• Jellyn Trissiana Program Studi Magister Teknik Sistem Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Suhanan Program Studi Magister Teknik Sistem Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Wahyu Wilopo Program Studi Magister Teknik Sistem Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: Ecotourism, Renewable Energy, MPH


One of the optimal efforts to utilize local resources is to develop tourism with the concept of ecotourism. Conceptually, ecotourism can be defined as a concept of sustainable tourism development that aims to support efforts to preserve the environment (natural and cultural) and increase community participation in management, thus providing economic benefits to the local community. Sumberwangi Waterfall is sourced from the Bagong River located in Tirtomarto Village, Ampelgading District, Malang Regency, based on the results of a direct survey that has a fall height of 14.5 m and instantaneous discharge of 1.2 m3 / s. The survey results show that the second waterfall of Sumberwangi Waterfall has the potential to be developed into a Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) to support the ecotourism concept infrastructure which is still not electrified. This study discusses the potential for the development of PLTMH which includes the potential for water discharge, determination of intake, determination of height, potential of generated power and economic calculation of NPV (Net Present Value), BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio), BEP (Break Event Point), and IRR (Internal Rate Return). From the results of the analysis, the potential for reliable discharge used for PLTMH is 2.5 m3 / s. The effective head is 15 meters which produces a power potential of 97.02 kW with an overall efficiency of 60%. The investment value needed for the construction of PLTMH is Rp 2,815,988,036.40 Net Present Value in this PLTMH project is RSp 2,371,737,752.66 with an effective service life of 20 years. The BEP achieved in the construction of this PLTMH for 6.51 years with an interest rate of 6%. Based on the project evaluation parameter values, the NPV and IRR values ​​greater than 0 (zero), BCR> 1 and BEP are below the economic life of the project.


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