCY2023-03-02T10:58:41+08:00Adi Riyan Ali Sya’<p><em>Flood is a disaster that occurs in a watershed caused by an excess amount of water from the capacity of the river. Pesarean Village is a village located in Tegal Regency, Indonesia, which is often hit by floods, especially during the rainy season. The flood disaster was caused by the overflow of the Jembangan river which crossed the Pesarean village. This study aims to reveal the causes of flooding in the village of Pesarean. uses a quantitative research methodology with a descriptive approach, by processing primary data in the form of field observations and secondary data from local authorities. With result Pesarean Village is located in the lowlands and is crossed by the Jembangan River which overflows when it rains and causes flooding; The jembangan river is a tributary of the river that crosses Pesarean village and functions as a drainage, with conditions full of sedimentation resulting in obstacles to river flow and reduced rainwater storage capacity; Population density and land use, where the majority of settlements are settlements, reduce the carrying capacity of land as a water catchment.</em></p>2023-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) SECURITY AS A GOVERNMENT EFFORT IN REALIZING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs)2023-03-02T10:59:36+08:00I Wayan Partama<p><em>Indonesia is a unitary state which is currently at the level of a developing economy. Economic inequality is one of the various problems that arise in various countries, especially Indonesia, and the government is still trying to overcome it. Social security to the community is one of the important needs that must be upheld and implemented by the government in accordance to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of Indonesian Republic. In the general provisions of article 1 paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning National Social Security implies that Social security is one of a security forms to ensure that all people can meet their basic needs for a decent life. Article 28H paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Indonesian Republic states that "everyone has the right for social security which enables his/her thorough development as a dignified human being." In Article 34 paragraph (2) which states: "The state develops a Social security System for all people and empowers those who are weak and incapable in accordance with humanitarian standards", as well as in Article 34 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Indonesian Republic which explains that "The State responsible for the provision of proper health service facilities and public service facilities. The mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia becomes the basis on which the government must be committed to guarantee social security for Indonesian people. In this case, the implementation of the social security programs is one of the responsibilities and obligations of the State to provide socio-economic protection to the community. This study uses a juridical-normative method. The juridical-normative method is a scientific research procedure to find the truth based on the scientific logic of law from its normative side. From the formulation of the problem that has been defined, it can be concluded that the government guarantees the social welfare of the community through social security by creating a legal regulation to implement the governments’ objectives and by providing social security to the community, the government makes it easier for the community to get good social services and always strives to develop the welfare of society in general.</em></p>2023-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) TRANSFORMATION OF DOME ARCHITECTURE IN BALI 2023-03-02T10:59:58+08:00Desak Made Sukma Widiyanisukmawidiyani@gmail.comFrysa Wiriantari<p><em>Dome architecture is currently a trend that is applied to buildings with various functions, especially in Bali. In this study, we will analyze the concept transformation of the dome architecture, especially those developing in Bali.</em> <em>The design concept analyzed is the form, function and use of materials. The purpose of this research is to provide information and education to the public about the trend of dome architecture that has developed from ancient times to the present.</em> <em>The research methodology used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This method begins with observations, looking at the existing conditions at the location. The results of this study are, several concept transformations of building design that apply dome architecture. The concept transformation starts from the shape of the roof on the jineng which almost resembles a dome, to the hemispherical shape that is applied to commercial buildings. The function of the building also varies, starting from the building as part of a traditional Balinese house with a function as a rice barn, then developing and adapting it to commercial buildings (villas and resorts), and becoming a vocal point in a villa/resort area. And lastly, the dome shape was displayed on the building at the G20 event which involved many leaders of other countries. The materials used are various, such as bamboo, wood, palm fiber, glass, plastic, and steel, and then back to bamboo which is a local material.</em></p>2023-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) POWER OF LAW ACTION WAARMERKING BY NOTARY OFFICIAL REGARDING UNDER HAND DEED2023-03-02T11:00:13+08:00Sang Ayu Made Ary<p><em>The development of social life has increased the intensity and complexity of legal relations that must be protected and ensured based on evidence that clearly defines rights and obligations. To avoid losses, every community needs a reliable person (figure) called a Notary, who the public can trust because they are legal authorities whose signature and stamp provide strong guarantees and evidence. The notary is an impartial expert and a counselor with no defects and makes an agreement that can protect both parties in the future. The formulation of the problem of this research is what is the basis of the notary's authority to carry out Waarmerking actions against private deeds and what is the legal power of underhanded deeds, which is Waarmerking by a notary official. The research method used in the preparation of this research is normative research. The results of the discussion in this study are as follows: The notary's authority over underhanded deeds that are Waarmerking by a Notary following Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning the Office of a Notary is only limited to registering underhanded deeds that have been made by the parties and present before the notary to register the deed under the hand in a special book provided by the notary. The notary, in this case, does not know the contents of the deed that has been drawn up and signed by both parties even though the notary signs the deed under the hand. The legal force of the agreement Underhanded deed in Waarmerking is different from an authentic deed with definite evidentiary strength, so for an underhanded deed, the power of proof is in the hands of the judge to consider it. An underhanded deed in Waarmerking is more at risk of forgery in the deed and signature because the notary does not have the authority to read the contents of the deed. The authenticity of the party's signature can be doubted because the parties signing the deed is not in the presence of a Notary, so the notary is often blamed by the police in terms of investigation.</em></p>2023-02-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c)' UNDERSTANDING OF OATH OF TERMINATION AS A TOOL OF EVIDENCE IN CIVIL PROCEDURE LAW2023-03-02T11:00:32+08:00Ni Putu Yunika<p><em>In the process of examining civil cases, one of the judge's duties is to investigate whether a legal relationship that forms the basis of a lawsuit really exists or not. It is this legal relationship that must be proven, if the plaintiff fails to prove the arguments on which the lawsuit is based, then the lawsuit will be rejected, whereas if it is successful, the lawsuit will be granted. The problem in this research is when to use the decisoir oath.</em></p> <p><em>This study uses empirical legal research, namely empirical methods by conducting field research with interview techniques to obtain data that is expected to broaden the author's insight into civil law, especially regarding the importance of using a decisoir oath.</em></p> <p><em>The use of the Termination Oath as a Evidence Tool in Civil Procedure Law In the Indonesian Civil Procedure Code system, the Termination Oath is valid according to law as an oath that has fulfilled the requirements mandated by the Civil Procedure Code and other provisions governing legal issues in the civil field that apply in Indonesia. and the judge's understanding of the breaking oath as a means of evidence in civil procedural law, this understanding then gave birth to a different interpretation of the provisions of Article 156 HIR/183 RBG which regulates the breaking oath. The last is the cultural factor (culture) of the litigants, who are accustomed to oaths as an alternative in resolving problems that arise between them.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) DELAY DISORDER IN EARLY CHILDHOOD2023-03-01T22:13:46+08:00Ni Made Yuniari<p><em>This research is a descriptive qualitative research in the form of literature studies from various references that are relevant to speech delay disorders in early childhood. This research aims to find out how children who experience speech delays are handled according to the type and causes of speech delays. Based on the results and discussion of the research, it can be concluded several things. The causes of speech delay in children are numerous and broad, namely, Mental retardation, Hearing loss, Maturation delay, Expressive language disorder, Psychosocial deprivation, Autism, Elective mutism, and Cerebral palsy. Those causes affect the children’s language development. The children’s language development is influenced by 5 factors, namely: health factors, intelligence, socioeconomic status, gender, and family relationships. Related to the factors that influence children’s language development. Then came the types of speech delays in children, namely; 1) Specific Language Impairment; 2) Speech and Language Expressive Disorder; 3) Centrum Auditory Processing Disorder; 4) Pure Dysphatic Development; 5) Gifted Visual Spatial Learner; 6) Disynchronous Developmental. After understanding about the types of speech delay in children, then treatment of speech delay can be selected. Treatment of speech delay begins with patient identification such as medical history, speaking ability, listening ability, cognitive ability, and communication ability. Then the treatment is continued with the diagnosis of disorders experienced by the patient. After the results of the diagnosis are obtained, then the appropriate therapy is applied to the patient such as Speech Therapy, Oral Motor Therapy, and Melodic Intonation Therapy. Therefore, this research is expected to provide benefits to parents with speech delays. So that parents can detect whether their child has a speech delay early and provide appropriate treatment immediately.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) THE DUTIES AND AUTHORITIES OF PECALANG AS A TRADITIONAL SECURITY TOOL IN BALI2023-03-01T22:16:51+08:00I Wayan<p><em>The maintenance of stability, security and order in traditional villages is the main goal to continue to uphold Bali as a strengthening of cultural identity. Creating security and order in traditional villages is not only the task of the police and the government, but the role of indigenous village communities is highly expected. Therefore traditional villages must be supported by other traditional institutions and organizations such as banjar adat, tempek, and sekaa-sekaa, as well as traditional organizations that are still alive and developing in other communities such as pecalang. Pecalang is a traditional Balinese security task force (task force) which has the authority to maintain security and order in the area of customary village jurisdictions, both at the customary Banjar level and in the customary village area. Security carried out by pecalang is a form of self-defense security, namely a form of security held on the will, awareness and interests of the community itself. The issuance of Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2019 concerning Traditional Villages does not clearly state and are still ambiguous about the duties of a pecalang, so there is a chance that these tasks will come out of the history of the formation of pecalang. To support the duties of the pecalang, the pecalang needs to coordinate with the National Police as stipulated in Article 47 paragraph (3) of Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2019, so that the pecalang and the state police are in a coordinative position. The purpose of this research is to clarify the boundaries of the duties and powers of the pecalang as a professional traditional security tool in Bali and to eliminate the arrogance of security duties between the pecalang (sesana) and the police so that there is a harmonious relationship for the sake of creating security and order in the traditional village according to regulations. current regulation. This research is a type of normative research, namely seeking clarity about the duties of independent security (pecalang) so that it is in accordance with the traditional security equipment in Bali.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) THE APPLICATION OF TRI HITA KARANA TO EVENT LAND FUNCTION TRANSFER IN SUBAK LANYAH WANASARA, ONGAN VILLAGE, TABANAN DISTRICT2023-03-01T22:20:26+08:00I Gusti Agung Nyoman<p><em>Subak in Bali is basically a forum or organization where farmers with high determination and enthusiasm gather to work together in an effort to get water with the aim of producing food crops. This study aims to analyze the application of the Tri Hita Karana concept and the constraints in the application of Tri Hita Karana in Subak Lanyah Wanasara, Bongan Village, Tabanan District, Tabanan Regency. This research was conducted in Subak Lanyah Wanasara, Bongan Village, Tabanan District, Tabanan Regency. Determining the location of this research was carried out using the "purposive sampling" method. The population in this study were all subak members, totaling 78 farmers. Sampling used simple random sampling method, so that the sample in this study amounted to 36 farmers. Data analysis techniques using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of research on the application of the Tri Hita Karana concept in Subak Lanyah Wanasara it is categorized as sufficient at 32.37% seen from three aspects, namely the Parhyangan Aspect, it can show that from the harmonious relationship between humans and God Almighty, it can be seen that the Subak Temple is accompanied by a prayer ceremony with Subak members. The Pawongan aspect can be seen from the harmonious togetherness with mutual cooperation and meetings with subak members. The Palemahan aspect is indicated by the improvement of irrigation systems, cropping patterns and planting schedules which are always taken into account according to climatic conditions. The obstacles faced are the large conversion of land functions into residential areas, the frequent occurrence of conflicts between members related to the distribution of water and disruption of irrigation flows due to careless disposal of waste.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) AGROINDUSTRY’S PROFIT IN HOUSEHOLD SCALE: A CASE STUDY OF TAMAN SARI ENVIRONMENT, BULELENG DISTRICT2023-03-01T22:30:30+08:00Putu Fajar Kartika Putu<p><em> Buleleng Regency has potential in the agricultural product processing sector. One of them is a household-scale Tempe agro-industry based in the Tamansari area, Kampung Baru Village, Buleleng district. This research is about the Tempe agroindustry in Tamansari. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1. costs, revenues, and income in the household-scale tempe industry in the Tamansari area, Buleleng district, 2. the level of efficiency in the household-scale tempe industry in the Tamansari area, Buleleng district. The respondents are household agro-industries in the Tamansari area which produces tempe only, with a total of 6 (six) entrepreneurs. The data analysis method used is the total revenue obtained from the total revenue minus the total cost of a production process. The results of the study showed that the initial investment of the Tempe agroindustry in Tamansari was Rp. 46,934,167, - with a monthly depreciation fee of Rp. 204,919, -. 1. Tempe producers in the Tamansari area that process soybeans as much as 50 kg/day, on average, pay Rp. 14,139,563, - per month, receiving Rp. 18,788,000, - and get Rp. 4,648,438, -. Meanwhile, for tempe producers who process soybeans as much as 100 kg/day, the average cost is Rp. 26,588,917, - per month, receiving Rp. 32,256,000, - and get Rp. 5,667,083, - and for tempe producers who process soybeans as much as 200 kg/day, the average cost is Rp. 59,192,000, - per month, receiving Rp. 59,192,000, - and get Rp. 8,627,361, -. The tempe industry in Tamansari is feasible to run. Because the efficiency value is more than 1 (one) that is equal to; 1.33 on the soybean scale of 50kg/day, 1.21 on the soybean scale of 100kg/day, and 1.17 on the soybean scale of 200kg/day.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING VIDEO BY USING ProShow FOR FOURTH GRADE IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL2023-03-01T22:33:43+08:00Dewa Ayu Made Manu Okta<p><em>The education has been grown rapidly nowadays. The number of change has been executed to develop the quality of education. The improvement of quality needs to be implemented urgently to engage students. Furthermore, it is expected to enhance of problem solving skill from the formed knowledge and skill. This research was in form of Research and Development (R&D) in accordance to Borg & Gall design. ProShow was the application used to proceed the video-based teaching media. The data were collected through interview, observation, giving questionnaire, and test. The result of interview and observation was analyzed in form of descriptive qualitative meanwhile questionnaire and test was analyzed quantitatively. The use of media in teaching Social Science for IV grade students was not implemented well. The procedure of research was adopted from Borg & Gall using ProShow as the developing media. The result shows that t.obs is 2,95 > t.table is 2,022. This can be interpreted that both groups have different achievement. The result of post-test shows that the average of students’ achievement that have exposure to implemented developed teaching media which is higher than the students’ achievement using media of picture based book (71,3> 63,5). Thus, developed media is effective to improve students’ achievement.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF JUDGES' DECISIONS ON CHILDREN AFTER MARRIAGE DIVISION IN THE PURUSA SYSTEM2023-03-01T22:36:51+08:00A A. Mas Adi Trinaya<p><em>Dissolution of a marriage or divorce will result in not only changing the rights and obligations of the husband and wife, but also the rights and obligations of the children. The formulation of the problem raised in this study is how is the implementation of the judge's decision on children after the breakup of a marriage due to divorce in the purusa system and what are the obstacles encountered in implementing the judge's decision on children after the breakup of a marriage in the purusa system. This type of research is empirical legal research that focuses on people's behavior and requires primary data as primary data and secondary data or legal materials in the form of existing laws and regulations. In this research, it is contained in the provisions of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection Obligations and responsibilities of family and parents are regulated in Article 26 paragraph (1) and (2) of Law Number 23 2002 concerning Child Protection. This study uses existing laws, takes articles and books as well as case examples. The conclusion of this study is the decision of the Honorable Judges, that divorce does not break the relationship between the child and both parents, that for the sake of the child, both parents must still play their maximum role according to their abilities regardless of who has custody of the child in question. The purusa issue may be taken into consideration in the decision by obliging the mother to always bring the child to the middle of the father's family when there is a traditional ceremony related to the purusa. Of course, both parties must learn to be heartened still for the sake of the child and understand what is happening. He can choose for himself who to entrust his future with, whether to the father or mother.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) AND ENGLISH LEARNING APPROACHES FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS2023-03-01T22:39:23+08:00I Gusti Ayu Indah Triana<p><em>This research aims to investigate the characteristics and English learning approach for special need students, especially for autism students. This research used descriptive qualitative research design which focus on literature study from relevance references. The collected data were analyzed descriptively thus it could be seen the characteristics and English learning approach for autism students. The result of the study showed that the characteristics of autism students could be seen from their communication, social interaction, sensory disorders, play pattern, behavior, and emotional. The appropriate English learning approaches used for autism students were Differentiated Instruction as an Individual Based Learning Approach, Constructivism Learning Approach and the Whole Students Learning Approach. Differentiation learning required teachers who were experienced not only to understand and be able to identify students’ needs but also they were skilled to be flexible with the curriculum and modify learning based on the students’ needs. There were three methods could be followed by teachers in teaching and learning process, such as modify the content, apply the learning process, and designing the final product. Meanwhile, The effective implementation of constructivism approach for autism students were using various songs and games, involving students in solving problems, using some sources especially for students with special needs, and designing learning instruction. By implementing those strategies, it is expected the autism students could follow learning process like the ordinary students. </em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) ANALYSIS OF CLOVE FARMING IN BENGKEL VILLAGE, BUSUNGBIU SUB-DISTRICT, BULELENG REGENCY2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Made Mika Mega<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The agricultural sector is a very important sector in economic development in Indonesia. Buleleng Regency is the area with the largest plantation area in Bali. The plantation sub-sector commodity in Buleleng Regency until now still relies on coconut, Robusta coffee and cloves. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L.) is one of the plantation commodities that has the potential to be cultivated in Buleleng. Clove farming income that exists today is still not able to support the life of farmers properly. Busungbiu District is a clove center in Buleleng Regency. Clove yields in Buleleng Regency from year to year are not the same. Fluctuations in clove yields occur due to climatic influences. Busungbiu District is a clove center in Buleleng Regency. Clove yields in Buleleng Regency from year to year are not the same. Fluctuations in clove yields occur due to climatic influences. This research was conducted on clove farming in Bengkel Village, Busungbiu District, Buleleng Regency. The selection of the research location was determined purposively (purposive sampling). The population in this study was 40 people and the sample in this study was 20 people. The results of the income analysis show that the average cost of production inputs incurred in clove farming in one season is Rp. 5,359,000/cultivated area and farmers' income is Rp. 5,441,000 and revenue is Rp. 10,800,000. This value shows that the total revenue is greater than the costs incurred by clove farmers in Bengkel Village, Busungbiu District, Buleleng Regency.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 AFFECTING FARMERS IN DRAGON (Hylocereus undatus) Farming Case in Pertiwi Segara Lestari, Kesiman Kertalangu Village, East Denpasar District, Denpasar City2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00Kadek Ayu Charisma Julia<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Dragon fruit is a horticultural plant that has a fairly complete nutritional content for the human body. Dragon fruit plants besides being very good for human health, also have very good sales prospects, so they are easy to market and will have good selling points for farmers. This study aims to find out what factors influence farmers on dragon fruit farming in Pertiwi Segara Lestari, Kesiman Kertalangu Village, East Denpasar District, Denpasar City and to find out the obstacles faced in cultivating dragon fruit in Pertiwi Segara Lestari, Kesiman Village Kertalangu, East Denpasar District, Denpasar City. The research location was chosenpurposively. The total population is 25 farmers, paying attention to the size of the population that is not large, so in this study all elements of the population are designated as respondents. The results in this study are the factors that influence farmers in dragon fruit farming are as follows: (a) Ease of planting dragon fruit. (b) The selling price is very high (c) Market uptake of dragon fruit continues to increase (d) Imported dragon fruit is very expensive so there is no competition. Obstacles faced by farmers in cultivating dragon fruit are constraints in capital in purchasing seeds, fertilizers and concrete poles, as well as constraints during cleaning or sanitation of dragon fruit cultivation.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF MANUAL MATERIAL HANDLING IN TRADITIONAL TILE PRODUCTION<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>In its current development, the tile industry is experiencing several obstacles. These obstacles are related to production factors that affect the smooth running of the production process. One of the production processes in tile making is the molding and drying process. The problem that occurs is that there are complaints from tile craftsmen, this complaint is based on the fatigue received by workers during the printing process and the drying process which is done directly by the craftsmen. The objectives of the research to be carried out are to: 1) Describe the understanding of tile craftsmen in the operation of Material Manual Handling; 2) Describe the tile craftsmen's understanding of the use of media in operating Material Manual Handling; 3) Analyze the tile craftsmen's understanding of the mastery of Material Manual Handling material. The population used is the roof tile business community in Godean District, Sidorejo Village, Godean District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research is a study that uses quantitative data analysis techniques with descriptive statistics, namely statistics used to analyze data by describing the data that has been collected. The results showed a positive relationship between (1) understanding of tile craftsmen in the operation of Material Manual Handling; (2) Understanding of media use; and (3) Understanding the use of guides in operating manual material handling. The competency competencies that have been analyzed in this study were obtained from questionnaires distributed to tile craftsmen.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 IMPLEMENTATION OF ATTENTION RELEVANCE CONFIDENCE SATISFACTION (ARCS) LEARNING MODEL THROUGH THE USE OF PICTURE MEDIA TO IMPROVE FIFTH GRADE ELEMENTARY STUDENTS’ READING INTEREST AT SD N 21 DANGIN PURI DENPASAR2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00I Made Astra Winayaastrawinayadwijendra@gmail.comErnesta Ledeernestalede@gmail.comI Made<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The background of this research is to increase students' interest in reading by applying the Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction (ARCS) learning model assisted by media images. The purpose of this study was to find out the application of the ARCS learning model assisted by media images in increasing the reading interest of fifth grade students at elementary school 21 Dangin Puri Denpasar. This type of research is Classroom Action Research which is carried out in two cycles, each cycle consisting of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The subjects of this study were 19 fifth grade students consisting of 7 male students and 12 female students. Methods of data collection using tests and non-tests. The technique for collecting data on students' reading interest used the reading interest test instrument, while observing the development of students' reading interest in learning activities used observation sheet instruments, teacher and student interviews, and filling out questionnaires. Data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative. Based on the analysis of the research data, cycle I was classified as "high enough" as much as 36.84%, which was classified as "low" as much as 47.36%. The results in cycle II which were classified as "high" reached 57.89%, and students who were classified as "high enough" reached 42.10%. So it can be concluded that the application of the ARCS learning model assisted by media images can increase students' reading interest in class V SD Negeri 21 Dangin Puri Denpasar. This can be seen in the first cycle, students' interest in reading is classified as "quite high" with an average score of 69.26. In cycle II, the average score of students' interest in reading increased from 11.05 to 80.31 in the "high" category. So that the application of the ARCS Learning Model Assisted by Image Media has increased students' interest in reading, especially in class V students at Elementary School 21 Dangin Puri Denpasar.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 ROLE OF THE ADAT CHAIRMAN IN PRESERVING THE CULTURE LAHI GALANG VILLAGE, WANUKAKA DISTRICT, WEST SUMBA DISTRICT2023-04-10T14:05:15+08:00I Nengah Sudiartasudiartafkip@gmail.comYohanis Mori<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The background of this research is the shift in the culture of the Indonesian nation which has changed towards a modernization culture so that if it is not preserved it will be forgotten by the younger generation as successors. The aim of the study was to determine the role of the traditional leader in preserving the traditional Pasola in Lahi Galang Village, Wanukaka District, West Sumba Regency and to find out the obstacles in preserving the Pasola in Lahi Galang Village, Wanukaka District, West Sumba Regency? The results of the study show that the customary head has a very important role in people's lives. In preserving pasola it has a role to be able to convey to the younger generation, especially in the village of Lahi Galang, to be able to learn and know the customary procedures contained in the village of Lahi Galang which are related to the title of pasola so that it can be preserved for generations. Obstacles to preservation are: 1) The lack of enthusiasm of the younger generation as the nation's successors to be involved in the implementation of the pasola ritual. 2) There is a shift in the perception of the younger generation because they have absorbed educational knowledge so they don't want to become traditional leaders. 3) There are demands from the state that every Indonesian nation must have a religion according to the 6 religions recognized in Indonesia, while a rato or traditional leader must have animistic beliefs (worship of ancestral spirits) so that it will be difficult for the younger generation to carry out duties as rato.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 AND ATTACK PERCENTAGE Spodoptera litura Fabricius (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) ON TOMATO PLANTS IN SEKAAN VILLAGE, KINTAMANI DISTRICT, BANGLI REGENCY2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00I Wayan Dirgayanawayandirgayana@gmail.comDicky<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a type of horticultural plant that has many benefits for human health and is widely developed in Indonesia, especially in Bali. Pests of tomato plants are Spodoptera litura Fab. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). This study aims to calculate the total population and the percentage of S. litura pest attacks on tomato plants in Sekaan Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency. The research was conducted from July to September 2022 in Sekaan Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali. This research was conducted using the direct survey method. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling using the diagonal sampling method with 10 sample points and 5 plant clusters were taken at each sampling point so that a total of 50 plant families were observed. The variables observed were the number of populations and the percentage of pest attack by S. litura. The data obtained were analyzed and presented in the form of tables and graphs. The results showed that S. litura was found on tomato plants in farmers' fields. Pests began to be found at 14 DAP (Day After Planting) with an average of 2 individuals and the highest population was found at 70 DAP with an average of 29 individuals on tomato plants. The results of the analysis show that the high percentage of attacks occurring at 70 DAP is 40%. In general, the high number of pest populations affects the high percentage of S. litura attacks.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 DEVELOPMENT OF THE POTENTIAL OF SALT FARMERS IN KUSAMBA VILLAGE, DAWAN DISTRICT, KLUNGKUNG REGENCY2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00 Ida Ayu Candrika<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Tourism development, especially in Bali, is based on three elements. These three elements are society (people), nature, and culture. Klungkung Regency is one of the regencies where most of</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>the population works in the agricultural sector. Judging from the geographical conditions of Klungkung Regency which has an archipelago area, Klungkung Regency has potential in developing the salt business. The reality on the ground is that Klungkung Regency, which has a processing center as a salt user, still depends on salt supplies from outside Bali. The problem of not optimal salt production by salt farmers is as follows: the entry of salt supplies from outside at low prices so that traditional salt farmers in Kusamba Village feel pressured and cannot determine the selling price, inadequate income so that it is not sufficient for needs due to work in the agricultural sector This salt is very dependent on weather conditions. The potential that can be seen from this research are: a) product quality, b) product marketing, c) business profits and d) product competitiveness. The conclusions drawn are the potential of the salt farmers in Kusamba Village: (a) The color quality of the salt produced is white, clean, in terms of taste it is also not bitter, the texture of the salt is small and smooth, clean from dust, (b) In simple terms, the packaging of salt products is still less attractive so that product marketing is less attractive to consumers, (c) The business profits obtained by salt farmers are mostly only used for consumption and only enough for their daily needs but for education and savings they can only set aside a little (d) Salt production in Kusamba Village has not been able to export yet but is still able to compete in its own area. Suggestions taken by salt farmers must develop a salt production business so that it has high competitiveness and to provide opportunities to become an export commodity, improve the quality of packaging, develop product marketing and the need for institutions to organize farmers.</p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF TRI HITA KARANA IN THE BALINESE COMMUNITY: Study of the Functions of Hindu Literature2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00Dr. Ida Bagus Made Wisnu Parta, S.S., M.Hum wisnu.goes@gmail.comPutu Rita Kusuma<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Tri Hita Karana is one of the Balinese implementations of life philosophy. Tri Hita Karana refers to the three reasons for happiness. Tri Hita Karana is a way of life for the Balinese because it generates harmony through (1) establishing a harmonious relationship between humans and God, (2) developing a balanced relationship between humans and the environment, and (3) establishing a harmonious relationship between humans and other humans. The Balinese adhere to this concept as their life philosophy to maintain the balance of the universe and everything in it to live a happy and harmonious life. How Tri Hita Karana is implemented in Balinese society is the focus of this research in terms of Hindu literature studies. The objective of this study is to analyse the implementation of Tri Hita Karana in Balinese society through an examination of Hindu literature. This paper will examine this Tri Hita Karana notion utilising functional analysis. As a product of Balinese society, Hindu literary works combine a Balinese cultural base with the spirit and essence of Hindu religious ideals. Attention must be paid to the expression of their function and meaning.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 LITERACY ATTITUDE: AN EXPLORATION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS TO FORMULATE ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION STRATEGIES2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00Ni Made Yuni<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Increasing the environmental literacy attitude of elementary school students is needed as an effort to maintain the environmental sustainability. Analysis of the level of environmental literacy attitudes of students is needed to formulate operational environmental education strategies in schools. This survey research aims to explore the level of environmental literacy of SD Negeri 2 Dangin Puri students. A total of 197 students in grades IV, V, and VI became the sample of this study, consisting of 100 males and 97 females. Data collection is done online using Google Forms. The data collected was then analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Descriptive analysis aims to determine the percentage of students' environmental literacy attitudes. Meanwhile, inferential analysis was used to determine differences in the level of students' environmental literacy attitudes between grade levels and gender. The results showed that most of the students at SD Negeri 2 Dangin Puri (73.61%) had good and very good environmental literacy attitudes. The remaining 26.39% have average and poor environmental literacy attitudes. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in the level of environmental literacy attitudes between grade and gender. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that SD Negeri 2 Dangin Puri still has challenges to improve students' environmental literacy attitudes. Strategies to improve students' environmental literacy attitudes can be carried out using policy, curricular, and extracurricular approaches. Further research is needed to formulate operational steps for implementing these approaches in an effort to improve the environmental literacy attitudes of SD Negeri 2 Dangin Puri students.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 INTERPRETING STRATEGIES IN THE POLICE FIELD INVESTIGATION2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00Gede Nadya Irananda<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This study aimed to investigate the consecutive interpreting strategies used by an Indonesian interpreter, Putu Bellina, a student from Mahasaraswati Denpasar. This study examined police investigation from Bahasa Indonesia and it was interpreted into English and vice versa. Faerch and Kasper’s (1983) theory of consecutive interpreting strategy was applied in this research. The method in this research was qualitative. The data were collected through voice recordings taken during the investigation. The recording then was transcribed carefully into written form. The result showed that the interpreter used two types of consecutive interpreting strategies, namely reduction strategies, and achievement strategies. According to the findings, the interpreter used the reduction strategy, particularly the skipping strategy, the majority of the time during the interpreting process. It revealed that the skipping approach was used roughly 67% of the time, the incomplete sentence method was used 11% of the time, and the message abandonment strategy was used 22% of the time. Due to the abundance of superfluous words and phrases that slowed down the procedure, it may be inferred that the translator frequently used the skipping approach throughout the field inquiry. In order to get to the point, the interpreter chose to use the skipping technique. Despite the extensive use of skipping techniques, the fundamental meaning of each phrase was neither altered nor diminished.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, AND SCRIPT OF BALINESE THROUGH DIGITAL MEDIA2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00I Putu Arianatuariana28@gmail.comAnak Agung Mirah Setia<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Technology is often seen as the biggest challenge in the conservation language, literature, and script of Balinese. Several studies report concerns that technology is accelerating the erosion of local languages. Currently, people easily communicate across regions, countries, and continents and choose to use languages that are more universal and understandable by a wider audience, such as national languages or foreign languages. However, it cannot be denied that saving regional languages can be started by maximizing the benefits of technology. This paper aims to show the importance of technology and its relation to preserving Balinese language, literature, and script. In the end, we recommend several perspectives on how technology can contribute and become an essential part of the conservation language, literature, and script of Balinese</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 PRACTICE OF INDEPENDENT LEARNING AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE LEARNING PROCES IN PUBLIC SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN DENPASAR CITY2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00I Made Kartikakwik.kartika@gmail.comI Putu Adita Putraaditiaputra4440@gmail.comI Putu Adita<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>This article examines the practice of Freedom to learn and its implications for the learning process. The policy of Freedom to learn, which include of four main programs, namely the replacement of USBN into school exams, National Examination into minimum competency assessment and character survey, implementing 1 sheet of lesson plan, and zoning-based new student admission. The implementation of Merdeka Belajar (Freedom to Learn) in Denpasar City Public Senior High School, especially at SMA Negeri 3 and SMA Negeri 8 was held from academic year 2019/2020. However, in its practice there are still some obstacles faced by school management. This article uses a qualitative descriptive method, with cultural studies approach.</p> <p>This research found several things, namely: First, on the psychological aspects of implementing the Merdeka Belajar (freedom to learn) policy, especially in relation to the replacement of National Standard School Examination (USBN) into school exams and national exams as a minimum competency assessment, at least it can reduce the psychological burden of students in facing these exams. Second, in the didactic aspect, the implementation of this Merdeka Belajar (freedom to learn) policy can provide flexibility for teachers in terms of searching and finding various learning strategies and methods to develop Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Fun Learning (PAIKEM). Third, on the sociological and juridical aspects, the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar (freedom to learn) policy can encourage the realization of a sense of justice for the Indonesian people, in terms of obtaining equal opportunities to enjoy quality education.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 PERFORMANCE IN INCREASING REVENUE IN TEMPE AGROINDUSTRY UD. WAHYU IN PANJER, SOUTH DENPASAR2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00Ni Ketut<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The performance of Wahyu Dagang Business employees has so far experienced a decline, which is due to a lack of understanding of the management of existing resources. This study aims to determine the performance of employees in the tempeh agroindustry UD. Wahyu Panjer, South Denpasar. This research is expected to optimize employee performance so that income has increased. Employee performance is the result of work done by someone in an organization according to their duties and functions within a certain period of time in order to achieve the goals set by the organization. The population used in this study are active employees at UD. Wahyu as many as 15 people and all of them were used as respondents using the census method. The location was determined by purposive sampling method. Data collection was carried out by observation, direct interviews with respondents and owners, and supported by documentation and publications or taking pictures. Data analysis in this study used descriptive qualitative data analysis. The results showed the performance of employees in the tempeh agroindustry UD. Wahyu is able to increase business income, because employees are more skilled after being given training, the services provided are getting better, so that customer satisfaction increases. This has an impact on increasing sales results, promotion and marketing continue to be improved, so that more consumers make purchases.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 TWAM ASI AS BALINESE LOCAL WISDOM IN THE ERA OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00Ida Bagus<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the order of human life in the world. Humans whose social attitudes and practice in their lives have been limited under the pretext of the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic. Of course this will also provide a change in social patterns that are carried out by humans themselves. The order of life is actually a continuation of every civilization possessed by the process of human life. Even though the Covid-19 Pandemic has taken hold of the social side of humanity, it doesn't mean that we just let go, it's not even rare that it will get stronger due to the strong impact of this event on various areas of human life. Tat Twam Asi is an essential civilization to continue to live side by side, get along in harmony, help one another, be harmonious in the multicultural atmosphere that exists in the life of Indonesian society. Tat Twam Asi will become a Balinese local wisdom that is always upheld as a moral system to achieve human moral improvement and is implemented in human personal life, society, nation and state.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF VEGETATIONS OF TAMAN JEPUN PALACE “BALI FRANGIPANI PALACE” IN EAST DENPASAR DISTRICT, DENPASAR CITY, BALI2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00I Wayan Gede Wiryanata, S. Hut.,<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>The garden is one of the elements in developing urban space needed by the community. As an open space, a park is an open space containing natural elements and landscapes generated by the diversity of vegetation, activities and artificial elements which is provided social recreational facilities, as a source of the lungs of city. The research objective was to determine the elements of garden in Istana Taman Jepun or Bali Frangipani Palace in East Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali and the responses of visitors of Istana Taman Jepun or Bali Frangipani Palace. The setting was determined by purposive sampling technique. Sampling was implemented by accidental sampling technique, namely research that took 40 people as sample. The result showed that the identification of the Istana Taman Jepun or Bali Frangipani Palace in East Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali provided success and increase of knowledge to recognize garden elements and visitors’ responses to gardens at Istana Taman Jepun or Bali Frangipani Palace in East Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 NEWS IN WATUGANGGA TEXT2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00Dra. Ni Made Suarningsih, M.Sisuarningsihnimade@gmail.comI Wayan<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Hate Speech and fake news that are widely discussed today, are actually just a form of repetition. The only difference lies in the use of the media. Models like this can be traced from local wisdom in the form of texts. Such as Sisupala's utterance of hatred towards Kirina and the fake news about Aswattama's death that was raised by the Pandavas in Kakawin Bharata Yuddha. Apart from that, it can also be traced in the Watugangga text. In this text, this hate speech and fake news is used by the giant Narayama to break up the family relationship between Watugangga and his own father. Besides that, at the same time to weaken the power between them. When Watugangga became aware of himself, this backfired on the giant Narayama. Narayama died horribly because of his hate speech and fake news.</p> </div> </div> </div>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 ANALYSIS AND MARKETING EFFICIENCY OF CURLY RED CHILI IN PENEBEL VILLAGE, BATURITI DISTRICT, TABANAN REGENCY2023-03-03T15:15:12+08:00Ni Nengah Putri Adnyaninengahputri@gmail.comAgustinus<p><em>This research have tittle </em>System Analysis And Marketing Efficiency Of Curly Red Chili In Penebel Village, Baturiti District, Tabanan Regency. Important research <em>has been carried out in the village of Penebel, Baturiti District, Tabanan Regency. The population in this study are farmers who cultivate curly red chilies in Penebel Village, Baturiti District, Tabanan Regency, with a total of 252 farmers. Determination of the sample is done by simple random sampling by taking a sample of 35 people, namely 10% of the population of curly red chili farmers. The types and techniques of data collection used in this study are 1). questionnaire method, 2). interview method and 3). documentation methods. Questionnaire Method Is a data collection technique that is done by giving a set of questions to respondents to answer based on the form of the question. Interview method Is a communication process to collect information by means of direct question and answer between the researcher and the respondent. Documentation is one way to provide pictures that occur at the research site by using accurate evidence from recording sources. Analysis of the data used in the study are: 1). Shrinkage, 2). Production costs, 3). Reception, 4). Income, 5). Revenue cost ratio (R/C Ratio).</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED THEMATIC TEACHING MATERIALS BASED ON LECTORA INSPIRE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS2023-03-03T15:25:54+08:00Risda Uliya Akmalatikauliyaakmal@gmail.comYeni Eritayenierita@gmail.comMay Sri Lenamaysrilena@gmail.comNoval Yusdian<p><em>The development of teaching materials is important in current learning, in order to utilize Industrial Technology (IT) as is the case Lectora Inspire. Lectora Inspire is an effective program application in making learning media; which is software electronic learning (e-learning ) which is relatively easy to apply because it does not require an understanding of sophisticated programming languages. This research intends to develop teaching materials by presenting data based on Lectora Inspire with the CTL approach in class IV SD. This research is a Research and Development with the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Learning teaching materials that have been developed are assessed and validated by experts who are competent in their respective fields. The instrument that has been used in this study is a questionnaire. Questionnaire contains the teacher's responses and student responses to social studies learning media based on Lectora Inspire. Results: 1) The researcher has produced teaching materials for social studies learning media based on Lectora Inspire on life events for fifth grade students of SD / MI semester 2, 2) Expert assessment in material validation and media validation gets a percentage of 95% in very valid intervals, 3) the responses of fifth grade SD / MI semester 2 students on the practicality of Android-based social learning-based media obtained an evaluation percentage of 87%. This value is at a very practical interval. This research includes quantitative with the type of experimental research with pre-experimental methods. This research was conducted in elementary school. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, and class IV was chosen B as the experimental class. The results of hypothesis testing using the t-test with a significant level of a = 0.05 obtained t <sub>count </sub>= 16.83 > t <sub>table (0.05) (29) </sub>= 2.045 then reject H <sub>0</sub>. Meaning the development of teaching materials carried out by presenting data based on Lectora Inspire with the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach is highly recommended to be carried out in elementary schools. With the percentage after being given treatment = 0.77 or 77% in the effective category, for data collection material and 0.75 or 75% for data presentation material.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) EXISTENCE OF HOAX APPLICATION TASK FORCE AND TASK ON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION, INFORMATICS AND STATISTICS, DENPASAR CITY2023-03-03T15:30:59+08:00Ni Nyoman Cipta Dewininyomanciptadewi84@gmail.comI Wayan Agus<p><em>This study entitled "The Existence of Hoax Application Task Force </em><em>and Tasks on Department of Communication, Informatics and Statistics, Denpasar City” aims to collect data and find out the existence of hoax application units and tasks on Department of Communication, Informatics and Statistics, Denpasar City. This research used a qualitative descriptive research method with the subject of research by the Head of the Communication Department, the TABOO hoax application task force Department of Communication, Informatics and Statistics, Denpasar City. Data were collected using observation techniques, interview techniques, and documentation techniques. The data analysis used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that there is socialization, especially socialization given to students and the community as well as the supervision of all social media, especially the Facebook application through cyber patrols carried out by the TABOO application task force team. There are functions and ways of working for each team from the six TABOO application task forces, namely the content monitoring and verification team, the content data and analysis team, the content creation team, the content complaints team, the application development team, and the server management team. Efforts to overcome hoaxes on social media by the Task Force of hoax applications at Department of Communication, Informatics and Statistics, Denpasar City consist of 2 assessments, namely an educational and persuasive approach, and a cooperation approach. In addition, there are inhibiting factors, namely limited staff, lack of budget, density of activities and workload, low media literacy and public awareness to check and check information, limited information about hoaxes. Supporting factors for the existence of Constitution Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions</em><em>. by the TABOO application task force team</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF PASTOR INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION TO STUDENTS ABOUT THE DANGER 2023-03-03T15:35:55+08:00Astuti Wijayantiwijayanthi91@gmail.comDevi Nike<p><em>Communication is one of the most fundamental activities in human life. Interpersonal communication is commonly done between two or more people. This communication is effective if the communication is mutually open and provides positive feedback. It is emphasized how the application of interpersonal communication by the Christ Church pastor in Denpasar to students regarding the dangers of drug abuse and it requires a clear picture of the scope of this research. The conclusion of the study is that the application of pastor interpersonal communication to Students regarding the dangers of drug abuse are : (1) Pastor is very welcome to students and is willing to open counseling/services regarding students' views about the dangers of drugs. (2) In interpersonal communication, the pastor shows empathy , embraces , listens , and shows how he cares about drug abuse for students. (3) Pastors provide support to students by educating them and initiate collaborations by providing related speakers . (4) In building a positive attitude, the pastor does discussion in small or personal groups, self-control , and identity so that students are positive. (5) The attitude of equality of pastors in interpersonal communication makes them close and also tells the pastor's personal weaknesses in his youth so that they both know that everyone has problems and processes that need to be followed in order to become better. </em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) BREAKTHROUGH MODEL TO CREATE BUSINESS INNOVATION IN BALI SMES2023-03-03T15:41:50+08:00Ni Putu Maha<p>The study aims at analyzing the direct and indirect effects of green human resources management, green innovative work behavior, knowledge sharing, and business model innovation in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Bali. This research is adressing two research gaps, such as: 1) promoting GHRM as an alternative that has rarely received attention in previous research. Several previous studies have focused on emphasizing the value proposition into the business model. The focus on human values is critical as a pro-environment business model prioritizes the sustainability of relationships with fellow human beings. A pro-environment business model will be able to survive if it is supported by the simultaneous interaction of humans and the environment to achieve harmonious relationships. 2) propose and test a model of green human resources management to business model innovation, as well as to demonstrate how it leads to knowledge sharing and innovative work behaviour. There were 300 SMEs in Bali who responded. Path analysis is used in the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) equation with the help of SmartPLS. The results showed that: 1) green human resources management has a positive effect on business model innovation; 2) green human resources management has a positive effect on green innovative work behavior; 3) green human resources management has a positive effect on knowledge sharing; 4) green innovative work behavior has a positive effect on business model innovation; 5) knowledge sharing has a positive effect on business model innovation; 6) green innovative work behavior partially mediates the relationship between green human resources management and business model innovation; and 7) knowledge sharing partially mediates the relationship between green human resources management and business model innovation.</p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION STRATEGY IN GIVING SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS2023-03-03T15:50:48+08:00Ni Made Adi Novayantiadinova455@gmail.comFebriani Noviyanti<p><em>The Central Kuta Money Exchange Private Company is one of the companies engaged in</em> <em>foreign currency exchange. The Central Kuta Money Exchange Company conducts buying and</em> <em>selling foreign currencies transaction as one of the primary needs carried out by customers who</em> <em>come from abroad and domestically. In this case, the employees certainly need a strategy in</em> <em>providing services for customers to make transactions. One of the strategies used is persuasive</em> <em>communication strategy. The strategy and persuasive communication skill of the communicator</em> <em>determine whether or not the communicant succeeds to be influenced. Therefore, communicators</em> <em>were expected to have an effective strategy to realize the goals to be achieved.</em> <em>In this research entitled “Employees’ Persuasive Communication Strategies in Providing</em> <em>Services to Customers (Case Study: Private Company of Central Kuta Money Exchange)”, aimed at</em> <em>investigating how the persuasive communication strategy carried out by employees of Central Kuta</em> <em>Money Exchange Private Company in providing services to customers. This research used a</em> <em>qualitative approach, with the research subjects were employees who were directly involved with</em> <em>customers in conducting foreign exchange buying and selling transactions. </em></p> <p><em>The data were collected</em> <em>by using a questionnaire technique, that was asking questions to respondents via google form. This</em> <em>research used a qualitative descriptive analysis technique in analyzing the data. Based on the analysis</em> <em>results, it could be seen that the persuasive communication strategy carried out by employees had</em> <em>been carried out quite well. Employees realize the importance of persuasive communication</em> <em>strategies in providing services to customers. This could be proven by the results of the respondents'</em> <em>2</em> <em>answers to the questionnaires distributed based on the objective clarity indicators, persuasion targets</em> <em>and strategies used.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) COMMUNICATION AND EFFECTIVENESS INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION2023-03-03T15:54:28+08:00I Gusti Agung Laksmi<p><em>Indonesian society is a heterogeneous society in various aspects such as ethnic diversity, religion, language, customs and so on. Meanwhile, the increasingly rapid development of the world demands that humans have to interact with other parties that are headings towards a global directions, so that they no longer have boundaries, as a result of technological developments.</em> <em>Communication and culture have a reciprocal relationship. Culture becomes part of communication behavior and in turn communication also determines maintaining, developing or inheriting culture. On the one hand, communication is a mechanism for disseminating the culture norms of society, either horizontally from one society to another, or vertically from one generations to the next.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) STRATEGY THROUGH THE PROMOTION MIX IN PRODUCT MARKETING2023-03-03T15:59:55+08:00Anak Agung Gede<p><em>Intense competition in product marketing, the difficulty of building a market, the high cost of promotion, requires an appropriate strategy in informing the company's products to consumers. The form of promotion is an activity that needs to be carried out as a marketing communication activity which will be able to realize customer loyalty. The problem formulated in this study is how to determine various promotional tools (Tools Of Promotion) in the form of a promotion mix through determining the right marketing communication strategy. The conceptual foundation in this study uses several concepts related to the communication mix related to marketing communication strategies. The research method is determined using descriptive analysis through literature studies by taking references from various sources. The results of the research were analyzed through several model approaches, AIDA, Hierarchy Of Effect Model, and the DAGMAR Model approach, which are oriented towards promotion objectives. The conclusion of the study, the establishment of a communication strategy through promotional mix is an activity that is not usually avoided for product marketing</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF LEGAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR SOCIAL MEDIA DEFENSE IN INDONESIA'S POSITIVE LAW2023-03-03T16:37:41+08:00I Wayan<p><em>Along with the times, human activities are increasingly varied. One reason is the result of the development of information technology. In the past, human activities were dominated by activities using physical facilities, but in the information technology era, human activities are now dominated by technology-based equipment. This certainly has an impact on criminal law enforcement, such as crimes in cyberspace, namely defamation. This study aims to determine the legal arrangements for defamation on social media in Indonesian positive law. This research is classified as a type of literature research with a normative juridical approach. The analysis technique used is a systematic analysis technique of the applicable laws and regulations. The results of the study show that before social media existed, regulations regarding defamation were regulated in the provisions of the Criminal Code Chapters, namely Chapter 310 of the Criminal Code and Chapter 315 of the Criminal Code. But since the existence of social media or the internet, the crime of defamation is regulated in Chapter 27 paragraph 3 of the ITE Law and Chapter 45 of the ITE Law. Defamation whether carried out directly or through social media is equally a complaint offense. This means that the offense can only be processed by the police if there is a complaint from the victim. However, the defamation provisions in the ITE Law are still being questioned in society because they are seen as threatening democracy and freedom of expression. Therefore, in order not to continue to cause controversy in the implementation of the ITE Law, it is necessary to formulate a criminal law policy on defamation, in the new Draft Criminal Code.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF THE INCOME OF FREE-RANGE CHICKENS IN BANJAR, THE OFFICE OF THE SHRINKING VILLAGE IN THE SHRINKAGE DISTRICT OF BANGLI REGENCY2023-03-03T16:41:46+08:00Ni Nengah<p><em>The objectives of this study were: (1) To determine the income of domesticated chicken farmers in Banjar, the Management Office of Susut Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency; (2) to determine the R/C ratio in domestic chicken farming in Banjar, the Department of Structuring the Shrinking Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency. This research was conducted in the livestock group of Giri Arta Banjar, the Department of Arrangement of the Susut Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency. Determination of the research location is done by "purposive sampling" method. The total number of livestock farmers is 21 people. All of them were taken as respondents using the census method. The types of data collected are primary data and secondary data. Analysis of the data used is farming analysis. The results showed that the total cost incurred for domestic chicken farming was Rp. 1,495.000,00. Total Revenue of Rp. 4,000,000,00. Domestic chicken farming income is Rp. 2,505,000.00, in one production process. The result of the comparison calculation between Total Revenue and Total Cost (R/C ratio ) is 2.67. This means that the domestic chicken farm developed by the Giri Arta domestic chicken farmer group in Banjar, the Penatahan Service, Susut Village, Susust District, Bangli Regency provides benefits.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY ON ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE IN INDONESIA2023-03-03T16:47:04+08:00Mas Subagyo Eko<p><em>Law and public policy are likened to two sides of a coin that cannot be separated. Therefore, law and public policy have a role in environmental management. Such management is a basic need for all people who are physically in a changing environment, in the sense that the quality of the environment continues to decline. This condition requires the participation of the community to be something absolute in the framework of creating a healthy living environment. Thus, there is an error regarding the role of the state in environmental issues, namely viewing the role of the state solely as the delivery of information (public information), counseling, and even just a public relations tool so that these activities can run without obstacles. This study aims to analyze the law and public policy on the environment that can create environmental justice. This qualitative research method is carried out using the type of synchronization research that examines the synchronization of the upper and lower laws and regulations. The results of this study describe the role of the state in planning to evaluating environmental management as a principle of compliance to create environmental justice.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF MEALYBUGS (HEMIPTERA: PSEUDOCOCCIDAE) ON SEVERAL VARIETIES OF CASSAVA (Manihot spp) IN BULELENG REGENCY2023-03-03T16:54:14+08:00Dicky Marsadidickymarsadi14@gmail.comI Wayan Dirgayana<p><em>Abundance of Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on several varieties of cassava (Manihot spp.) in Buleleng Regency. This study was conducted with the aim of determining population abundance, diversity index, composition and similarity index of mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) that attack cassava in several varieties in Buleleng Regency. This study used a survey method starting from September 2022. The location for the research in Buleleng Regency was determined diagonally so that 5 sample units were obtained. For each sample unit, 5 plants were taken and observed purposively. On each plant, 3 leaves were taken from the top, 3 in the middle and 3 at the bottom which were attacked by mealybugs. The results showed that there were 4 species of mealybugs that attacked 5 varieties of cassava plants with an abundance of 2,142 mealybugs recorded. The species of mealybugs that attacked the Anturan, Cicih, Gadang, Kuning and Prau varieties were Phenacoccus manihoti-Ferrero, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink, Ferrisia virgata Cockerell and Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi Gimpel-Miller with a low diversity index (<1.5). The composition of mealybugs showed that there were 2 dominant species, namely P. manihoti (49%) with a population density of 4.844 individuals per leaf and P. marginatus (48%) with a population density of 4.436 individuals per leaf. the similarity index for each variety has a value ranging from 0.67 to 1.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) POLICY IMPLEMENTATION IN INCREASING REGIONAL GENUINE INCOME2023-03-03T17:03:42+08:00Andi Iqra Syamsul<p><em>The tourism sector in Indonesia is currently relied on as an alternative sector to boost the Indonesian economy because the two sectors that have been relied on so far, namely the industrial sector and the agricultural sector, tend to stagnate. In its development, the tourism sector in Indonesia faces various problems. The purpose of the research in this paper is to analyze tourism policies in increasing local revenue and the problems faced by the tourism sector and how to solve them. This study aims to analyze the Implementation of Tourism Policy in Increasing Regional Original Income. The type of research used in this study is literature rivew with data collection methods by searching for articles, mapping topics, then analyzing topics. The results of the study show that the contribution of the tourism sector in increasing regional own-source revenue is very large in the form of its contribution to the economy, foreign exchange earnings, and employment. While some of the problems faced by the tourism sector: overlapping regulations, lack of quality human resources, lack of publications, not good infrastructure, still lack of investment. Based on these problems, policies are proposed to overcome these problems, namely eliminating overlapping regulations, increasing the number of certified human resources, incentives for investors in the tourism sector, and strict law enforcement for violations that cause environmental damage. For further research, research with a more detailed object is proposed.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) IMPACT OF FARMERS BEHAVIOR IN APPLYING BIOCONVERSI BIODIVERSITY ON RICE PRODUCTIVITY (CASE IN SUBAK DAUH UMA ULU, BATUAN KALER VILLAGE, SUKAWATI DISTRICT, GIANYAR REGENCY)2023-03-03T17:09:10+08:00I Nengah Surata<p><em>Measurements in rice farming need to be carried out to determine the success of an activity such as measuring farmer behavior. Behavior consists of knowledge, attitudes and skills of farmers in measuring the use of Bioconversion biological fertilizers in paddy rice plants. This research was conducted at the location of rice farming in Subak Dauh Uma Ulu, Batuan Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. The population is 44 farmers. The research sample was 18 respondent farmers. The aims of this study were (1) to analyze the knowledge of farmers in applying Bioconversion Biological Fertilizers to the productivity of paddy rice in Subak Dauh Uma Ulu, Batuan Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency; (2) analyzing the attitude of farmers in applying bioconversion biofertilizers to the productivity of paddy rice in Subak Dauh Uma Ulu, Batuan Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency; (3) analyzing the skills of farmers in applying Bioconversion Biofertilizers to the productivity of paddy rice in Subak Dauh Uma Ulu, Batuan Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. The results showed that (1) farmers' knowledge in applying bioconversion biofertilizers can increase the productivity of paddy rice in Subak Dauh Uma Ulu, Batuan Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency; (2) the attitude of farmers in applying bio-fertilizers Bioconversion can increase the productivity of paddy rice in Subak Dauh Uma Ulu, Batuan Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency; (3) farmers' skills in applying bioconversion biofertilizers can increase the productivity of paddy rice in Subak Dauh Uma Ulu, Batuan Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency. Suggestions that can be given are (1) it is necessary to provide more in-depth knowledge of the application of biological fertilizers such as organic fertilizers that can stimulate root growth, organic fertilizers will be more resistant to pests and diseases, and the need to conduct farming analysis of organic fertilizers to save fertilization costs; (2) the attitudes of farmers who need to be given counseling include the application of biological fertilizers that are more resistant to pests and diseases, and can save farming costs; (3) farmers' skills that need to be improved in the field need to store fertilizer in a dry place and avoid sunlight, dosage, dilution, time of application and administration.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF STEM-CP-BASED DIGITAL MODULE DEVELOPMENT IN FLIPPED LEARNING TO IMPROVE THE INDEPENDENT LEARNING OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITAS NEGERI PADANG2023-03-03T17:14:40+08:00Atika Ulya Akmal Kiswanto Erita<p><em>This research is motivated by the development of STEM-based digital modules for elementary school teacher education students that are suitable for use in increasing learning independence. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using STEM-based digital modules on the learning independence of elementary school teacher education students. This research is an experimental research. The number of samples used in this study were 60 people. This study uses a self-learning questionnaire which is analyzed by calculating the normality test, homogeneity test, T test, influence test between variables and N-Gain calculations. The results of the study stated that T count > T table, namely 4.18> 1, 69 so that it is stated that the use of STEM-based digital modules has an effect on increasing student learning independence. The implications of this research can be used as a basis for increasing student learning independence.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) CLASS LEARNING SYSTEM AS A STRATEGY TO CREATE EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT2023-03-03T17:51:56+08:00I Wayan<p><em>One of the causes of low learning outcomes is the boredom factor of students while studying. Satisfactory results are not necessarily achieved with different learning methods and the comfort of the study space. This suggests that there must be other factors in favor of both elements. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of classroom management with a moving class learning system. The approach used in this study is qualitative. Data was collected through a literature review of indexed scientific articles and books related to the problem discussed. The results showed that the learning system with a moving class model is one of the effective solutions in implementing classroom management because it has a positive impact, among others. It can improve discipline, learning motivation, learning outcomes, independence, responsibility, and student learning satisfaction. The right strategy is needed in the management of moving classes which includes: (1) management of student movement; (2) management of teaching and learning rooms; (3) administrative management of teachers and students; (4) remedial and enrichment management; and (5) assessment management. It is recommended that schools that will run this system already have a mature planning, organization, and evaluation system so that the implementation of moving classes can run well and smoothly.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) Video Based on Wondershare Filmora Can Improve Integrated Thematic Learning in Elementary School2023-03-04T09:45:48+08:00Yeni Ulya<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>This research is motivated by the lack of use of interesting and fun animated video learning media for students, especially in technology-based media and during the learning process students are less active in the learning process using animated videos. There is still little development of technology-based learning media because teachers are only guided by theme books, MRT books, and other supporting books as sources as well as learning media, occasionally teachers show videos from YouTube. This study aims to develop instructional media in the form of animated videos using Wondershare Filmora in integrated thematic learning in class V Elementary Schools that are valid, practical and effective.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the research developed, obtained the results of the validity level of learning media in integrated thematic learning with a total validation of 91% in the very valid category. Furthermore, the results of practicality trials of learning media in integrated thematic learning are stated to be very practical. Where the teacher's response questionnaire scored 90.6% in the very practical category and 45 student response questionnaires in three schools scored 86% in the very practical category. Then the results of the effectiveness of learning media in the form of animated videos using Wondershare Filmora in integrated thematic learning were stated to be very effective. This can be seen from the evaluation results of students in three schools obtaining a score of 80.7% in the very effective category</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR CHILD WELFARE INSTITUTIONS, THE DECREE OF MINISTER OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS NUMBER 30/HUK/2011 2023-03-04T09:54:57+08:00Gede Made Dananda Paramartha Susilagede.made.danan@yayasanbalibersih.orgNi Putu Gita Saraswati Palgunadigita@yayasanbalibersih.orgRodney Westerlaken<p><em>This study examines the implementation of the National Standards for Child Welfare Institutions in Denpasar, Bali, as laid out in the decree of the Minister of Social Affairs number 30/HUK/2011. The aim of the National Standard is sustainable childcare as part of a sustainable society. The research method used is an empirical juridical research method with a statute approach, factual approach, and conceptual approach. This study is descriptive in nature and is obtained from data sources consisting of primary and secondary data. Literature has been reviewed and has been supplemented with priorly taken interviews with sources determined through a purposive sampling technique with a qualitative analysis model. The result of this study indicates that even though the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs No.30/HUK/2011 stipulates that Child Welfare Institutions are supposed to help children by empowering and facilitating the child's family without separating the child and parents, the Child Welfare Institutions in Denpasar still accept many children who are neither parentless nor abandoned by their families. Child Welfare Institutions in Denpasar accept children entrusted to them for economic reasons or poverty. This ultimately results in the non-fulfillment of children's rights, particularly the right to have a family. Given such circumstances, it can be concluded that Child Welfare Institutions in Denpasar haven't implemented the National Standard on Child Welfare Institutions of 2011. </em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) THE VALUES OF TRI KAYA PARISUDHA IN SHAPING THE PROFILE OF PANCASILA STUDENTS2023-03-04T09:58:50+08:00I Wayan Eka Santikaekasantika56@gmail.comDelvita Putri Lero<p><em>Education is not only to shape students to be intelligent but must be balanced with a good personality (good behavior) in accordance with what is mandated by Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system. Therefore the output of our education results is a balance between knowledge, skills and attitudes. This balance refers to the formation of a national character that is in accordance with Pancasila values. Character education must be the basis for realizing a complete Indonesian human being with indicators of being an intelligent citizen but also virtuous, moral and Indonesian-minded. Policy on education, culture, research and technology regarding the implementation of an independent curriculum, stipulates how education must integrate existing local values, of course, in helping to realize character education and the profile of Pancasila. Strengthening national character can be done by embedding and re-emphasizing how to strengthen the actualization of local wisdom values in the world of education and learning in schools. This research was descriptive qualitative with literature studies in an effort to provide ideas about the importance of Balinese local wisdom values in education to strengthen national character and the profile of Pancasila students. One of the universal local wisdoms that can be used as a basis for character education is Tri Kaya Parisudha (thinking, saying, and doing what is good and right). By strengthening the values of Tri Kaya Parisudha at various levels of education, it is hoped that they will be able to form smart citizens and good citizenship who do not give up the values of Balinese society and are in accordance with the Pancasila student profile.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) VERSUS WEST: HOW TOURISM EFFECT HOUSING COMPOUND IN PENGLIPURAN2023-03-04T10:04:17+08:00Ayu Putu Utari Parthami Ratna Witari Gede Gandhi Silantara<p><em>This particular traditional Village located in Bangli Regency has been known since the 1960s as a popular tourist attraction. Its neat traditional settlements with uniform entrances, cool air, and vehicle-free village roads so that pedestrians are able to explore the village are some of the ideas offered there. This village is also an ancient village called Bali Aga, with architectural differences from traditional Balinese architecture in Denpasar, Kuta, or other places. The fame of the village was then accompanied by the presence of tourism with the lure of increasing income. Consequently, the architecture of Penglipuran Village as well as other places in Bali also adjusts. Some of the changes that have occurred are the addition of tourism support facilities such as souvenir stalls, or food vendors. Even though there are some restrictions on the spaces in Penglipuran, such as on the west side of the village, the front of the house is left a little just for entrance because it is cut off by the Merajan. It is interesting to know how strong the tourism insistence on these limitations is. Research is carried out with field studies, observations, and literature studies. Mainly compare the west side of the village with the east side and see if it is true that the west side is not affected by changes. At the end of the research, it was discovered that the previous hypothesis was not quite right. Research finds that both the west side and the east side, have undergone changes. Tourism that enters the village can increase the fighting power and creativity of residents beyond the limitations of the remaining space</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c)“TRIWIDA” JAVA LITERATURE COMMUNITY (Sociological Exploration of Local-Based Indonesian Literary Community) 2023-03-04T10:09:01+08:00Pana Shoim<p><em>The contemporary history of the literary community is ongoing history. The perpetrators and witnesses of history are generally still alive. East Java as the largest population province on Java Island has various literary communities that have become part of the history of Indonesian literature. The history of the literary community in East Java needs to be put forward so that the flow of literary history is not dominated by information from the center of Indonesia (Jakarta). Of the various literary communities in East Java, there are Javanese-based literary communities, commonly known as Javanese literary communities. They are Sanggar Triwida (Tulungagung), Sanggar Pamarsudi Sastra Jawi (Bojonegoro), Paguyuban Pengarang Sastra Jawa Surabaya/PPSJS (Surabaya). The present research focused on one of the Javanese literary communities, namely Sanggar Triwida (Tulungagung). It is due to the fact that this community has many members, not only in Tulungagung but also in several regencies in East Java. This research is expected to be useful for exploring materials for Local-based Indonesian Literary History and Sociology of Literature courses. This qualitative research, which is under the umbrella of sociocultural studies, aims to obtain an in-depth description of the organization, the social status of the members, the work of the members, and contributions to aspects of literacy in society. </em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c)’S PERFORMANCE AND SERVANT LEADERSHIP AT DEMPASAR NATIONAL TECHOLOGY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 2023-03-04T10:12:50+08:00Ni Wayan Parwati<p>SMK Teknologi Nasional Denpasar is the only business and technology-based schools in Denpasar. In order to actualize the Vision and Mission of the SMK Teknologi Nasional Denpasar as a vocational school which preparing a competent workforce, leaders who can provide services becomes primary demand. This study aimed at determining the implementation of servant leadership principal at the SMK Teknologi Nasional Denpasar. The data in this study were collected throughout literature study and direct observation. The data analysis technique was carried out by reducing, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The implementation of the servant leadership of the principal at the SMK Teknologi Nasional Denpasar has been carried out, but was several problems remain occurred. It was happened because the principal had to teach with tight schedule, so that he had not been able to optimally carry out his duties as a principal, in carrying out the leadership of the are always try to serve well, be sincere, humble, persuasive, embrace subordinates, empower other parties, so that school goals can be achieved. Those services were provided to teachers, employees, students and the community.serviceable principal of the SMK Teknologi Nasional Denpasar. The main principle to implement leadership of serviceable.</p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) GOVERNANCE IN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION POLICY IMPLEMENTATION: LITERATURE REVIEW ANALYSIS2023-03-04T10:16:53+08:00Siti Hidayahsitihidayah347@gmail.comFatmawati<p><em>Collaboration has become a major force for the Government to overcome policy problems that occur, the collaboration in question</em><em>is collaborative governance that needs to be made in accordance with concrete goals, especially on public transportation issues. The presence of a public transportation program is able to have a positive impact on the environment and the surrounding community. The concept of governance in transportation studies aims because of the diversity in the dimensions or interpretation of governance which is appropriate when applied to the transportation sector and can observe its progress by following its development starting from the manufacturing process. So that in its implementation it is necessary to cooperate between different organizations but have the same sectoral boundaries. This study aims to determine the conditions of collaboration governance and obstacles in the implementation of policies related to public transportation. The data source used in this research comes from a collection of various scientific journals. The method used in the analysis of this research is to use the literature review method. The results of this study indicate that collaborative governance in implementing public transportation policies is very important and needed in the operation of a program, so that the Government involves several stakeholder sectors, especially in the private sector according to the capabilities and positions needed. This is done so that the program being run can operate properly in accordance with the initial objectives that have been discussed together. However, the collaboration process is not so easy, there are obstacles such as difficulties in accessing the system and less than optimal communication.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) EFFECT OF CONTEXTUAL LEARNING MODEL ON FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS’ LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT AND SCIENCE PROCESS SKILL AT GUGUS IV BATURITI TABANAN2023-03-04T11:44:11+08:00I Putu Edy<p><em>The purpose of this study is to describe the difference between science process skill and science learning achievement between the students joining the contextual teaching and learning model and the students joining conventional learning model of the students of Elementary School. This research used the Posttest-only Control Group Design. The population of this study was the fourth grade students of Elementary School Cluster IV Baturiti. The sample of 91 students was taken by using random sampling technique. There were two kinds of instruments namely observation sheet and achievement test. The data obtained were analyzed using Manova. The result of this research indicates: First, the process skill of students joining the contextual teaching and learning model is better than those joining conventional learning model. Second, the learning achievement of students joining a contextual teaching and learning model is better than those joining a conventional learning model. Third, there is the influence of the implementation of contextual teaching and learning model on process skill and students’ learning achievement simultaneously.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF THE 8th SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL IN THE BALI PROVINCE2023-03-04T11:55:19+08:00Samuel Fery Purbasamu003@brin.go.idMentari Wahyuningsi<p><em>The concept of sustainable development is able to unite economic, social and environmental dimensions without sacrificing any of these dimensions. The eighth sustainable development goal are an indicator for inclusive and sustainable economic growth, as well as dignified, productive, and comprehensive work. The goal of this study was to examine the correlation between the conditions of the eighth sustainable development goal indicator and the Bali province's sustainable development index (SDI). This quantitative research uses secondary data obtained from BPS and The Ministry of Finance for the 2017-2021 period, which is analyzed using the panel data regression method. Annual data on indicators or variables such as per capita GRDP growth rate, unemployment rate, labor force participation rate, own-source revenue growth rate, MSMEs growth rate, and sustainable development index in Bali Province. The results of this study indicate that the eighth sustainable development goal indicators have no positive and insignificant effect on the sustainable development index in the Province of Bali. Bali's sustainable development index did not meet the indicator for the eighth Sustainable Development Goal. The new sustainable development policy must be properly implemented by The Bali Provincial Government in order to achieve economic development that is not only on a macro scale but also on a small and medium scale that works smoothly and is sustainable. The government must provide a documented and associated index value in sustainable development that serves as an indicator of a development's future viability. </em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) CULTIVATION POTENTIAL OF INTERCROPPING CORN WITH IMMATURE PLANTS IN COCONUT PLANTATIONS OF ASAHAN REGENCY2023-03-04T12:03:32+08:00Deddy Wahyudin Noer<p><em>The demand for raw corn materials for the food industry in Indonesia, which</em><em> r</em><em>each</em><em>ed</em><em> around 1.2 million tons in 2021, can only be fulfilled by a domestic supply of 7,000 tons. In 2022, it is anticipated that the demand for corn in the food industry will rise to between 1.5</em><em>-</em><em>1.6 million tons. </em><em>Corn </em><em>production </em><em>can be</em><em> increase</em><em>d by</em> <em>e</em><em>mploying technological advancements and using immature coconut plantation land. One of the strategies to extend the corn planting field is to cultivate corn on expanding coconut plantations. The development of planting corn on plantation land</em> <em>as a high-potential intercrop, particularly in immature coconut areas, is carried out to improve the nation's deficient corn production. The decision and implementation of coconut replanting have significant potential for corn production. Three-year-old immature coconut plants can be used to cultivate corn.</em> <em>The development of corn plants in coconut plantations continues to increase</em><em>.</em> <em>T</em><em>he area of coconut plantations in Asahan Regency rose from 22,293.11 ha in 2020 to 23,260.86 ha</em><em> in 2021</em><em>. Therefore, the cultivation of corn in the coconut plantation </em><em>field </em><em>might meet the Ministry of Agriculture's estimated corn requirement of 1,6 million tons. </em><em>The findings show that </em><em>Intercropping corn with coconuts increases yields by 80 % to monoculture corn. </em><em>In addition, </em><em>corn demands </em><em>can be supported by e</em><em>fforts to cultivate corn in coconut plantation areas using shade-tolerant corn VUB technology, enhancing soil fertility by </em><em>restoration</em><em>, organic fertilizers, and NPK fertilizer.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) EDUCATION BASED ON ICT IN THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ERA 4.02023-03-04T12:12:15+08:00Putu Ronny Angga Mahendraputuronny87@gmail.comAriance Rambu Bangi Roni<p><em>The education sector is one of the main keys in improving the quality of the nation's quality. In this era of globalization, improving the quality of human resources becomes a priority in the parameters of a nation's progress. The development of the education system continues to be perfected by not eliminating the wisdom of our character as a great and dignified nation. This is an era where artificial intelligence and the internet of think have produced various derivative products. This change has brought us to the condition of a global, paradoxical society and information society. In facing the challenges of the digital era, of course, getting all the support from all levels of society. Education should be managed democratically by looking at developments, challenges and all the opportunities that arise, so that democratic education education in this industrial revolution era is a must and no longer waits for our readiness.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) EFFECT OF JOB SATISFACTION AND WORK MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN TELKOMSEL AUTHORIZED PARTNERS (TAP) IN INDRAGIRI HULU, INDRAGIRI HILIR AND KUANTAN SINGINGI2023-03-04T12:20:12+08:00Yenny Iskandar yennyiskandar44@gmail.comAmri Amir yennyiskandar44@gmail.comEdwardyennyiskandar44@gmail.comZulfina<p><em>Development today 's technology already change on the basis of analog technology to digital, which has an effect to development technology in the field telecommunication throughout Indonesia marked with very competition strict between provider service mobile, no only using media access physical (wireline) will but also has develop to the use of non- physical media (wireless) as access for get explanation with easy when only and where just . About there are 5 GMS operators in Indonesia , viz Terkomsel (TSEL), Indosat (ISAT), Excelcomindo (XL), Hutchison (THREE ) and Axis.</em></p> <p><em>This research was conducted at </em><em>Telkomsel Authorized Partners (Tap) in Indragiri Hulu, Indragiri Hilir and Kuantan Singingi </em><em>. </em><em>The research objective is to determine the </em><em>effect Satisfaction Work and Motivation Work On Employee Performance at Telkomsel Authorized Partners (Tap) in Indragiri Hulu, Indragiri Hilir and Kuantan Singingi </em><em>, either simultaneously or partially </em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>The method used in this research is </em><em>method Quantitative </em><em>, </em><em>namely </em><em>by taking </em><em>the data collected in study ie main data and supporting data . Main data obtained with method researcher spread questionnaire through the requesting google form HDR help PT. Telkomsel which then links the questionnaire continued to employee . And supporting data obtained from the Company in the form of sourced quantitative data from report performance employees and web pages as well other . </em><em>The analysis technique used in this study is</em><em> a analysis multiple linear regression and its testing with using the SPSS program. And results study show that Satisfaction Work and Motivation Work take effect positive on Employee Performance .</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) OF PINEAPPLE FARMING BASED ON DEPENDENCE LOGIC IN TANI TUNAS MAKMUR COOPERATIVE AS A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT EFFORT2023-03-04T12:32:42+08:00Welly<p><em> KPI RU II Production of Sungai Pakning has a Community Empowerment-based Peat Village program. This program has one sub-program, namely integrated pineapple farming. The focus of this program is to increase pineapple cultivation which is able to provide high economic value. The integrated pineapple farming program began in 2017 under the name of the Tunas Makmur Farmers Cooperative. The purpose of this program is to analyze the dependency logic-based management of pineapple farming in the Tunas Makmur Farmer Cooperative as a sustainable development effort. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The location of this research is in Kampung Jawa Hamlet, Sungai Pakning Village, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province. the technique of informants using purposive and data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using Miles and Huberman. And the technique of checking the validity of the data uses triangulation and extension of participation. The results of this study are that the management of pineapple farming based on dependency logic can improve sustainable development in agriculture and the environment. This means that the management of pineapple based on this dependency logic can be found in two elements, namely: 1). Community elements consisting of the Tunas Makmur Farmers Cooperative and CSR PT KPI RU II Pakning River Production. 2). The communication element formed is horizontal (sideways) communication. With this formula, it will strengthen the Tunas Makmur Farmers Cooperative in managing pineapples (fresh fruit, derivative products, and pineapple waste).</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) EFFECTIVENESS OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ LEARNING MOTIVATION AT SMP DWIJENDRA DENPASAR2023-03-04T14:01:09+08:00I Made Sutikamadesutika61@gmail.comI Made Astra Winayaastrawinayadwijendra@gmail.comIda Ayu Putu Sri Mas<p>The realization shows that the students’ learning motivation can be considered as low which has been caused by students’ boredom, the presentation of material is less interesting, and they lead to students’ learning achievement. One of teacher efforts to improve students’ motivation is the implementation of effective non-verbal communication in learning process. This research aims at analyzing the effectiveness and correlation between non-verbal communication and students’ learning motivation at SMP Dwijendra Denpasar. This research implemented show-ball sampling non discriminative exponential; the data collection has been started from minor to major data. The first subject gave relevant reference until the data were met in total of 71 sample. Technique of data collection implemented was questionnaire. The result of descriptive analysis of the questionnaire of the implementation of non-verbal communication can be categorized as effective and fairly motivated. The effectiveness or correlation of non-verbal communication towards learning motivation was analyzed product moment (r) test with confident interval amounted of 95% or significance level amounted of 0,05 using SPSS 25. r<sub> count </sub> = 0.840 and sig. value = 0,00 < alpha =0,05. It can be concluded that non-verbal communication was effective and correlated to improve students’ learning motivation at SMP Dwijendra Denpasar. This research contributes the statement on teacher’s ability in implementing non-verbal communication effectively can improve students’ learning motivation.</p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTATION OF PUNISHMENT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE ON HUMAN RIGHTS2023-03-04T14:09:40+08:00I Gede Sujana dalungsujana@gmail.comI Putu Bagus Mustika<p><em>Punishment is a formal reaction by the state to the perpetrators of crimes through a judicial process in which the form and severity of the verdict is given based on the decision of the court's power in accordance with the law. It aims at building awareness to avoid deviance; not through creating fear of punishment, nor pressure from certain parties. Yet, through creating feelings of guilt or anxiety as they have committed certain actions.</em></p> <p><em>Punishment is regulated in the Criminal Code. Furthermore, the implemented punishment should be considering the protection on human rights. The concept of humanistic punishment can be defined as punishment that respects the human rights of each individual. In this case, the context of humanizing humans in giving punishment should consider the value of justice without abolishing people’s rights despite the fact that they have committed infringements. The consideration in imposing punishment should concern on the aspect whether the punishment is still humanist, and does not degrade the dignity of a person as a human being.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) HOUSE FRONT FENCE HIGH RELATIONSHIP ON ROOM LIGHTING2023-03-05T21:35:37+08:00Putu Gde Ery Suardanaerysuardana@gmail.comI Ketut<p>Simple Residential House Developers usually build in a typical manner; both size, shape and size. Room lighting is given in the form of windows, the area is also typical. So that when determining the height of the front yard fence, many problems arise regarding the requirements for the amount of light that enters the room. Lack of room lighting can cause bad consequences such as; eye fatigue, mental fatigue, sore eyes, eye damage etc. To overcome this, it is necessary to study the requirements for the amount of lighting in the room on the influence of the height of the front fence. This study was carried out in the form of measurements/observations in housing "X" in Denpasar. The study was carried out by studying the literature which required rules for the angle of interference in room lighting in residential homes. Then the data obtained was analyzed by linear regression, making it easier for each owner or occupant of the simple house to estimate the height of the walls. Determination of the height of the fence according to the function of the room against the planned disturbance angle. The result is for a jamming angle of 18°. The Y value as the height of the fence is 0.325X-0.014, for a disturbance angle of 24°, the Y value is 0.445X-0.0005, for a disturbance angle of 30° the value of Y is as high as 0.577X-0.0005, for a disturbance angle of 37.5° the value Y is 0.767X-0.0009 and the disturbance angle is 45° as high as the distance between the fence and the wall of the room (X = distance from the fence to the wall of the room).</p> <p>It can be concluded that by applying this linear regression formula, the height of the front fence of the house can meet the room lighting requirements. It is recommended that residents of simple houses who want to build a front fence apply this simple linear regression formula.</p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF BALI'S INDIGENOUS RHIZOBACTERIAL AS PGPR IN SOYBEAN PLANTS2023-03-05T21:39:27+08:00Ni Made Intan<p><em>Soybean is a strategic commodity with very high demand with huge variations and high value of processed products ranging from feed, food, energy, and industrial raw material. This study was done to determine potential use of Bali’s indigenous rhizobacterial to promote growth and increase the yield of soybean under the greenhouse experiment. Five isolates of Bali’s indigenous rhizobacterial namely FN1, FN2, FL3, FL4, and FL5 were tested for their effectiveness to promote the growth and increase the yield of soybean. Treatments with isolates of Bali’s indigenous rhizobacterial significantly improved the growth of soybean, in which the plant height, diameter of stem, the fresh and dry weight of shoot, the fresh and dry weight of root, content of chlorophyll in the leaf, and the number of nodule significantly (p<0.05) higher on treated plants when compared to control. These treatments were also significantly increased the yield. The number of pod per plant, the weight of pod per plant and content of protein in the seed of treated plants were significantly higher than that of control. Molecular identification based on 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that FN1 and FL5 isolate were similar to Kleibsiella pneumonia with the similarity level at 98%. FN2 isolate was similar to Kleibsiellavariicolawith the similarity level at 99%, FL3 isolate was similar to Proteus mirabilis with the similarity level at 100%, and FL4 isolate was similar to Providenciarettgeri with the similarity level at 99%. These Bali’s indigenous rhizobacteria may be further developed as plant growth-promoting agents to increase the yield andprotein content of soybean. </em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF THE RADEC MODEL TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SCIENTIFIC ATTITUDE FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS2023-03-05T21:43:00+08:00Dewi<p><em>The purpose of this study was to find the relevance of the experimental method and the teacher's efforts in applying the experimental method to increasing students' scientific attitudes in elementary schools. This type of research is library research. The process of collecting data is by tracing and examining previous research journals, theses and books that are relevant to the research variables. The results of the research show that: (1) The application of the experimental method can improve students' scientific attitudes. This is indicated by changes in students' scientific attitudes after using the experimental method in the learning process, namely an increase in student enthusiasm, a sense of self-confidence, courage in expressing opinions during the learning process, (2) The teacher's efforts while applying the experimental method so that students' scientific attitudes occur are by providing opportunities for students to be able to learn actively and carry out fun learning and encourage students to be able to carry out an experiment by directly involving the students themselves, so that the activity and scientific attitudes of students can increase</em><em>.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 WIKIPEDIA AS AN EFFORT TO PRESERVE AND MAINTAIN BALINESE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE2023-03-05T21:48:14+08:00I Gusti Ayu Putu Istri<p><em>Balinese language is a typical language of Balinese spoken in both oral and written communication. The development of the era causes the degradation of the use and the knowledge of Balinese language and culture. Moreover, some terms in Balinese language and culture are rarely carried out and start to be forgotten; so that the current generations do not know those terms. As the follow-up to an issue, the government of Bali with the visions and missions of Nangun Sat Kerti Loka Bali emphasizes one of its visions namely, preserving Balinese language and culture in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Balinese Wikipedia is one of the efforts to preserve Balinese Language and Culture in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Balinese Wikipedia is a significant breakthrough made by students, language experts and academicians to lift Balinese language in the same degree as Bahasa Indonesia, English, and other languages. The theory used in this study was the Sociolinguistic theory, namely the preservation of a language. Data were collected by using the literature and interview method with note-taking technique. The data were analysed using the matching method. The results show that Balinese Wikipedia is an effort to preserve the use of Balinese Language and Culture. Balinese Wikipedia does not only contain knowledge about Balinese Language and Culture, but people can write and share knowledge about Balinese Language and Culture. Balinese Wikipedia is able to lift of Balinese language to English and other foreign languages.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 COFFEE SHOP CUSTOMER SATISFACTION2023-03-05T21:54:40+08:00Dwi Purnomokencanaindustama@gmail.comWachdijonowadiono1113@gmail.comAkhmad Jaeronironikumis@gmail.comCristine N. Ferrertca_elia@yahoo.comNelia Fariani<p><em>A company whose customers are dissatisfied and not immediately responded to, the company will go bankrupt. This is because consumers who are not satisfied have the potential to leave and then switch their purchases to other companies. Therefore, efforts are needed to build consumer satisfaction so that the existence of the company does not go bankrupt. This study aims to build coffee shop customer satisfaction and is carried out in May-October 2022. The research design uses a quantitative descriptive survey method. The research population is coffee shop consumers in Cirebon City, West Java Province, whose number is not limited. For this reason, the technique for determining the number of samples is based on a loading factor of 0.5 so that the number of samples is set at 120 respondents. Data analysis used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) instrument with the AMOS application. The results showed that the highest loading factor value was on the "satisfied" indicator, which was 0.84 and was used as the main guideline for building consumer satisfaction, which included efforts: 1) fast service, 2) availability of various brewing equipment, 3) room concept that instagrammable, 4) welcoming waiters or baristas, 5) online marketing, 6) application-based services, 7) drive-thru facilities, 8) customer loyalty program innovation, 8) product innovation, 9) branding technology, 10) meeting room, and 11) always pay serious attention to the marketing mix (7 P). It is suggested to coffee shop managers in Cirebon City to seriously increase their attention to the "satisfied" indicator and their efforts to build customer satisfaction. It is suggested to other researchers conduct further research on coffee shop consumer preferences in efforts to build consumer satisfaction to develop knowledge that is more useful theoretically and practically.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 MIXING IN BALINESE CONVERSATION IN TRADITIONAL MARKETS2023-03-05T21:58:46+08:00I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Bagus Gde Nova<p><em>Nowadays people have acquired more than one language. As in Bali, Balinese people speak Balinese, Indonesian, and also English. This bilingual ability causes the phenomenon of code mixing. This study aims to analyze code mixing found in conversations of seller and buyer in some traditional markets in Denpasar, Bali as well as the language function involved. The base language used in the conversation is Bali, but there are Indonesian and English codes mixed in the utterances. This study is qualitative research that collected the data by using observation methods with recording and note-taking techniques. The data analyzed by using theory of code mixing from Muysken (2000) and theory of language function from Jacobson (1966). The result shows that the code mixing appears in terms of words and phrases, which can be categorized as insertion, alternation or congruent lexicalization. The utterances also have some language function, such as referential, conative and metalingual. Conative is the dominant function used because the utterances are about transaction between the seller and buyer, therefore the interlocutor's response is matter.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 LEGALITY OF THE PEACE LETTER FORMED AS THE BASIS OF SP3 (LETTER OF DISMISSAL INVESTIGATION)2023-03-05T22:01:48+08:00I Made Wahyu Chandra<p><em>Every single crime action that has been done would have negative consequences in the form of misbalancing of the positive or natural human life. To return it back to the positive life. It needs a responsibility action from the crime accusers. In fact, the society prefers to choose to have done the case through a peace action by a kinship spirit, between the crime perpetrators and the victims. Based on the background above, so the subject of the problem in this study are: 1) How is the legal basis of SP3 (Letter of Dismissal Investigation) spending in the Denpasar Police? 2) How is the legality of peace letter used as a legal basis of SP3 (Letter of Dismissal Investigation) expenditure by the police in Denpasar Police. The kind of research used in this study is empirical research. 1) The data used is a result of reviewing the state of the situation and condition, and the real facts directly by using an empirical juridical approach that reviews the problem that happened. It is reviewed from the legal view by doing a research which emphasizes on the empirical characteristics that are real field studies. 2) The primary data source was gotten from real situation in Denpasar Police (Denpasar Regional Police). 3) The processing and analyzing data in this study was done qualitatively, where the data that was obtained by the researcher from the library and real situation was processed qualitatively, then as the result, the researcher served by descriptive analytical. The legal basis of SP3 (Letter of Dismissal Investigation) expenditure in Denpasar Police at the investigation level, that is in article 1 point 2, article 7 section (1) letter I, article 109 section (2) KUHAP (Criminal Code Procedures).Police Report Number: LP/1168/VII/2016/Bali/Resta Dps on August 15 th 2016.The result of the title case on October 4 th 2016. The Assessment Letter ofDenpasar Regional Police Chief on October 4 th 2016 about the dismissal of the investigation. The legality of peace letters used as a legal basis of SP3 expenditure by the police of Polresta Denpasar are: Having an absolute legal force, the effort to appeal and cassation is closed, having a strength execution. Article 130 of HIR regulates that peace certificates have a force and will be done as a normal judges' decision and against the ruling, it cannot be asked for appealing. In other words, again the peace agreement that has set down on the final judgment. There are nojudicial remedies that can be done for that.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 IN THE SETTLEMENT OF MINDFUL CRIMINAL ACTIONS WHAT TEENAGERS DO2023-03-05T22:04:33+08:00Ni Made Liana<p><em>Dispute resolution by mediation is currently restricted to civil disputes only. This is due to the view that the dispute is not detrimental to society in general. In Indonesia, there are several disputes that can be resolved by mediation, namely disputes in banking, consumer, labor and court disputes. The existence of alternative dispute resolution is expected to emphasize the number of cases that are increasingly accumulating in the courts and can provide a sense of justice for the community. The occurrence of disputes between the parties, giving the option of each party to choose how to solve the problem. Each party may vote by court or outside the court. In general, dispute resolution through courts is based on initiatives from either party. While the settlement of disputes outside the court can only be pursued by the parties based on the agreement of the parties, in other words there is good faith from each side. Based on the above matters the authors choose the title of this thesis mediation in the settlement of minor crimes by adolescents. The type of research used in the writing of this thesis is normative juridical which solves the problem by using the legal approach contained in the Legislation and examining the problem of children who commit crimes. From the results of the discussion it was concluded that the mediation as the settlement of crime has been regulated in the Criminal Code Article 363 and Law Number 11 Year 2012 on the Criminal Justice System of the Child, Article 22, namely criminal and criminal act, namely prison , confinement, fine and supervision and action, To the parent or State and the legal consequences if the offense of persecution settled through mediation is a peaceful settlement essentially an agreement which the parties deemed to be good from all other ways. It is well-regarded to mean that although the road of agreement to resolve this dispute must be made with a willingness to sacrifice, then the exposure is judged to be at least reasonable and minimal financing, if compared with the settlement through litigation.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 LAW POLICIES IN OVERCOMING CYBER CRIME IN INDONESIA2023-03-05T22:08:04+08:00Syahranuddin, SH.,M.Hshsyahranuddin@gmail.comSuci Ramadani, SH.,<p><em>The globalization of information technology that has changed the world into the cyber era by means of the internet which presents cyberspace with its virtual reality offers humans various hopes and conveniences. However, behind that, a problem arises in the form of a crime called cyber crime, this crime knows no boundaries (borderless) and the time of occurrence because victims and perpetrators are often in different countries. Cyber crime can be carried out through the computer network system itself which is the target and the computer itself which is the means for committing crimes. The rapid development of information technology must be anticipated by the law that regulates it. These negative impacts must be anticipated and mitigated by laws related to the use of information and communication technology. Based on the background of these problems to conduct research on the Criminal Law Policy in Combating cyber crime in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to find out the criminal law policy through the Criminal Code approach to tackling cyber crime in Indonesia and to know the criminal law policy through the ITE Law to tackle cyber crime in Indonesia and to know the enforcement of cyber crime law in Indonesia penal and non penal. This research is normative juridical in nature as the main approach, bearing in mind that the discussion is based on laws and legal principles that apply to the problem of cyber crime.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 EDUCATION AND THE ROLE OF MAHENDRADATTA UNIVERSITY2023-03-05T22:11:00+08:00Putri<p><em>Continuing education is a term that usually used to provide education for adult students, in upgrading their knowledge in a particular field of study and therefore it can be in the form of a certificate or degree programs. The certificate programs which is combined with a transfer credit system is becoming more relevance for adult students who work. After 59 years of participating in providing education for adult learner, Unmar has many experiences in providing programs through distance education mode, including the experience of the credit transfer system. Unmar has 4 faculties that provide programs in degree programs and therefore Unmar already developed printed course materials about 400 for a regular students. These printed course materials can be utilized by other programs that has about similar curriculum. Besides for utilizing the course materials the continuing program should be so designed that courses in this program can be transfer to a degree program. A certificate continuing education programs should be appropriate designed to meet not only the competency required for that program but also that the courses taken by students could be tranfers for a degree program. From the operational point of view of Unmar system the continuing education program could be attached in Unmar system without many difficulties as long as the courses of the program will be regarded as a different course although it uses the same course material.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 STUDENTS’ POETRY WRITING SKILLS USING PENANA AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA2023-03-05T22:18:15+08:00Resyi A. Sri<p><em>Interactive learning environment allows students to control their own pace of learning using audiovisual media, follow a coherent, controlled sequence, and reinforce user responses as quickly and as often as possible </em><em>. You can improve your poetry writing skills. The study was conducted on 25 November 2022 with a total of 24 researchers from two VA PGSD FKIP UNPAK class subjects. 23 males, 23 females, 2021/2022 one year. The researchers processed the results using descriptive statistics. The following summary is based on Banana's research on the evaluation of poetry writing using audiovisual media . Writing a poem in a good Android-based Pena app earns 57 points for a good measure, while publishing a poem in an Android-based Pena app earns 52 points for a good measure. Summary results of the evaluation of the use of banana audiovisual media in poetry writing skills for indicators Relevance of material The standard followed by 100% of the students was very good. The length of the audio-visual poem is 100% based on the allotted time (up to 30 minutes) so the benchmarks are very good. Audiovisual Beauty and Banana poetry are rated 75%, which is very good quality. The results showed that 90% of the poems published on social media were received. Very good standards.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 OF CACAO FARMING METHOD OF TOP GRAFTING IN WIJA AMERTA FARMING GROUP IN ANGKAH VILLAGE, SELEMADEG BARAT DISTRICT, TABANAN REGENCY2023-04-10T14:05:16+08:00Ni Putu Fajar Kartika Anglila Indriani Putri Ayu Arya<p><em>Cocoa is one of the potential export commodities because processed cocoa products can be used as the main ingredient for the cocoa powder (chocolate) manufacturing industry. The objectives of conducting research are: 1. Describe the production process of cocoa top grafting in the Wija Amerta Farmer Group, Angkah Village, Selemadeg Barat District, Tabanan Regency. 2. Analyzing costs, receipts and income of cocoa farming in the Wija Amerta Farmer Group, Angkah Village, Selemadeg Barat District, Tabanan Regency. 3. Analyze the feasibility of cocoa in the Wija Amerta Farmer Group, Angkah Village, Selemadeg Barat Subdistrict, Tabanan Regency. Research results show that cocoa farming with top grafting production techniques shows that the grafting process at the Wija Amerta Farmers Group in Angkah Village, Selemadeg Barat Sub-District, Tabanan Regency is carried out by grafting local cocoa with superior cocoa entries. Cocoa farming costs IDR 5,423,000, revenues IDR 20,025,000 and cocoa farming income IDR 14,602,000 in the Wija Amerta Farmer Group, Angkah Village, Selemadeg Barat Sub-District, Tabanan Regency. The feasibility of cocoa in the Wija Amerta Farmer Group in Angkah Village, Selemadeg Barat District, Tabanan Regency is known to have an R/C ratio of 3.7.</em></p>2023-03-01T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023