• I Ketut Gunarsa Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Tekonologi Indonesia
Keywords: Interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication pattern, employee performance, performance management


The development of creative industries in this case the production house in Bali there is increasingly growing. A lot of competition both companies and individuals are make the competition in this business. This is an indication that shows a promising new business opportunity began to emerge and evolve as the development of information technology. But on the other side of this great opportunities and competition are so rapidly causing the negative side as well as bad price competition, poor quality, creative business management arrangements that do not have a good standard quality, and various other negative impacts. In this study, the researcher chose one of the object of research named CV. Primetime Bali that a Production house to be a pilot project as a place of creative business that has standardization and management that has been arranged well enough through the implementation of companys standard procedure  and regular communication patterns to support the operations of this company. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The study focused on the subject of "interpersonal communication patterns applied in improving employee performance in CV. Primetime Bali. In the analysis the researcher uses data analysis by measuring interpersonal communication patterns applied with performance benchmarks produced. The result of analysis shows that the interpersonal communication pattern applied is very capable to create an improvement of work performance of employees. Even this pattern can lead to other positive impacts such as a sense of togetherness and create an atmosphere like the family itself for employees who certainly create a more harmonious working atmosphere.


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