• Ida Ayu Novita Yogan Dewi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia dan Daerah, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: novel, sociology of literature


The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) the structure of the novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini; (2) social problems contained in the novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini; (3) the background to the creation of the novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini. This study uses a sociological approach to literature. The form of the research is descriptie qualitative in which the data collected will be in the form of words in sentences that have more meaning than numbers or numbers that aim to describe or describe what is the problem, analyze it, and interpret existing data. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling, which is to take data based on the interests of researchers who can represent aspects of literary sociology in the novel Kenanga. Data sources used, namely: (1) documents; (2) informant. Data collection techniques applied, namely: (1) reviewing documents or archives (content analysis); (2) interview; and (3) recording. Validity test is done by using triangulation techniques. Triangulation is checking the truth by obtaining the data from different parties or sources, in this study using theory and source triangulation. Data analysis technique used is the flow analysis technique (flow model of analysis) which moves in the three components of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of data analysis it can be concluded as follows: (1) the structure of the novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini includes themes, figures and characterizations, settings, perspectives, and mandates, (2) social conflicts contained in the Kenanga novel are inter-personal conflicts, conflicts due to marriage caste differences, and conflicts between characters and adat or masangkakat. The social conflict contained in the novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini is a conflict that arises because of love, ideology, and rebellion against the caste system and patriarchal customs in Balinese society. Related to the conflict contained in the novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini, it is a description of the social life of the Balinese people, the social context of the author, community reflection, and the influence of the life of the author in his work; (3) The factors underlying the authors writing the Kenanga Novel are the author's dreams as a teenager, personal experience of the author's life, and the discrepancy of the author's thoughts with the caste system and patriarchal customs of Balinese society.


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