Pancasila as a philosophy of national life will certainly affect every dimension of life in Indonesia. Similarly, in terms of the implementation of leadership in Indonesia. Pancasila will be able to provide a form that distinguishes its conception of leadership compared to other ideologies or ideologies in the world. This if combined and harmonized with teachings as local wisdom contained in Indonesian society would certainly further strengthen the existence of Pancasila. There is a lot of local understanding that can be used, one of which is the conception of Tri HIta Karana (three causes of happiness) which is a goal of a Pancasila leadership. Leadership is a process of influencing, setting an example, in achieving a goal set in a style and art that is different from one another. In Hinduism, the concept of Tri HIta Karana will be able to guide the strengthening of the Pancasila leadership. The Tri Hita Karana concept which consists of Parahyangan, Palemahan and Pawongan will be able to make leaders able to account for their performance, create harmonious relationships, so as to be able to provide positive and beneficial feedback for the community or group they lead.
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