• Riri Apriliani Prodi Linguistik Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Cover,, Tempo Magazine,, Semiotics.


Tempo is a news magazine that presents along with illustrated images on the cover. This is quite
interesting because it contains elements of criticism. It is not everyone can comprehend its meaning on
it because someone's understanding is different. Tempo Magazine is one of the printing presses that
uses illustrated images in delivering news to readers. Symbols and signs at illustrated image contains
some meanings that are intentionally conveyed. The purpose of the study was to find out how the
meaning of the symbols contained in the cover of Tempo magazine, and the relationship between the
meaning of the symbols and the text. This research used descriptive qualitative method which was
done by describing the facts followed by the analysis. Data were analyzed using Barthes' connotation
and denotation theory. The object of the research was the cover of Tempo Magazine on October 21,
2019, "Abah Masuk Istana". The results showed that the data markers and punctuation data appeared
on the cover of Tempo magazine have different meanings. It was depending on the phenomenon that
was happening. The meaning of the symbols and the text contained on the cover of Tempo magazine
are related to one another.


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